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RNGesus and questions about other behind the scenes shenanigans


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This is my first question how does torpedo spotting, if it says 700M what it means is?, ok i understand a ship on screen is depicted as twice as big as everything else, that is a battleship is not around 200 to 300 meters or 600 to 900 feet but twice as big making it look like 400 to 600 meters, 

that's fine but if I first see torpedoes at a third - half or two thirds of the length of my ship that means i saw it at BEST - Best a two hundred to four hundred meters not 700 meters.  Ok ship twice as big as real-world scale so is it the same for torpedoes meaning measuring by ship torpedo's appear four times closer that is 700 meters is not longer then my ship but a third to two thirds my ships length.

am i missing something, some combo that reduces torpedo detection to 400 to 200 meters some stealth torpedo, and i am not talking about from smoke screens launch, do i have to see the warship, see the warship launch the torpedoes, does it have some kind of launch stealth before the detection triggers, that is if it's at a thousand meters it gets a mulligan of 400 meters before i can detect torpedoes  

the simple fact is i am tired of torpedoes popping out of nowhere as if by magic, i know captain skills to increase detection range but if they won't follow their own rules what does a 15 percent increase in detection matter if at base i can't see them over 400 meters a range that leaves me nothing to do but pray.


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14 minutes ago, kriegerfaust said:

This is my first question how does torpedo spotting, if it says 700M what it means is?, ok i understand a ship on screen is depicted as twice as big as everything else, that is a battleship is not around 200 to 300 meters or 600 to 900 feet but twice as big making it look like 400 to 600 meters, 

that's fine but if I first see torpedoes at a third - half or two thirds of the length of my ship that means i saw it at BEST - Best a two hundred to four hundred meters not 700 meters.  Ok ship twice as big as real-world scale so is it the same for torpedoes meaning measuring by ship torpedo's appear four times closer that is 700 meters is not longer then my ship but a third to two thirds my ships length.

am i missing something, some combo that reduces torpedo detection to 400 to 200 meters some stealth torpedo, and i am not talking about from smoke screens launch, do i have to see the warship, see the warship launch the torpedoes, does it have some kind of launch stealth before the detection triggers, that is if it's at a thousand meters it gets a mulligan of 400 meters before i can detect torpedoes  

the simple fact is i am tired of torpedoes popping out of nowhere as if by magic, i know captain skills to increase detection range but if they won't follow their own rules what does a 15 percent increase in detection matter if at base i can't see them over 400 meters a range that leaves me nothing to do but pray.


Torpedos have their own detection range.  It differs for every ship and type of torpedo that ship loads out. None have as small detection ranges as you are talking about. Shima 20k toros can be detected at 2.7k while some deep water torps aren’t detected untill .08 or closer.  

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The range scale applied to torpedoes (both range and spotting) is the same as that applied to guns, the minimap, etc.

Each ship’s torpedo type has a different, set detection range. There is no RNG involved.

Edited by Nevermore135
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There's also the captain skills and equipment that change the numbers somewhat. The torps, once spotted by anyone, should be visible from that point on (unfortunately not on the minimap though), but the warning sound starts a few seconds only before they are within impact range.

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Torpedoes pretty much have some hard and fast rules to them.  For example, as @Admiral_Karasusays, once they are spotted, they are spotted for the duration.  Now, if a DD runs your flank and there are no other ships between you and the ship that launched, the fixed game rules of detection kick in.  You then have a set time to react, but you should also be very aware of that type of situation in the first place - of a possible torpedo attack by a flanking ship. Teamwork also helps greatly with the detection of torpedoes based on the map position of their ships in relation to the torpedo path.

Have a look at Torpedoes - Global wiki. Wargaming.net since it has a pretty good summary/description of possible tactics.

Also see Torpedo Data - Global wiki. Wargaming.net where you can see all the key information on torpedo damage and detection range.

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

The torps, once spotted by anyone, should be visible from that point on (unfortunately not on the minimap though), but the warning sound starts a few seconds only before they are within impact range.

This is a key issue, OP: the torps might've been spotted, but if you're distracted and not looking at where they're coming from you might not even notice them, as the indicators (and the sound) begin only when they're fairly close.

However, I'm pretty sure this is a fixed distance, irrespective of the intrinsic spotting distance of those torps. A partial exception is deepwater torps, which won't show or make a sound if you're safe from them (you're in a DD or, in the case of Asashio torps, a cruiser as well).

Here you can see the standard spotting distances of almost every torpedo in the game. Some ships can choose between various options, this only shows the last one. By "standard" I mean without Vigilance, hydro or Torpedo Lookout System.

And yes, the stealthiest torps in the game belong to...the Khabarovsk!

Edited by tocqueville8
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13 minutes ago, tocqueville8 said:

And yes, the stealthiest torps in the game belong to...the Khabarovsk!

It's not often I see 'stealth' and 'Khabarovsk' mentioned in the same sentence.

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but the warning sound starts a few seconds only before they are within impact range, what does detection mean does 600M mean when they hit that range the beep starts, second does detection measure the distance to the closest torpedo or the furthest torpedo, because there have been situations where if i was using my ship as a yard stick the distance to the closest torpedo would be 200-300 meters not 600 or 500, many time and not all of these were deep water, 

so i ask what the minimum range is outside of smoke a torpedo will be detected and how is distance depicted in world of Warship, and yes many of the times i was looking right in the direction the torpedoes appeared and if a battleship is no more than 300 real world meters 600 game meters they appeared at around 400 to 300 as in if i flipped my ship around the closest torpedo would be inside my ship two thirds to half the length of my ship.

what i am asking for is distance in world of warship reliable, and is detection range honestly measure from the closest torpedo to my ship and if so what point, my bridge, the furthest point or aft or forward of my ship, if the bridge that could easily be another 300m meaning torpedo's would be 300 to 400 meters from the aft or forward most point of the ship meaning they might as well be invisible.

