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Russian Devblog Updates - A Comparative Look


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German submarine U-4501 will be available for Research Points. Different from EU/NA/Asia where it will be for coal. https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/479

Soviet hybrid cruiser Komissar will be available for steel. No announcement yet on the other servers. 



New map, similar to Archipelago but zoomed in. (The Two-Brothers aesthetic is just a temporary placeholder for now.)


Also in today's devblog for 12.10, no mention of ranked. The current season ends at the conclusion of 12.9, I wonder if they are going to have a break?

(My speculation is that asymmetric mode is so popular that it will take away players from all PVP game modes, especially if the fixes for lower-survivability ships are implemented.)

The RU server has a new ranked starting in 12.9 https://blog.korabli.su/blog/477

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Pretty much 2 separate games now. Why keep bringing up Russian servers? 
And as far as asym battles, there may be more people playing that mode, but pvp won’t lose to co-op anytime soon. Bots are still bots. If they make the rewards for asym on par with co-op lije they should, I can see co-op dying to asym. Not pvp. 

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Just now, DoW_ said:

Some appreciate the effort made to share information. 

Why? You guys play on the Russian servers? Useless information is still useless. 

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It’s interesting to see how the other game is developing, and it provides lots of fuel for speculation about what is possible in WoWs and what could or could not be implemented in the future because while the games will continue to diverge, they are built on the same foundation.

Quite a few players have expressed questions and concerns regarding the separation of Lesta and Wargaming. The more the games diverge the more evidence there is that this has indeed occurred.

There are players that are concerned about the long-term health and future of WoWs now that at least a significant portion of the original development team is no longer involved. There’s been some recent remarks about low-effort copy-paste content, for example. If MK continues to produce “new” content similar to before the split while WoWs sees more use of recycled assets and clones/near clones, that can allow us to infer some things about what’s happening behind the curtain at WG.

There are lots of good, rational reasons for some to desire to keep abreast of developments in MK. Those who don’t care should worry less about others and just ignore these threads.

Edited by Nevermore135
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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I don't think it's healthy to keep comparing and contrasting. Let it go. 

I enjoy comparing and contrasting the direct competition of this game.

The more people know, the better they are able to avoid being taken advantage of by WG.

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I am going to step over to the side that says these RU DevBlog posts provide nothing of value in the regular forums here. At this point the RU version of WOWS is a totally different game and going down a very different path.

NOTHING they do on that server is relevant to NA/EU/SEA anymore. It means absolutely nothing to our version of WOWS. It is akin to talking about WOWS Legends or Blitz at this point.

While I do agree it is interesting (somewhat - but getting old now) to compare what they are doing vs what the dev's of our game are, let me say again, it is irrelevant to our version of WOWS. I think RU DevBlog posts should be limited to the Off Topic forum here only. Let's be honest, they truly are Off Topic at this point. Allowing them to be posted there, and kept off the regular forums, allows those who are interested to follow them and keeps irrelevant content to our version of the game off the main forums. Seems win win to me.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I enjoy comparing and contrasting the direct competition of this game.

The more people know, the better they are able to avoid being taken advantage of by WG.

How does knowing what RU does with their game help players on NA/EU/SEA avoid being taken advantage of by WG? They are 2 different games now. What happens on RU has no bearing, good or bad, on NA/EU/SEA.

Just asking and not starting anything.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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Just now, AdmiralThunder said:

I am going to step over to the side that says these RU DevBlog posts provide nothing of value in the regular forums here. At this point the RU version of WOWS is a totally different game and going down a very different path.

NOTHING they do on that server is relevant to NA/EU/SEA anymore. It means absolutely nothing to our version of WOWS. It is akin to talking about WOWS Legends or Blitz at this point.

While I do agree it is interesting (somewhat - but getting old now) to compare what they are doing vs what the dev's of our game are, let me say again, it is irrelevant to our version of WOWS. I think RU DevBlog posts should be limited to the Off Topic forum here only. Let's be honest, they truly are Off Topic at this point. Allowing them to be posted there, and kept off the regular forums, allows those who are interested to follow them and keeps irrelevant content to our version of the game off the main forums. Seems win win to me.

But it's NOT a totally different game.

A LOT of what they do is VERY relevant to what is possible here.

I think that there seems to be a concerted effort to try to bury news of the direct competition of this game...

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Just now, AdmiralThunder said:

How does knowing what RU does with their game help players on NA/EU/SEA avoid being taken advantage of by WG? They are 2 different games now. What happens on RU has no bearing, good or bad, on NA/EU/SEA.

Just asking and not starting anything.

What MK does can give us data on how our game could or should progress.

If MK makes changes that end up being bad, would you not want to know?

