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After three straight losses...


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I know the rule.  Take a break.  But I didn't.  Next game....




And in case ya'll have forgoten, I still play Tiger too.




Comment:  About both of the above often maligned ships.  They are decent average ships in Random.  Not fanstastic. But not the derth of the line.  A bit of irony is since they are seen as poor ships, that perception itself can be used to advantage.  Tiger is an early game bang ship force multiplier.  Vanguard...a long game attrition ship.  With a bit of mix and match (e.g., Van often has to push up when top tier).  Both play styles require a team of sorts, which is why they can work in Random.  Just gotta figure out how to maximize the force multileir with Tiger, and hope you have a team that doesn't melt too fast with the Van (before the attrition play can be felt).  Both have pretty high skill levels to play well and need a 21 point captain to maximize (Cunningham with the extra heal for Van even better).  The foot stomp here is Random.  Their strengths are in symbiotic team play where more is merrier. 


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Playerbase understanding is pretty low... especially of niche ships.

I got lambasted up and down by a IJN DD for not providing spotting in my Bearn.

He kept asking for support, and I was focused on shooting down the Furious strike aircraft heading his way...but he wanted spotting...

...which isn't what Bearn does.

At least one person on my team understood...but convincing the other guy was impossible.

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Playerbase understanding is pretty low...

Over at X, Hapa_Fodder made a clear point about how bad it is right now.


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2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Playerbase understanding is pretty low... especially of niche ships.

I got lambasted up and down by a IJN DD for not providing spotting in my Bearn.

He kept asking for support, and I was focused on shooting down the Furious strike aircraft heading his way...but he wanted spotting...

...which isn't what Bearn does.

At least one person on my team understood...but convincing the other guy was impossible.

A DD, especially a Japanese one, asking for intelligence data. 🤦‍♂️


Over at X, Hapa_Fodder made a clear point about how bad it is right now.

Pretty much the same reason I want to focus on DD gameplay.

Edited by SleepySalmon
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4 minutes ago, SleepySalmon said:

A DD, especially a Japanese one, asking for intelligence data. 🤦‍♂️

In a game with CVs? It's a reasonable request. He at least knew that, in general...the planes are best at spotting.

The hard part was that I was playing a CV with a very different set of tools than any other CV...so he had to adapt to what I could provide.

Plus, the enemy Furious wasn't a fool, and made things hard for me. That didn't help out cause.

Bearn has really good fighters, but pays for that by having really short spotting range from those fighters.

So, Bearn actually provides air defense...not vision control.

Subtle but important difference.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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1 hour ago, Frostbow said:

Over at X, Hapa_Fodder made a clear point about how bad it is right now.


Hapa blaming the players for things that are WG design flaws...

Some things never change...


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29 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Hapa blaming the players for things that are WG design flaws...

Some things never change...


WG has made the environment for the game what it is, but a large portion of the players' refusal to learn is more or less on them. There should be better tutorials in the game itself, but past that, nah. A lot of the reasons we have such awful systems in this game are because of WG trying steadfastly to idiot-proof their game (despite their hopes it doesn't work).

One reason a lot of single player games have unskippable tutorial-intro sections is because of the massive % of people who would take a skip option but yet do need to be taught the mechanics of x game, and are too proud to admit they need the instruction. I used to know someone who played this game with me, and I spent years trying to get him to learn basic concepts. He quickly acknowledged them and would insist he knew and then the next moment would do something demonstrating how he didn't know/didn't care (like giving his broadside to another BB, etc) and get wrecked right in front of me. He had something in common with a lot of random players I've met too: a massive ego and too much pride to admit he didn't know something or was wrong.

A lot of players I've met in randoms who I've tried to help (nicely) reacted with derision to the idea they needed to learn something. So, nowadays I say nothing at all and watch them fail, treating them as nothing but ablative HP blocks and some extra guns that will go silent sooner rather than later lol.

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World of Warships is a game that is absolutely atrocious about teaching you how to play it, largely populated with people who utterly lack skill or the desire to improve. That's a recipe for exactly these kinds of results.

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13 minutes ago, CaptainEleven said:

World of Warships is a game that is absolutely atrocious about teaching you how to play it, largely populated with people who utterly lack skill or the desire to improve. That's a recipe for exactly these kinds of results.

Ah gosh, they want "children - pre-Teens" to play this game !  In what world can we expect "Pre-teens" to learn about ships and the mechanics of tactics....  In what world.

We can't convince "adults" to learn and they have the time and money and attention span..... The "Like" generation has about a 15 minute attention span.  Their paradigm is open the Random match; rush in as fast as you can; shoot at everything; die and place some obnoxious comments in chat; laugh at the mature players responding; rinse and repeat until the 15 minutes is up and go back to Minecraft......

H-E-L-L-O !  is anyone there?  Does anyone care?  Does anyone see, what I see???

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Bearn has really good fighters, but pays for that by having really short spotting range from those fighters.

LOL, I run interceptors.  They don't spot ships at all!!!

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19 minutes ago, CaptainEleven said:

World of Warships is a game that is absolutely atrocious about teaching you how to play it

Then how did the unicums get so good?

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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19 minutes ago, SoshiSone said:

LOL, I run interceptors.  They don't spot ships at all!!!

I would run interceptors, but don't have the captain points yet...

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15 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Then how did the unicums get so good?

Doesn't matter...they are so rare it's like seeing an actual unicorn.

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21 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Then how did the unicums get so good?

Hours and hours of playing, thousands of battles, watching replays, reading guides, asking other, better players how they were doing it, poring over stats, figuring out what their biggest weakness was, and turning them into strengths... all the things that I don't do. 🐵


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6 hours ago, Frostbow said:

Over at X, Hapa_Fodder made a clear point about how bad it is right now.


Most new and existing players don't watch Notser and (understandably) Flamu. Those two are magicians with DDs. Famu got a Witherer in a Shima video on YouTube. Playing a DD isn't just about know the ship, but the capabilities and niches of every single ship on your team and the enemy team; and how they're played.

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4 hours ago, Crokodone said:

Most new and existing players don't watch Notser and (understandably) Flamu. Those two are magicians with DDs. Famu got a Witherer in a Shima video on YouTube. Playing a DD isn't just about know the ship, but the capabilities and niches of every single ship on your team and the enemy team; and how they're played.

Which is why LWM got so annoyed with WG basically not keeping anything consistent.

Those guns on that ship that are literally identical to the guns on another ship in terms of name and appearance...but have markedly different performance in game...

How is one to keep all of that straight?

It's another way that WG development toxifies their game unintentionally...because that search for ever more gimmicks CREATES the very skill gap they claim to hate by forcing everyone to learn the characteristics of now dozens of different ship iterations.

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1 minute ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

It's another way that WG development toxifies their game unintentionally...because that search for ever more gimmicks CREATES the very skill gap they claim to hate by forcing everyone to learn the characteristics of now dozens of different ship iterations.

This is my running excuse for not being able to assimilate all the available information in the instant it becomes relevant in battle.  Dang, for the longest time every battleship was compared to Warspite in wiki and I still don't know what is so wonderful about that ship.  

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