Simply put the if torpedo detection is a measurement of the closest torpedo to any point of my ship then it is a work of fiction, how many of us have been looking right in the direction that torpedoes appear only to have the first angry wake and red arrow appear closer than a fraction the length of our ship which even with the two to one size depiction of WOW should be impossible.

The fact is simple they cant all be deep water torpedoes, do cruiser and battleship have a different real detection range that is shorter, and again i have been looking right at the where they appear before they appear so no i am not looking around and seeing them all of a sudden when they had in fact been detected for a few second.

on the other hand i have walked into or even more often backed into torpedoes when it was clearly my fault, or just been going so fast i had no way of getting out of the way of the torpedoes, but there are many times, i am looking right and to the rear, a full spread of torpedoes appear that are 400-300 maybe even less appear, i have no don't the second or third row might me at the mythic 600-700 or more detection range but if my ship is 600 meters the front row is way to close to only just be appearing

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37 minutes ago, kriegerfaust said:

but the warning sound starts a few seconds only before they are within impact range, what does detection mean does 600M mean when they hit that range the beep starts, second does detection measure the distance to the closest torpedo or the furthest torpedo, because there have been situations where if i was using my ship as a yard stick the distance to the closest torpedo would be 200-300 meters not 600 or 500, many time and not all of these were deep water, 

so i ask what the minimum range is outside of smoke a torpedo will be detected and how is distance depicted in world of Warship, and yes many of the times i was looking right in the direction the torpedoes appeared and if a battleship is no more than 300 real world meters 600 game meters they appeared at around 400 to 300 as in if i flipped my ship around the closest torpedo would be inside my ship two thirds to half the length of my ship.

what i am asking for is distance in world of warship reliable, and is detection range honestly measure from the closest torpedo to my ship and if so what point, my bridge, the furthest point or aft or forward of my ship, if the bridge that could easily be another 300m meaning torpedo's would be 300 to 400 meters from the aft or forward most point of the ship meaning they might as well be invisible.

Simply put the if torpedo detection is a measurement of the closest torpedo to any point of my ship then it is a work of fiction, how many of us have been looking right in the direction that torpedoes appear only to have the first angry wake and red arrow appear closer than a fraction the length of our ship which even with the two to one size depiction of WOW should be impossible.

The fact is simple they cant all be deep water torpedoes, do cruiser and battleship have a different real detection range that is shorter, and again i have been looking right at the where they appear before they appear so no i am not looking around and seeing them all of a sudden when they had in fact been detected for a few second.

on the other hand i have walked into or even more often backed into torpedoes when it was clearly my fault, or just been going so fast i had no way of getting out of the way of the torpedoes, but there are many times, i am looking right and to the rear, a full spread of torpedoes appear that are 400-300 maybe even less appear, i have no don't the second or third row might me at the mythic 600-700 or more detection range but if my ship is 600 meters the front row is way to close to only just be appearing

You need to post a replay. As you explain it you’re not making much sense. If your waiting to take evasive actions only when you hear the warning, your need to work on your situational awareness. I’m thinking you are push far ahead of your teammates and are the first to see the swarm of torpedos headed your way. 
Look up videos on spotting mechanics.  You’ll learn more there than reading here. 

Edited by Type_93
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1 hour ago, kriegerfaust said:

what i am asking for is distance in world of warship reliable, and is detection range honestly measure from the closest torpedo to my ship and if so what point, my bridge, the furthest point or aft or forward of my ship, if the bridge that could easily be another 300m meaning torpedo's would be 300 to 400 meters from the aft or forward most point of the ship meaning they might as well be invisible.

Yes, it's reliable, perhapse turning your alt interface on permanetly will give you a better idea as it will display the range of ships as well as the distance you're reticle is pointed at when zoomed in. The range out is determined from the center of your ship.

1 hour ago, kriegerfaust said:

Simply put the if torpedo detection is a measurement of the closest torpedo to any point of my ship then it is a work of fiction, how many of us have been looking right in the direction that torpedoes appear only to have the first angry wake and red arrow appear closer than a fraction the length of our ship which even with the two to one size depiction of WOW should be impossible.

Well, the length of your ship can be longer than some torps detection in this game as you've stated and if you're asking for realism in this game, you're playing the wrong game.

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Yes, it's reliable, perhapse turning your alt interface on permanetly will give you a better idea as it will display the range of ships as well as the distance you're reticle is pointed at when zoomed in. The range out is determined from the center of your ship

Well, the length of your ship can be longer than some torps detection in this game as you've stated and if you're asking for realism in this game, you're playing the wrong game.

thank you hog, well that's depressing i am sorry but if my ship can be longer then the detection of torpedoes then don't let me detect them just tell me why i got hurt/died after it happens, i mean really make my ship true length so i at least have some idea of what is going on, as depressing as it is in a small way its nice to know how it works but given torp speed and range its almost worthless in a certain percent of situations, but is nice that all you came out to answer my question which would have been answered faster if i had been more precise in how i asked it, now to figure out how to deal with such a broken system, i mean imagine on being able to a hear a shot inside lethal range in a game, oh well thanks again

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How reliable is visible gauging of distances in a game that distorts the scale of everything, including the ship models themselves? To me it seems the only reliable measurement is the time, not the distance itself.

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8 hours ago, AkiraKurai said:

Well, the length of your ship can be longer...

This could be important: the detection distance is likely measured between the torp and the center of the ship, not the point of the hull closest to it. If that's true, a hypothetical, particularly stealthy torp might hit your bow/stern without ever being spotted. At the very least, the effective spotting distance would be lower than what is stated.

Edited by tocqueville8
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