Both games are nearly identical right now. It IS VERY useful to look at the small differences and see what happens in game and to customer actions.

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What I find most amusing is the old guard that was chanting 'there is no competition for this game, so we should just accept any and all dross and poor behavior.'...

...now want to bury and muzzle and discussion of the direct competition.


Guess what, MK is direct competition...so it is, of course, very interesting what they choose to do.

If WG wants to grow their playerbase and not lose players to MK, they better actually deliver better content than MK.

Welcome to business, gentlemen.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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1 minute ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

But it's NOT a totally different game.

A LOT of what they do is VERY relevant to what is possible here.

I think that there seems to be a concerted effort to try to bury news of the direct competition of this game...

I am not trying to bury anything. I simply realize RU has nothing to do with our version anymore. And what direct competition? Do you think people from NA are going to swap over to RU? I mean some may I guess but it won't be many. It is not competition, it is a different version of WOWS at this point. They have ships we don't, make changes to ships we don't see, do events and give rewards that don't happen here, etc...  As said, at this point talking about RU WOWS is like talking about Legends and Blitz.

While RU WOWS started out the same as NA/EU/SEA WOWS at the split they are going in different directions and are not having the same content or direction. They are different versions of the same base game and they no longer follow the same path. What happens on RU means squat to NA/EU/SEA now.

So as I said, while it is interesting (somewhat) to compare where each game is going I stand by what I said in that what RU does is irrelevant to NA/EU/SEA. It's JMHO but I don't think RU DevBlogs belong on the regular forums. It is NOT the same game anymore. They should be allowed for sure but in the Off Topic forum only. 

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4 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I am not trying to bury anything. I simply realize RU has nothing to do with our version anymore. And what direct competition? Do you think people from NA are going to swap over to RU? I mean some may I guess but it won't be many. It is not competition, it is a different version of WOWS at this point. They have ships we don't, make changes to ships we don't see, do events and give rewards that don't happen here, etc...  As said, at this point talking about RU WOWS is like talking about Legends and Blitz.

While RU WOWS started out the same as NA/EU/SEA WOWS at the split they are going in different directions and are not having the same content or direction. They are different versions of the same base game and they no longer follow the same path. What happens on RU means squat to NA/EU/SEA now.

So as I said, while it is interesting (somewhat) to compare where each game is going I stand by what I said in that what RU does is irrelevant to NA/EU/SEA. It's JMHO but I don't think RU DevBlogs belong on the regular forums. It is NOT the same game anymore. They should be allowed for sure but in the Off Topic forum only. 

And yet, if I don't like what WG is doing...I can just play the MK version.

That's very relevant.

This is not WGs forum. We do not have to remain loyal to WG. There is no reason to censor discussion of rivals to WG.

I see no reason not to discuss Legends and Blitz here if the community wishes to do so.

It's time to recognize that here, we are free of WGs control.

Long live competition.

If WG wants to grow their game...they need to provide better content than MK.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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8 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

What MK does can give us data on how our game could or should progress.

If MK makes changes that end up being bad, would you not want to know?

Both games are nearly identical right now. It IS VERY useful to look at the small differences and see what happens in game and to customer actions.

To what end does knowing what RU does good/bad lead to for those of us on NA/EU/SEA? It isn't like OG WG (the one running our version) has EVER shown the slightest inclination to care what we think or respond to things they do that are bad. I seriously doubt what happens on RU good or bad will impact our game version.

The base games are the same but it has stopped being identical. They are making a lot of changes and going in a different direction. Again, what they do there doesn't impact our version of the game. Knowing what goes on over on the RU version is not very useful. It is a curiosity at best because it doesn't translate to what we see in our game. 

There hasn't been ONE thing yet that showed up in an RU DB that everyone got all excited over that has made it to our version that I am aware of. So what is the point of these posts. RU WOWS is not the same as WOWS NA/EU/SEA. What they do doesn't matter.

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1 minute ago, AdmiralThunder said:

To what end does knowing what RU does good/bad lead to for those of us on NA/EU/SEA?

It tells me which game (WG or MK) I want to play.

2 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

It isn't like OG WG (the one running our version) has EVER shown the slightest inclination to care what we think or respond to things they do that are bad. I seriously doubt what happens on RU good or bad will impact our game version.


Then WG will lose to MK, and that is a good thing.

2 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

The base games are the same but it has stopped being identical. They are making a lot of changes and going in a different direction. Again, what they do there doesn't impact our version of the game. Knowing what goes on over on the RU version is not very useful. It is a curiosity at best because it doesn't translate to what we see in our game. 

What they do there is highly relevant as it determines which version is preferred by the customer.

The only reason for us to stay in the dark about it is because you don't want people to make their own choices about which game to play.

