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I have to wonder.


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I have to wonder how many players have battle chat turned off. I see way too many players ignoring chat and ignoring quick commands that really need to be responded to. Even if it is a warning, they are about to get their ship sunk. Then, when you look at these players, you see that most of them are not very good at the game. I do not understand why people play an MMO PVP game and refuse to be part of the MMO. Why not just play a single-player game? Maybe if they took the time to listen to better players, they would learn something.....




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5 hours ago, 3LUE said:

I have to wonder how many players have battle chat turned off. I see way too many players ignoring chat and ignoring quick commands that really need to be responded to. Even if it is a warning, they are about to get their ship sunk. Then, when you look at these players, you see that most of them are not very good at the game. I do not understand why people play an MMO PVP game and refuse to be part of the MMO. Why not just play a single-player game? Maybe if they took the time to listen to better players, they would learn something.....




I have thought about it and done it a few times.

There are times where the Toxic DEAD guys and the people who think they can tell every single player how to play the game just makes it torture to play this game many times.

Troll, kiddies, just plain attention seekers.

All of them.

It makes trying to use the chat for its purpose impossible.

Nothing like having the potato who died in the first 5 seconds flood the chat with insults and telling the RED team how good he WOULD have been if they had " Support "

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15 minutes ago, 3LUE said:

Why not just play a single-player game?

Because they don't make world of warships in single player mode. 

You look at this game as people need to work together, get better, have what some consider respectable results.

Lots of people look at it as a video game that has zero bearing on the real world, and use it to amuse themselves how they see fit regardless of others feelings on the matter. 

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1 hour ago, 3LUE said:

I have to wonder how many players have battle chat turned off.

I don't know.
I tend to merely leave chat turned-on and block the chat of individual players who behave in a manner that I feel warrants a chat-block.

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I still can't understand why there are msgs between opposing teams.  There is nothing the other team says that will help my team win.  Because there is communication with the opposing team there is chatter taking up attention and msg space and thus chat msgs become nearly worthless.  Most quick commands are worthless.  For instance, the I need AA, smoke, or intelligence doesn't help anyone.  Of course you need those things.  What's important is to know who is about to use smoke or help with AA.  A more useful quick command would be 'I'm detected'.

1 hour ago, 3LUE said:

Maybe if they took the time to listen to better players, they would learn something.....

There is no way to tell who is a better player during the game.

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1 hour ago, 3LUE said:

I have to wonder how many players have battle chat turned off. I see way too many players ignoring chat and ignoring quick commands that really need to be responded to. Even if it is a warning, they are about to get their ship sunk. Then, when you look at these players, you see that most of them are not very good at the game. I do not understand why people play an MMO PVP game and refuse to be part of the MMO. Why not just play a single-player game? Maybe if they took the time to listen to better players, they would learn something.....




I have mine turned off because I got sick of the infantile behavior. And the advice you say the better players try to give not so good players usually comes off as insults and whining like children in my experience. Definitely a better gaming experience for me when I don't have to be distracted by chat.

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2 hours ago, 3LUE said:

why people play an MMO PVP game and refuse to be part of the MMO. Why not just play a single-player game?

Well, WoWS is free and has great replay value, much more than any single player game. For starter there are very few games of this theme and type, and to my knowledge none that can provide 1000+ hours of free warship entertainment.

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Well, WoWS is free and has great replay value, much more than any single player game. For starter there are very few games of this theme and type, and to my knowledge none that can provide 1000+ hours of free warship entertainment.

Then maybe they should stick to co-op? 

Edited by 3LUE
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33 minutes ago, 3LUE said:

Then maybe they should stick to co-op? 

Why? you get more challenging bots and better rewards in Randoms

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the two colonels have it nailed.


and we are reaping what d. bags have sown.

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Most of the time when I receive instructions/advice from other players, either through chat or quick commands, I ignore it because it’s either 1) what I intended to do anyways, or 2) just plain bad advice and not worth listening to.

Some people need to spend more time playing their ship and less trying to impart their “wisdom” onto others.

Edited by Nevermore135
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At the end of the day, it's a video game. As others have mentioned there are a lot a buttholes who like to spread their misery in the chat and I am very liberal with the block option. I do read chat while playing but doesn't surprise me that people have it turned off altogether.

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4 hours ago, 3LUE said:

I have to wonder how many players have battle chat turned off.

Many players turn chat off because of threats (perceived or actual) involving violence in any form .  Or, Toxic chat where several of us had to report offenders but, left the game and took the penalty doing so.....  It was that bad.

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4 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I don't know.
I tend to merely leave chat turned-on and block the chat of individual players who behave in a manner that I feel warrants a chat-block.


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I assume we're talking about PVP modes here.

Chat is COOP is generally quiet, if for no other reason than if you spend too much time typing in chat, you're missing out on exploiting the feeding frenzy cap_rambo_small.gif.8de176d0f6a1b0a6f065ee9268691e48.gif

What chat there is in PVE modes is generally good natured. So when someone is a twat it's no big deal to block them and leave the chat on.


