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Potential Commonwealth CV Line Ideas


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I was putting together a Commonwealth CV line idea after I had posted my Commonwealth DD line.

The general gist would be a line of support CVs that offered fleet air and sub defense, through use of the Bearn like fighter consumables and anti-sub dedicated capabilities. As I have been pondering the right way to go about this, the USN support CV line has been announced which is also offering Bearn like fighter consumables (side note: WG taking some of my last Discord advice seriously, never say they never listen)...

So, that leaves only anti-sub capabilities as a potential differentiator for a Commonwealth line. As research, I have been digging into the Canadian and Australian navy experience with CVs for inspiration.



As I peruse this information and start to figure out specific ship and plane characteristics...I would like to discuss ideas for incorporating anti-sub plane ASW into the game as a possibility for the line.

I would also think about the possibilities of adding Helicopters to the tier 10 and 11 ships, for ASW operations. This also beginning to move the game at tier 11 into the post-war era.

My initial thoughts around implementing helicopters is as a sub spotting consumable like the Dutch airstrike. You basically deploy the helicopters to a point on the map or the game field like you would the Dutch Airstrike...and the helicopters then patrol the area around the drop point like consumable fighters. The helicopters spot any subs during the duration of their action time, but do not attack them...they merely provide intel for the rest of your fleet...and intel for the CV hull's own automatic ASW depth charge strike.

Any thoughts or other ideas?

I plan to add to this thread my proposals for the line and my thoughts for how to implement them as they come to me.

Feel free to add your own thoughts as well.

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The general gist would be a line of support CVs that offered fleet air and sub defense, through use of the Bearn like fighter consumables and anti-sub dedicated capabilities. As I have been pondering the right way to go about this, the USN support CV line has been announced which is also offering Bearn like fighter consumables (side note: WG taking some of my last Discord advice seriously, never say they never listen)...

I think the entire “support CV” concept as WG has implemented is more than a bit silly. I’ve always been of the opinion that WG should implement CVLs in the manner you describe for those types of roles, while saving larger fleet carriers for future CV derivations (or premiums). Bearn-style fighters and player-controlled ASW planes would be a solid foundation for “support” CVs that address a common player pain point (CVs and subs).

Edited by Nevermore135
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