4 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

There hasn't been ONE thing yet that showed up in an RU DB that everyone got all excited over that has made it to our version that I am aware of. So what is the point of these posts. RU WOWS is not the same as WOWS NA/EU/SEA. What they do doesn't matter.

It's the very fact that they are different which makes it matter.

MK is WGs competition. If MK is making a better game than WG, then MK is going to steal WGs players...and MK deserves them.

Better tell your friends at WG to get their heads out of the ground and realize they aren't a monopoly anymore...

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10 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

And yet, if I don't like what WG is doing...I can just play the MK version.

That's very relevant.

This is not WGs forum. We do not have to remain loyal to WG. There is no reason to censor discussion of rivals to WG.

I see no reason not to discuss Legends and Blitz here if the community wishes to do so.

It's time to recognize that here, we are free of WGs control.

Long live competition.

If WG wants to grow their game...they need to provide better content than MK.

Then go play on RU. That is fine. If you like that version better then go there. I couldn't care less what people do. If that is the only relevant info the RU DB posts bring then they bring little value to this forum which is about (I believe anyway) the NA/EU/SEA version of the game. This forum should be focused on the version of the game it covers. 

If people want to talk about Legends and Blitz go ahead. In the Off Topic forum, or their own sub forum if it is added, but not in the main forums that are for the NA/EU/SEA WOWS PC version of the game. IMHO the same applies to RU WOWS. It is NOT the same game and thus should be discussed in Off Topic or its own sub forum if added.

It has nothing to do with being free from WG. It is common sense. The forum was created for a specific version of the game. I don't see how it is wrong to want to limit the main forums posts to topics about said version of the game?

We clearly don't agree and have stated our views. Let's agree to disagree and move on.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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2 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I couldn't care less what people do.

The very fact that you are annoyed by discussion of MK patch notes proves this statement to be a self deception.

3 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

This forum should be focused on the version of the game it covers. 

See above your claim about not caring...

3 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

It has nothing to do with being free from WG. It is common sense.

Oh, I bet based on context that it is a lot more about WG control than you are willing to admit.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The very fact that you are annoyed by discussion of MK patch notes proves this statement to be a self deception.

See above your claim about not caring...

Oh, I bet based on context that it is a lot more about WG control than you are willing to admit.

Once again you had your say and I mine. We disagree simple as that. Time to move on and let it go vs continuing to poke at me. I have tried to remain civil but you are stretching my patience with your snarky comments. Please stop.

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Guys, enough is enough.  Please!  It's nice to have opinions here, but keep it civil.

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6 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Once again you had your say and I mine. We disagree simple as that. Time to move on and let it go vs continuing to poke at me. I have tried to remain civil but you are stretching my patience with your snarky comments. Please stop.

Don't worry. I've stopped.

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9 hours ago, NMA101 said:


German submarine U-4501 will be available for Research Points. Different from EU/NA/Asia where it will be for coal. https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/479

Soviet hybrid cruiser Komissar will be available for steel. No announcement yet on the other servers. 



New map, similar to Archipelago but zoomed in. (The Two-Brothers aesthetic is just a temporary placeholder for now.)


Also in today's devblog for 12.10, no mention of ranked. The current season ends at the conclusion of 12.9, I wonder if they are going to have a break?

(My speculation is that asymmetric mode is so popular that it will take away players from all PVP game modes, especially if the fixes for lower-survivability ships are implemented.)

The RU server has a new ranked starting in 12.9 https://blog.korabli.su/blog/477

Okay? And? The RU server no longer follows the same updates as the rest of the world due to being handled by a different company.

Why are you bringing it up?

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While it is interesting to see what the MK guys are up to, I don't think it is healthy to breathlessly report every single little thing they decide to do differently. 

Unless, that is, we decide to keep a running score of all the stuff WE get that they don't have. That would be fair. 

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I do think it's important to point out that this information is not being shared as part of the Game News folder. It is obviously not of that classification.

The two games are still nearly identical. There is the possibility that when the world context allows, they could still be merged together again.

There is sufficient value in the information for now that it should still be allowed in the Game Discussion folder.

If this bores you...don't read these threads.

But until the games diverge much more significantly, I argue that there is a good reason to continue to pay attention to what is done in the other game.

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22 hours ago, NMA101 said:

German submarine U-4501 will be available for Research Points. Different from EU/NA/Asia where it will be for coal. https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/479

Soviet hybrid cruiser Komissar will be available for steel. No announcement yet on the other servers. 

Most likely, Komissar will be available to us for Research Points, not steel, since Ruggiero Di Lauria is already our next Steel ship. I wonder if Ruggiero Di Lauria will be offered for coal on the RU server? ~-~°('. ' )°~-~

Anyways, it seems basically like a couple switcheroos to "be different". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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