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We've always had at least one dog in the house, currently our Finnigan is our lonely chap


Sadly we lost his buddy Oscar a couple of months ago, he was a venerable old man but had his weaknesses... his bread bin raids were legendary.


His buddy was Milo, and he took the long trek about 3 years ago


Milo was perhaps the most outrageously photogenic dog we've ever had, he was a little OCD though. The slightest change in the furniture layout of the house caused him to get very agitated.

It may seem sad for me to talk about all of these pets who have passed, but I celebrate their lives and the fact that they enriched my life and I hope I enriched theirs. They were, and are, all good boys.


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My Wife and I welcomed Ferrets into our home a little over 5 years ago.
We follow a few facebook pages devoted to Ferrets.
I have learned a lot about "The Rainbow Bridge" as a part of our journey. 
Sometimes it overwhelms me, shedding tears for the cute and brave companions whose pictures are shared with love during the happy times and the mourning times.

Our ferrets' names are "Thor", "Loki", "Freya" and "Lady Sif".

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