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Weekend Spree - 29 September - 1 October 2023

Ensign Cthulhu

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I took it upon myself to declutter my commander reserve. This involved purging a lot of low point commanders sitting on long-ground-past tech-tree ships, tossing them into the woodchipper and milking their elite commander XP, then replacing them with slightly higher-point commanders from reserve or with low-point collaboration commanders that I'll probably never be able to acquire again and therefore don't want to get rid of. At the end of that, I had more than 20 free spaces.

Naturally a lot of retraining was involved, but this gave me a fun and varied weekend in a bunch of ships I hadn't touched in a while. I also found myself surprisingly close to being caught up on the Dockyard.

I also finished the battle pass, so I bought the premium one and grabbed the Dupleix plus all the other assorted rewards, including a nice chunk of ECXP. 

At the end of all this, I found myself with less than 900,000 ECXP to go before I have at least one 21 point commander in every nation. Spain is the stand-out.

Now if only I could get the @#$%^&* Cataluna to behave itself (her captain is the 21 point candidate). Oh well, there are ships I currently really like in which I sucked worse at the start, so I guess it'll sort itself out eventually.

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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Finished the Festive Token (actually used a bunch of bonus rewards to clean up the ships that I didn't want to upset my ulcers.)  Still have a couple of bonus rewards in case any new ships come up.

IRL started final checklist for the upcoming annular eclipse on the 14th.

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23 minutes ago, HamptonRoads said:

the ships that I didn't want to upset my ulcers

I took some of my ulcers out to play and found that they weren't nearly so painful as I remembered. But yeah, I chose my bonus redemption ships with deliberate care.

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Wow.... A roller coaster of people passing away; no one playing the game;  and,  obtaining a collectable that is the end of a collection..... 

A act of kindness, from a fellow shooter I competed against for almost three decades;  and, he gave me that rifle and I am done with that collection.

- with a rifle I never would have:  1) found and 2) could in afford in today's market....  He gave me that rifle.....  I donated to his estate the value after he passed.

A friend of mine won a Drawing and the prize was a very expensive 30-06 bolt action rifle....  Lucky guy.  He went to the range with me and I walked him through sighting that monster in....  Took less than an hour and later this week we'll explore 200 yards and out.  The only lottery or drawing in my life I won was the Draft Lottery....

Worked on a class I have to give on Wednesday and I'm dreading it.   For some odd reason, someone thought it would be "fun" explore the Abilene Paradox in a two hour lecture....  Yeah.......:classic_huh:  And, the Dean was pretty amendment that I was to leave the math out of the lecture....  Ah, OK boss........sigh.  "Learn not say YES when you mean to say NO", class over.  (that won't endear me I guess so........)  work, work, work....

Game wise:  really, no one showed up to play RO's.  That's not good.  We'll see what happens tonight.


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