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I was just going to bed


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I was just going to bed looked in the Armory for a second to see my steel totals. Saw the first bundle for the new German cruiser and said I will try one for 150 doubloons before bed and got this lol. Thanks WG.


Edited by clammboy
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That happened to me too! The Schill kinda sucks, but it was practically free, so there's always that...No need to drain any more dubs on this one.

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On 10/7/2023 at 12:36 AM, clammboy said:

I was just going to bed looked in the Armory for a second to see my steel totals. Saw the first bundle for the new German cruiser and said I will try one for 150 doubloons before bed and got this lol. Thanks WG.


A few months ago, I did exactly the same thing in another event.....  And, got a ship in the same way you did.  I hate buying anything.  But, I've had two experiences in this game getting lucky:   that one crate I bought and, getting the Bismark in a SC that you normally get for playing everyday........I almost hyperventilated and that was the only time in in this game I "hit the jackpot !"

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Myself also, aussi.  Feels like a bigger Adm. Graf Spee.  Guns hit pretty well, but there's so few of them!  Torps are pretty good.  And as you say, can't gripe for 30 cents.


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