However ... I recall a post from the old forums, however, which I think has bearing on the subject. I can't recall who it was, so credit to the unknown sailor, but that player said that he turned chat off because it broke immersion for him. His point was that much of what was going on in Randoms chat was just inappropriate for the scenario of naval combat.

To each their own.



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Tbh I don't see these new players sailing around randomly in their Tirpitz being offered useful advice. Just flame. Of course some will turn it off or ignore it habitually. 

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From experience, those that need to be told what needs to be done are very unlikely to listen anyway.

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6 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

I still can't understand why there are msgs between opposing teams.  There is nothing the other team says that will help my team win.  Because there is communication with the opposing team there is chatter taking up attention and msg space and thus chat msgs become nearly worthless.  Most quick commands are worthless.  For instance, the I need AA, smoke, or intelligence doesn't help anyone.  Of course you need those things.  What's important is to know who is about to use smoke or help with AA.  A more useful quick command would be 'I'm detected'.

It's an online video game. How many non battle-royale PvP games can you think of that do not allow for chat between all players? Only WoT comes to mind. Banter and communication between everyone in the lobby has been a staple of online gaming pretty much since it's inception. 

Random battles is a fun mode, not some ultra try hard competitive mode (and all modern competitive games have an all chat anyways.) 80% of chat communication I see is pointless. Should we just delete the chat altogether? 

If a chat message occupying a fraction of your screen distracts from your gameplay, you have bigger issues. 

All the commands you've listed are semi valuable at minimum and I use them somewhat frequently. AA for requesting fighters, smoke for smoke, and intelligence data for radar/hydro/sub surveillance. 

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10 hours ago, 3LUE said:

I have to wonder how many players have battle chat turned off. I see way too many players ignoring chat and ignoring quick commands that really need to be responded to. Even if it is a warning, they are about to get their ship sunk. Then, when you look at these players, you see that most of them are not very good at the game. I do not understand why people play an MMO PVP game and refuse to be part of the MMO. Why not just play a single-player game? Maybe if they took the time to listen to better players, they would learn something.....




Looking at the state of the players playing T10 I would say the majority of the player base never even glance at the Minimap during the game, which is one of the most important sources of information in this game. So, the fact they don't read chat doesn't surprise me.

I come to terms with most of the players in this game have Zero interest in getting better at it, playing as a team, playing tha actual objective or winning for that matter, they just want to sail ships around, and apparently Coop doesnt "do it" for them. We're beating a dead horse at this point.

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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

 never even glance at the Minimap during the game

The WHAT?! lol kidding

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7 hours ago, SoshiSone said:
12 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I don't know.
I tend to merely leave chat turned-on and block the chat of individual players who behave in a manner that I feel warrants a chat-block.



11 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

Well, WoWS is free and has great replay value, much more than any single player game. For starter there are very few games of this theme and type, and to my knowledge none that can provide 1000+ hours of free warship entertainment.


10 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

Why? you get more challenging bots and better rewards in Randoms


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3 hours ago, Unlooky said:

It's an online video game. How many non battle-royale PvP games can you think of that do not allow for chat between all players? Only WoT comes to mind. Banter and communication between everyone in the lobby has been a staple of online gaming pretty much since it's inception. 

Random battles is a fun mode, not some ultra try hard competitive mode (and all modern competitive games have an all chat anyways.) 80% of chat communication I see is pointless. Should we just delete the chat altogether? 

If a chat message occupying a fraction of your screen distracts from your gameplay, you have bigger issues. 

I wasn't aware that the player chat was a legacy feature of online games.   Personally, I'm not affected by the chat box msgs. and so I don't have issues however, there is a big issue trying to get players to play better.  I'm suggesting the chat box, as currently designed, is not helping players get better.

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12 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

I still can't understand why there are msgs between opposing teams.  There is nothing the other team says that will help my team win.  Because there is communication with the opposing team there is chatter taking up attention and msg space and thus chat msgs become nearly worthless.  Most quick commands are worthless.  For instance, the I need AA, smoke, or intelligence doesn't help anyone.  Of course you need those things.  What's important is to know who is about to use smoke or help with AA.  A more useful quick command would be 'I'm detected'.


I've been known to exchange playful banter with the opposing team and/or to discuss things not relevant to the battle we're in at the time.
For me, figuring out the humorous references that some people use in their in-game names is amusing and entertaining. 
And that's merely one example.

 @Snargfargle's "Chat Funnies" topic is full of humorous battle-chat excerpts and/or battle-chat that highlights controversial in-game phenomena.


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15 hours ago, 3LUE said:

I do not understand why people play an MMO PVP game and refuse to be part of the MMO.

Have you *met* the typical players in this game?!

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17 minutes ago, Verblonde said:

Have you *met* the typical players in this game?!


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