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For those that play ops... getting Cherry much lately?


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Ever since WG nerfed the crap out player division OPs I haven't played them as much but I still do sometime. 

A couple of months ago I started to notice that the amount of times I was getting Cherry had seemed to drop....but still wasn't playing enough to not say it was just the luck of the draw.

However, lately I have played ops a lot more to cash in Anniversary rewards (400+ ships takes a while) and the lack of Cherry games is really starting to stick out.  I've even gotten more Narai games in my last 80 or ops games than Cherry games and WG admitted that the odds of drawing Narai are lower.

It's making me thinking that maybe WG has made Cherry a similar draw chance as Narai.


Those that play ops.... anybody else having the same experience?

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I do play a LOT of ops but I tend to draw them equally ( perhaps a bit more KW 🙂 , which I appreciate 🙂 , tho i have a feeling the Wedgie is using me as a lab rat 🙂 , coz I tend to go A1 🙂 )

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Strangely, for me now that I think about it, it's actually Narai that I'm not seeing. All the others I think pop up in rotation, also Cherries ... uhm...

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It is Newport for me. And it comes first. 

I've had Cherry Blossom games this week, but they are not that common/frequent.


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I wonder if it's entirely random, or if there is a rotation, and if that resets when you change ships. I'm currently trying to farm the tokens, so won't be experimenting with that, at least not while the anniversary event is on.

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I get Cherry Blossom all the time, often three times in a row or even more and i don't like it particulary, the failure rate is pretty high, because team mates snipe from the repair point and don't push soon enough (or at all) to fulfill the objectives before the timer runs out.

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9 hours ago, Frostbow said:

It is Newport for me. And it comes first. 

I've had Cherry Blossom games this week, but they are not that common/frequent.


I used to get Cherry with the same frequency as others (except Narai) but last 50 or 60 games....only once.

WG has said that Narai will come up less often.  They have never said why but I think that is sort of obvious to those who have been playing ops for while....


3 hours ago, UnrepentantSinner said:

I get Cherry Blossom all the time, often three times in a row or even more and i don't like it particulary, the failure rate is pretty high, because team mates snipe from the repair point and don't push soon enough (or at all) to fulfill the objectives before the timer runs out.

Unless it is a short div or a player div that is sand bagging on purpose, I can score better on Cherry than even 500k damage Narai game.


3k base with Atlanta is fairly normal.... but Balti, Hampshire, or Tallinn can clean up too. 

That is my hypothesis is that since Cherry scores are getting higher as players learn to master that op....they possibly decided to lump it in with Narai on RNG odds of drawing that op.

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I seem to get it a normal amount. Actually had a 2200 base xp match earlier tonight in Belfast. 

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I like Cherry Blossom...

...as long as I'm not in August v. Parseval...its an easy five star in any of my tier 8 CVs.

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another Cherryless night....   1 for last 70 now....


at least I'm still getting UF....  not as good as Cherry or Narai.... but maybe with some tweaking I can start getting high 2's...



Edited by YouSatInGum
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21 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

I wonder if it's entirely random, or if there is a rotation, and if that resets when you change ships. I'm currently trying to farm the tokens, so won't be experimenting with that, at least not while the anniversary event is on.

I often change ships...or sometimes the same one... considering the way the matchmaker works I would guess that a given op is chosen for a period of time and then the matchmaker fills its "basket", but how that "choice" is made ... who knows...


The only pattern that lasts longer than a battle that I've ever seen is your position in the spawn.  For a particular gaming "session" if you pick a cruiser and spawn in the back, you will continue to spawn in the same relative position in back for every operation battle after that, unless you change a ship type that is not compatible with that spawn position.  The only way to reset your spawn position is logoff and restart your session. 

It's a strange artifact but my old 2 man Narai buddy and I tested it a bunch and got used to working around it....since the spawn position could really affect your end result in Narai.

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44 minutes ago, YouSatInGum said:

I often change ships...or sometimes the same one... considering the way the matchmaker works I would guess that a given op is chosen for a period of time and then the matchmaker fills its "basket", but how that "choice" is made ... who knows...


