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How to Eliminate Player Value on a Match-by-Match basis.


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A lot of time has passed and I've played a lot of games and I really got a screenshot that kind of sums up what our host has created to force us to play more games.  Call it the Mercy Rule or we "valued out" the BOTs...   This is what drives me crazy some days.

Ever have this experience?


that's what, another 4 torps hits and what, another 45K in damage....

What are your experiences with this ^^^^^?  Pictures of this Mercy or time-out rule are appreciated.

Edited by Asym
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The victory conditions are spelled-out in the WOWs wiki.
I don't have a problem with them.

WG/WOWs actually added some points to the scores, so that sinking a few ships wouldn't end the game as quickly as was possible in the past.


Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Since they instituted the extended end time, there have been only a handful of games where the extra 5 seconds have made a difference (sorry no pics.)

In spite of the negligible number of games where it has made a difference, I think the extended end time was a good addition.  Yes, you may have gotten more damage if the game was extended even longer, but it is damage that you wouldn't have gotten in the old mode anyway.



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24 minutes ago, HamptonRoads said:

In spite of the negligible number of games where it has made a difference, I think the extended end time was a good addition.  Yes, you may have gotten more damage if the game was extended even longer, but it is damage that you wouldn't have gotten in the old mode anyway.


My shells or torps seem to end "frozen in time" just a fraction of a second for some reason before dealing damage 🤣. Still do, however, like the delayed ending of battles.  Think that was a nice addition to the game overall.

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Oh I am much more salty about that 700hp ship thjat suddenly becomes unhittable by any weapon in the game, shells drop all around it, entire salvoes fired form 11-12km away land in the water 200m from it etc...

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1 hour ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

The victory conditions are spelled-out in the WOWs wiki.
I don't have a problem with them.
WG/WOWs actually added some points to the scores, so that sinking a few ships wouldn't end the game as quickly as was possible in the past.

I do know ^^^^.  My point is why not end a game with the destruction of the enemy?  Why shotcut the earning potentials...?   The answer is greed and revenue.  Many games take loans when they are created and those loans have "participation" requirements.  Some measure "throughput" as a loan condition..... 

I was just curious whom else was in the position my screen shot represented and had even a bigger pay day, 4 seconds too late....!!


Edited by Asym
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4 minutes ago, Asym said:

I do know ^^^^.  My point is why not end a game with the destruction of the enemy?  Why shotcut the earning potentials...?   The answer is greed and revenue.  Many games take loans when they are created and those loans have "participation" requirements.  Some measure "throughput" as a loan condition..... 

I was just curious whom else was in the position my screen shot represented and had even a bigger pay day, 4 seconds too late....!!


In the past, we had to allow the 'Bots to score points (usually by capturing an area) in order to prevent the mercy rule from ending the game.
And we had to do this through unspoken coordination or via battle-chat communication.

Nowadays, it's less problematic, but still possible for efficient players to sink ships quickly.
I'm not keen on discouraging people from sinking ships quickly, though. 
(Because I'd like for such performance to carry over into random battles. Muahahahaha!)

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7 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

In the past, we had to allow the 'Bots to score points (usually by capturing an area) in order to prevent the mercy rule from ending the game.
And we had to do this through unspoken coordination or via battle-chat communication.

Nowadays, it's less problematic, but still possible for efficient players to sink ships quickly.
I'm not keen on discouraging people from sinking ships quickly, though. 
(Because I'd like for such performance to carry over into random battles. Muahahahaha!)

"All for one and one for all.........and, more for me !"  I've heard that before.  Tim Curry me thinks, as an evil Cardinal... 


I can just hear him say it.....

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1 minute ago, Asym said:

"All for one and one for all.........and, more for me !"  I've heard that before.  Tim Curry me thinks, as an evil Cardinal... 


I can just hear him say it.....

I enjoyed his work in that movie.

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