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Weekend Spree - 13-15 October 2023

Ensign Cthulhu

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Polished off naval battles and this week's iteration of that funny tokens campaign that gives the RU cruiser at its end (ETA: "Voyage to the North Pole").

Finished the Dockyard and now have to decide whether to spend the money on the ship. Still got two weeks to decide that, so no pressure.

210,000 ECXP lies between me and a 21 point Spanish captain. I've never been more tempted to spam Community Tokens (of which I have 69,000 and change) at supercontainers to see if I can finish it with Elite Commander XP drops. But I know it's better to do it the slow way, and even the slow way it's going to be easy to do it by the end of the year, which had been my intention. Nine days until I get the monthly double SC drop, and I shall see what that brings. I literally want a double drop of ECXP from that more than I want a ship right now.

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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just do some operations with any ships you have 21pt commanders already, so it will then all go into the ECXP pool.


if you have the bonus things to put on your ship\s 210k ECXP is 7 to 10 operation runs or so.

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4 minutes ago, b101uk said:

just do some operations with any ships you have 21pt commanders already,

I am totally disillusioned on operations. Too many people in random teams don't know what they're doing and can't follow basic instructions to finish as winners. Too risky to use bonuses on. 

I'd go to Randoms, but I was on call this weekend and I don't want to load up mega bonuses if I might have to walk away from it two minutes into the battle. Next weekend's IRL stuff isn't looking good right now either, but we shall see. 


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Participated in Naval Battles.  Scored 19 stars.

Viewed Twitch streams of @Lord_Zath and @Ensign Cthulhu.
Scored an in-game mission from Lord_Zath's stream rewards.
Upon completion of the mission, I welcomed Commander Cybermedes (3 skill points, US Navy compatible).

Played some Star Trek Online and learned they changed how the "frequency remodulators" are implemented.
The patch was/is somewhat weirdly & inconsistently implemented, though.

Watched a Samurai category movie on youtube.

"Full movie | Hanzo: The Razor(starring: Hiroki Matsukata) | action movie"


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Didn't have a whole lot of time to play WoWS, but did manage to light up the second bulb on the navigator signal.

Most of Saturday was spent viewing/photographing the annular eclipse:


(this is what annularity looks like, commonly called a "ring of fire.")

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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I am totally disillusioned on operations. Too many people in random teams don't know what they're doing and can't follow basic instructions to finish as winners. Too risky to use bonuses on. 

I'd go to Randoms, but I was on call this weekend and I don't want to load up mega bonuses if I might have to walk away from it two minutes into the battle. Next weekend's IRL stuff isn't looking good right now either, but we shall see.

We just played six RO's in a Division of Six.  We didn't seem to have any issues with RO's....???   Nor, losing.  Get bored and contact me and division with us.  We know what we are doing and play every imaginable tier and types of ships...  I just did a tier 7/8 DD of six nations.  Oh, we found a Tirpitz exploit in Ultimate frontier !  A "secondary 'safe spot'" that is fun to watch that Tirpitz simply eat ships when they come in all lines up....

Other than tearing scar tissue in my right calf carrying a crate of Ammunition up a cellar stairs, had a great weekend and we played RO's all three nights !


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10 hours ago, Mono_De_Mantequilla said:

You know what sucks?  When a carrier (Serov) can get new strikes onto me (Exeter) faster than my Priority Sector resets.  🙈

At least I sank him right as the battle ended...

20231015_195607_PBSC505-Exeter_13_OC_new_dawn.wowsreplay 2.29 MB · 0 downloads

I hear all these people screaming about how RU battleships and carriers are OP, and I shake my head in frustration because they are the two lines in which I most comprehensively suck! 🤣 

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I don’t play any of the rework carriers in Randoms, I just cannot get the hang of aiming right.  It was a sad day for me when WG took away the RTS carriers.

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