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Finally finished the flakes, but spending them ...


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It's taken a long time ... but I finally got there. I actually finished clearing flakes ages ago, because I don't have that many ships, but the event rocked on!

When I finished de-flaking my ships I had a total of 5345 tokens. So I had to wait until I got to the end of the BattlePass to collect the 1250 from that.

I've just bought the Bayard, and with the remaining 345 I bought a whole one Super Container which gave me 25 Free XP +600%.

It seems silly to let the remaining 145 tokens turn into silver, but I'm not into collecting patches, so I looked at the econ bonuses and I admit to some confusion1:

Treasures from Distant Worlds (24 tokens) gives 1 each of Credits +40%, Ship XP +200%, Commander XP +200% and Free XP +600%

Supplies of Past Commanders (72 tokens) gives 1 each of Credits +40%, Ship XP +200%, Commander XP +200% and Free XP +600%

So why would anyone buy the Supplies rather than the Treasures. I must be missing something, but I have no idea what?

LOL! I just realised that the Bayard, and the Dupleix (I spent some of the doubloons WG have given me over the years on the premium BP) have got flakes on them. Stuff it ... I'm too tired, I'll clear them in the morning.


1. I seem to remember someone already raised this point in the past, but I can't find the thread 😞

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17 minutes ago, SunkCostFallacy said:


Treasures from Distant Worlds (24 tokens) gives 1 each of Credits +40%, Ship XP +200%, Commander XP +200% and Free XP +600%

Supplies of Past Commanders (72 tokens) gives 1 each of Credits +40%, Ship XP +200%, Commander XP +200% and Free XP +600%

So why would anyone buy the Supplies rather than the Treasures. I must be missing something, but I have no idea what?

Just buy out all you can of the lower-priced bungle.

The higher-priced bundle exist for those who have tokens and still want more econ bonuses. Like those with big fleets who buy the Bayard and OD on supercontainers, and still have tokens.

(because WG just can’t let the lower price ride. If they can’t put an RNG twist on it, they gotta put a resource drain twist on it, even for an event resource)

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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If you notice, Treasures has a limited number of bundles available for purchase (150). The idea is you’d buy those 150 first at the “discounted” price, and then Supplies is there for the people that want to buy more than 150 (and you’d pay the “full” price for them). 

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30 minutes ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

It's taken a long time ... but I finally got there. I actually finished clearing flakes ages ago, because I don't have that many ships, but the event rocked on!

When I finished de-flaking my ships I had a total of 5345 tokens. So I had to wait until I got to the end of the BattlePass to collect the 1250 from that.

I've just bought the Bayard, and with the remaining 345 I bought a whole one Super Container which gave me 25 Free XP +600%.

It seems silly to let the remaining 145 tokens turn into silver, but I'm not into collecting patches, so I looked at the econ bonuses and I admit to some confusion1:

Treasures from Distant Worlds (24 tokens) gives 1 each of Credits +40%, Ship XP +200%, Commander XP +200% and Free XP +600%

Supplies of Past Commanders (72 tokens) gives 1 each of Credits +40%, Ship XP +200%, Commander XP +200% and Free XP +600%

So why would anyone buy the Supplies rather than the Treasures. I must be missing something, but I have no idea what?

LOL! I just realised that the Bayard, and the Dupleix (I spent some of the doubloons WG have given me over the years on the premium BP) have got flakes on them. Stuff it ... I'm too tired, I'll clear them in the morning.


1. I seem to remember someone already raised this point in the past, but I can't find the thread 😞

I've already welcomed the Bayard to my Port.
Earlier I bid 201 tokens to win an Epoch camouflage in the event auction, and spent 100 tokens on the Parallel Worlds event patch
And I recently spent 3,125 tokens to get the "Commander's Coupon".  (Which I've since used, in order to welcome the Loyang to my Port.)
So, I've spent 6250 + 201 + 100 + 3125 = 9,676 tokens, so far.

I currently have 6,665 purple 8th. anniversary Parallel World event tokens, and I still have several ships to play (in order to harvest their tokens).

I'm curious to see what my final total will be.
Then I'll decide what to spend the purple tokens on.

Granted, I have over 300 ships in my Port.  But, there are other players who have even more.

