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While watching Twitch streams I've noticed if the streamer is playing a CV they do a drop while on the way to the enemy.

Say they're using torp bombers, they'll drop a set of torps just as they pass allied ships and way before they even spot the enemy.

What is the reason for this?

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14 minutes ago, Capt_Kremenski said:

While watching Twitch streams I've noticed if the streamer is playing a CV they do a drop while on the way to the enemy.

Say they're using torp bombers, they'll drop a set of torps just as they pass allied ships and way before they even spot the enemy.

What is the reason for this?

Tge first flight is usually just for scouting. By dropping several times on the way, they minimize the amount of planes that will be shot down 

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1 hour ago, Capt_Kremenski said:

While watching Twitch streams I've noticed if the streamer is playing a CV they do a drop while on the way to the enemy.

Say they're using torp bombers, they'll drop a set of torps just as they pass allied ships and way before they even spot the enemy.

What is the reason for this?

The practice of "pre-dropping" is intended to conserve/preserve planes.

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Legit question.  Just an example of how current CV play is not working correctly.  of course, you would never randomly drop ordinance in that fashion.  It is done to minimize the number of planes lost, since the mechanic is to have only a few planes in the sortie actually attack the target, while the rest apparently loiter in the AA bubble to no effect.  Pretty damn silly when you think about it.  So the current player response is to drop ordinance shortly after take-off, and have THOSE planes return before they are shot down without providing any benefit, and let only a few planes actually attack the target.

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It’s a tactic to preserve planes by reducing the amount of time planes are inside an AA bubble while not participating in an attack run. Basically, the idea is that you take only as many planes into the run (especially if you are flying into overlapping AA) as you need to soak up enough damage to get off the first attack, the assumption being that any planes in addition to the attacking flight that would be left over would be shot down before you have a chance to line up for another attack or leave the AA bubble.

WG used to charge CV players repair costs for planes lost, so this tactic had economic benefits as well. This is no longer the case, though, since WG changed it a while back so that players are charged for air-dropped ordnance expended instead.

Edited by Nevermore135
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3 hours ago, meatgrindr said:

 It is done to minimize the number of planes lost, since the mechanic is to have only a few planes in the sortie actually attack the target, while the rest apparently loiter in the AA bubble to no effect.

even the loitering planes can be lost to AA while others are on the attack.

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10 hours ago, Capt_Kremenski said:

Thanks for the replies guys 🙂

That explains it nicely and makes a lot of sense.

Rest covrered it well.  A few additional tactical considerations.

On some CVs, all planes attack (just one run).  You won't be seeing these CV captains pre drop.  Well, one time many moons ago I switched CVs and forgot...kinda funny pre dropping your entire squadron.

There are some CVs where you hedge.  I play Bearn a lot.  It is a significant DD killer.  It gets 4 passes with the skip bombs.  So I'll look for the DD outside AA coverage, and give them four passes.  It's not beneficial to pre-drop in this intance.  On the other hand, If the DDs stay under AA umbrellas, I'll pre drop one or two, and make one run.

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