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Well nothing new in WOWS 2023, the mega xp boost kicks in nicely and if they have more then 2 brain cells this is the result

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Then stop complaining, get one of the predatory ships yourself, and you too can be Number One. 

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16 minutes ago, Yedwy said:

Well nothing new in WOWS 2023, the mega xp boost kicks in nicely and if they have more then 2 brain cells this is the result

Fun and engaging eh?

Way cool! My ice cream cone now has two flavors or something.

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34 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Then stop complaining, get one of the predatory ships yourself, and you too can be Number One. 

Sure, add to the problem and kill the game already

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35 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Then stop complaining, get one of the predatory ships yourself, and you too can be Number One. 

Nope, 2 boring

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33 minutes ago, Kalishnikat said:

Sure, add to the problem and kill the game already

Enough of your doomsaying. Grab the nettle or accept what comes from not doing so. 

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5 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

When you do 192k damage and come in a distant third to teh predatory ships.




Premium and reward ships get more xp and credits for participation than tech tree ships. Other stats such as Capping, spotting also pad bonuses in battles. Damage is one of the least ranked attributes to xp. Percentile health of enemy ships dealt is held higher. You could have farmed that on a couple of BBs.

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5 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

When you do 192k damage and come in a distant third to teh predatory ships.

Out of curiosity, how much of the damage you scored was done while the Gato was spotting targets for you?  🙂 

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4 hours ago, Kalishnikat said:

Sure, add to the problem and kill the game already

If more people followed the Ghandi principle, "be the change you want to see in the world", things would be a lot nicer. 

I for one, have never played subs and superships. I also only play CVs in PVE modes now, to stop ruining others' gameplay experience. 

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2 hours ago, SolitudeFreak said:

I think the BXP modifier for subs and superships is overtuned.

They get a ton for capping that's for sure. I wish I had the balls to play subs and try them out.

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I had many games where I do NONE damage or a pitiful 30 K or something and I get 2000-2500 BASE XP and get nr.1 or atleast top 3 in a Submarine. Thats why I quickly become a Submarine Main. Also you dont have to bother with about 80% of that WG has implemented during the last couple of years to destroy this once great game, things like.

  • CVs
  • Hybrids
  • Superships
  • Other Submarines
  • Hydros
  • Radars
  • Spotting from invisible planes
  • Detonation mechanics 
  • Destroyed modules
  • Arms race in Randoms (You still get them in subs but youre not that effected and you always have a great ship for the mode)
  • Airship escorts in randoms  (You still get them in subs but youre not that effected and you always have a great ship for the mode)

Its almost like playing the good OG WOWs again.

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21 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Then stop complaining, get one of the predatory ships yourself, and you too can be Number One. 

That's not really the solution though 😛

"What's that? Tired of being nuked by the badly designed and implemented subs? Well then, just use them yourself (and add to the problem instead of fixing it!)" 🤡

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4 minutes ago, Sailor_Moon said:

Well then, just use them yourself (and get a new perspective on your problems)

Fixed that for you.

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1 minute ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Fixed that for you.

No, no, it was WAI before, unlike subs 😄

They are just too problematic in their current iteration. I'm not saying they can't fit, or shouldn't be in the game. But the implementation leaves a LOT to be desired. They're giving CVs a run for their money in the annoyance dept. That's a legitimate feat.

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59 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

you can bet on that I wont play a regular ship and just get abused for an hour by a 30 % WR noob just because he chosed one of WGs 2 "Protected classes". 

Sorry, no. That 30% WR noob isn't going to be any better just because he's going to be in a ship type you find distasteful. 

59 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

So what we have left is, either you play OP/Broken/Unbalanced classes or ships and you crap on all or you play a "normal ship" and you get crapped on EVERY game by players who play Subs, CVs and other broken ships.

Always there is something to blame other than your own performance. Always there is some excuse outside of you for why you got sunk. The problem with this attitude is that it leads eventually to a complete loss of introspection and an inability to absorb lessons learned, so the same thing happens over and over again.

You need to do a root-cause analysis of your failures on a game-to-game basis, and when you get to the question of why you got sunk, don't stop just because the ship that did you in was a sub or a CV or a supership or whatever. Keep on asking why you got sunk. What were you doing at the time? Where were your team-mates in relation to you? Where did the hits come from? What were you doing to mitigate the possibility of damage? Were you taken by surprise, or did you see it coming but too late/unable to avoid?

The other thing you need to do is get some sub, CV and supership time on the Public Test Server so you can get inside the heads of your opponents. Of course, that would involve the possibility of getting sunk or losing the battle in a "broken" ship type. And then you'd have to face once more the question of who sank you and how they managed to do it.

59 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

and they ignored all feedback/cries/pleads/suggestions/questions from the playerbase for about 7 years now

Come on, you know this is hyperbole.

59 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Ive been trying to help Fix this game since Closed Bet Testing 2015

In other words, what you wanted WOWS to be has been at odds with how it's developed right from the start. 

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On 10/4/2023 at 4:50 PM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Then stop complaining, get one of the predatory ships yourself, and you too can be Number One. 

this type of response helps no one...

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20 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Sorry, no. That 30% WR noob isn't going to be any better just because he's going to be in a ship type you find distasteful. 

No, ge wont BUT that 30% noob in a surface class is an XP pinata that will die on first contact and in a sub or cv is an annoyance that can ruin your match and hamper your performance in the rest of it…

Sorry but that happens to be a BIG difference in my book

Sooner or later (and its prob sooner) WG will have to admit their current sub design is toxic trash and do a rework or let the entire game go belly up, I have no illisions that they will remove the subs as such, far 2 much SCF and greed for cash they hope to milk is poured into that “project” to walk away from it but the way they aew implemented is not good for the class itself or for the rest of the game

Lets face it most people in this game want surface combat mostly with gunnery and they dont want to have their particular type of fun ruined by griefers abusing the toxic trash, ergo some walk away and some just play less and cut the money influx and those are the guys WG lives off 

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On 10/4/2023 at 8:50 PM, WES_HoundDog said:

When you do 192k damage and come in a distant third to teh predatory ships.

I find it deeply ironic that Elbing - a boat that makes a living sniping from such long range that most opponents don't even bother firing back -- is complaining about "predatory ships."

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1 hour ago, torino2dc said:

I find it deeply ironic that Elbing - a boat that makes a living sniping from such long range that most opponents don't even bother firing back -- is complaining about "predatory ships."

What exactly are 'predatory ships' by the way?

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28 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

What exactly are 'predatory ships' by the way?

Any ship that has a good captain on her.

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4 hours ago, Type_93 said:



I had a match in the Lushun the other night where I did like 141k damage (Maybe; my memory sucks right now) and over 100k spotting assist for my team and I ended up like fourth or fifth on my team.

Damage isn't the end all and be all to guarantee a high position. Damage proportionate to a target is important too; doing 18k damage to a tier 10 DD is going to reward more than doing 18k damage to a tier 10 BB.

Edited by HogHammer
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