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1 hour ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Granted, I have over 300 ships in my Port.  But, there are other players who have even more.

If you play each one of your 300 ships that should keep you occupied rather nicely.

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I have 297 ships, so my situation is very similar to the OP, but I spent all my tokens, (about 16k) on super containers.  I received one ship, the Toulon, and an assortment of SC stuff, including 6,000 doubloons.  Overall, I was pretty happy with the results.   

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50 minutes ago, PrairiePlayer said:

I have 297 ships, so my situation is very similar to the OP, but I spent all my tokens, (about 16k) on super containers.  I received one ship, the Toulon, and an assortment of SC stuff, including 6,000 doubloons.  Overall, I was pretty happy with the results.   

That's what you have to do, sort out which will work better for you.

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5 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

Dupleix (I spent some of the doubloons WG have given me over the years on the premium BP)

Dupleix being a BP reward is just *awful*. The Battle Pass is a completely exploitative system; I've heard of pay-to-win and pay-to-progress but WG is making people pay-to-grind with this nonsense. And they can, to be honest, go and do one.

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29 minutes ago, invicta2012 said:

…but WG is making people pay-to-grind with this nonsense. And they can, to be honest, go and do one.

And they have expanded the “pay even more to grind less” approach beyond the dockyard - “and, if you order NOW, for a mere 6250 doubloons more, we’ll give you ten levels toward the completion of this patch’s battle pass!!!”

I am reminded of an old car dealer’s slogan from my youth:

”Come in today, do not delay, drive one away!”

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I had 630 ships to flake. I quickly ran out of stuff I wanted or needed (the SCs, all the containers that could give a ship bonus, and all the bundles of blue boosters) and exchanged a lot for credits. 

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8 hours ago, Pugilistic said:

I had 630 ships to flake. I quickly ran out of stuff I wanted or needed (the SCs, all the containers that could give a ship bonus, and all the bundles of blue boosters) and exchanged a lot for credits. 

I have just over 400. got bored doing co-op with them so will probably clear my T8 with the festive rewards. also having to clear flags and economic bonuses each time ppff.

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1 hour ago, Otago_F111 said:

I have just over 400. got bored doing co-op with them so will probably clear my T8 with the festive rewards. also having to clear flags and economic bonuses each time ppff.

Well.. doing coop by rote can get boring even if it's technically probably the fastest way of clearing one token per ship. With operations could clear more ship tokens in one go, but that gets more time consuming so it's probably less boring but also less efficient to do this in operations, or in higher tier randoms if someone cares to venture in those sub infested waters there.

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I've finished harvesting purple-cherry snowflakes.  The last ship I played in the process was the Galicia.
That was fun.

Now I have 7,565 Parallel Worlds tokens.

I've already mentioned spending I've done along the way, previously, in another post.

Now it's time for me to figure out how I want to spend the tokens.  🤔 


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7,000 tokens spent to get 35 Super Containers
500 tokens spent to get one "On a Retro Wave" container
60 tokens spent to get five "Reserves for the Future" bundles of "grey" economic bonuses.
5 tokens remaining / un-spent

The Retro Wave container yielded a "Sixth Game Anniversary - Zara" permanent camouflage.

The 35 Super Containers were opened all at once and yielded ....
The Tier-6 premium ship, the Gallant
14 Days of premium account time
1,000 doubloons
1,500 Research Bureau points
45,000 units of coal
50,000 FreeXP
150,000 Commander XP
15 "Blue" 800% ShipXP bonuses
15 "Blue" 800% CommanderXP bonuses
125 "Green" 40% Credits bonuses
25 "Green" 200% ShipXP bonuses
50 "Green" 200% Commander XP bonuses
25 "Green" 600% FreeXP bonuses
50 Juliet Charlie Signal Flags
50 India Yankee signal flags
50 Victor Lima signal flags
50 India X-Ray signal flags
100 November Echo Setteseven signal flags 
50 India Delta signal flags
100 Sierra Bravo signal flags

And one more purple-cherry snowflake arrived with the Gallant.  
Which provided 30 tokens.
And I spent that on one "Treasures From Distant Worlds" econ bonuses bundle for 24 tokens.  
Leaving 11 tokens un-spent.

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