The only pattern that lasts longer than a battle that I've ever seen is your position in the spawn.  For a particular gaming "session" if you pick a cruiser and spawn in the back, you will continue to spawn in the same relative position in back for every operation battle after that, unless you change a ship type that is not compatible with that spawn position.  The only way to reset your spawn position is logoff and restart your session. 

It's a strange artifact but my old 2 man Narai buddy and I tested it a bunch and got used to working around it....since the spawn position could really affect your end result in Narai.

I guess it also affects what you are expected to do in Narai, if you have a cruiser. Either to go for the transports or for the carrier.

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8 hours ago, DDG44_Vet said:

Played 4 ops today. Had Cherry Blossom 3 times, Killer Whale once.

That sounds a bit loaded for something that's supposedly random.


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Ive had Cherry B so much lately its not funny any more. I play OPs at least 3 times a night, for me in Kaga its an easy way to rack up wins for the battle pass. Kaga is surprisingly useful for taking out the bases so as long as I can stay alive, I can win.

Ive found map randomization a bit messed up ever since WG forced us to play a single OP (Defense of Newport, IMO the hardest OP)on the first day of the Anniversary event.

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2 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

That sounds a bit loaded for something that's supposedly random.


I'm not sure the OPS rotation is completely random.

I have noticed that if I bring certain ships, I get certain OPS loading more option.

Could it be that the MM looks at what is in queue and assigns an OP to best fit those ship types (from WGs perspective, not ours)?

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3 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I'm not sure the OPS rotation is completely random.

I have noticed that if I bring certain ships, I get certain OPS loading more option.

Could it be that the MM looks at what is in queue and assigns an OP to best fit those ship types (from WGs perspective, not ours)?

Hmm could be. The algorithm might favor certain ships or types of ships for certain operations, or certain team make ups as well. For some operations the process has to be even more complex I think. Yesterday, I spawn in Hermes with my Hood in the North spawn at the base. That happens very rarely, not sure if it happens more often with a BB than not.

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We play in Division mostly.  I've been playing during the day for the dockyard.   Alone, I see triplicates a lot:  Aegis is the one I see 3x the most.  At night, in divisions of 4 to 7, we've seen 5x of KIller Whale and Aegis.  Most of the duplicates in Large divisions, other than <<< those two at 5x are Ultimate and Defense at 3x.

We were submitting data to the CM's when we had the old forum.  And, it appears Ahskance has an account with Devstrike as well.....

They won't change anything PVE:  other than to degrade the PVE experiences.....sorry, it's just how I feel.


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42 minutes ago, Asym said:

And, it appears Ahskance has an account with Devstrike as well.....

Amusing, if true.

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2 hours ago, Asym said:

  And, it appears Ahskance has an account with Devstrike as well.....



Hopefully true and hopefully he will engage us from time to time

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There are CCs and CMs from World of Warships who have registered here at DevStrike! and that should be no surprise.  This is not a bad thing at all.  First, it is in their interest to protect their name.  Since we are not able to link to a Wargaming system for logging into DevStrike!, anyone could use whatever name they choose or attempt to impersonate, which, by the way, would lead to a permanent ban here.  Second, many of these CCs and CMs have posted guidelines, videos, or do Twitch streams that are valuable to anyone and all who are interested in the game.  In this case, I have personally reached out to many of them for permission to post links, copy material from the old forum, or post tutorials they may done.  I call this common respect and courtesy.  I have also encouraged them to register their name for their own protection here at DevStrike

Despite our differences or allegiances, the one common thread that unites us is World of Warships.

It would be a shame to ignore those, despite where they come from or the bonds they may have with Wargaming, participating in the discussion, or sharing valuable information that is of interest to our DevStrike! community.

In the end, DevStrike! can be a positive for World of Warships and Wargaming.  It helps them by creating and reinforcing interest in the game despite what one thinks or may have an opinion on.  Basically, word of mouth, free advertising for them.

As we grow here, with the addition of guides, tutorials, and reviews (that are or will soon be nearly impossible to get), we will, in effect, be even more important to World of Warships, regardless if they agree or disagree with the discussion here.  They have no say in how we operate - period.


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