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Research Bureau users, take note:

Ensign Cthulhu

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The countdown clock for the next double reset (if you're waiting for a new one, or to run two back-to-back) has entered the days-to-go range.

29 days as I type this. 

If you're grinding it out manually, you need to start pacing yourself accordingly.

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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

The countdown clock for the next double reset (if you're waiting for a new one, or to run two back-to-back) has entered the days-to-go range.

29 days as I type this. 

If you're grinding it out manually, you need to start pacing yourself accordingly.

Good heads up... going for 10x multiplier before I run the line with Black Friday or Santa bonuses 🙂

Thanks again.

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Half hour ago just finished regrinding German BB line... Now I am on half way to Slava... Anyway - tnx for info about double-double reset 🙂 I will know for the next time 🙂

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