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Three Kingdoms in the Armory: Ships Louchuan and Mengchong, Plus legendary Commanders!


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I assume there's no particular reason to get excited about either of the ships?

Normally, there's a good chance I'd be a sucker for stuff like this, but the lack of gamble-free, no-bloat options makes me think 'nah!'...

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2 hours ago, Verblonde said:

I assume there's no particular reason to get excited about either of the ships?

Normally, there's a good chance I'd be a sucker for stuff like this, but the lack of gamble-free, no-bloat options makes me think 'nah!'...

I was hoping the Commanders would be available for direct purchase.  
But, this isn't the first time they've been gated behind bundles of chance.

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WarGambling continues to be oblivious to the fact that people want direct buy options...

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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4 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Three Kingdoms in the Armory: Ships Louchuan and Mengchong, Plus legendary Commanders!

Very expensive for copy and paste ships. Plus I find the camos significantly inferior in aesthetics compared to what they made for Wujing and Bajie. About the Commanders, do they have enhanced skills? 


3 hours ago, Verblonde said:

I assume there's no particular reason to get excited about either of the ships?

Normally, there's a good chance I'd be a sucker for stuff like this, but the lack of gamble-free, no-bloat options makes me think 'nah!'...

If I am not mistaken, these two ships are exact copies of the Agir and the Lion, but with totally ridiculous pricing. These recent sales and marketing events are a true IQ test. LOL!


15 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

WarGambling continues to be oblivious to the fact that people want direct buy options...

They need to recover that USD200 million they lost last year, and WG knows how to milk their customers like a true capitalist! LOL!

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14 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

They need to recover that USD200 million they lost last year, and WG knows how to milk their customers like a true capitalist! LOL!

I don't understand why they don't offer both...just set the direct buy option to a higher price. The math to do so and maintain the desired revenue level is pretty trivial...

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14 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I don't understand why they don't offer both...just set the direct buy option to a higher price. The math to do so and maintain the desired revenue level is pretty trivial...

Most likely, selling premiums in sequential or random bundles gives them far higher revenues compared to offering it via a direct buy option. And I've seen whales of all shapes and sizes display their latest purchases on various social media and blogs. New ship? Instant buy. New ship in 10 sequential bundles? Yes, buy. New ship in random bundles? Yes, buy instantly. New ship bundled with various 'valuable' items and priced exorbitantly? Yes, the whales will buy it, no questions asked. Wargaming has successfully created a sales and marketing model that taps into the psychology of whales.


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I could win the lottery, and I still wouldn't whale on that level. Sure, I would be able to afford it then, but it would irk me as a human being who tries to be fiscally responsible.

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I get the freebie commander Liu Bei on Day 1 and call it a day.

I have Aegir exchanged for Free XP right before her conversion of availability to coal and a dedicated 10-pointer commander (thanks to some previous events) for Lion. Both ships in their own right are considered to be rather mediocre and I'm not a fan of this sort of... homage. Not to say they are offered at such ridiculous prices.

(And there are complaints that regarding both the folktale and historical facts, it should be Sun Quan that uses flame-throwing warships to attack Cao Cao's ships.)

The commanders are better than expected though (and there is already that previous example of Matilda Kelly who refer enemy steel warships as "men-o-war" and so forth). All lines are in Chinese language without stains of Japanese. The lines consists of historical references and a combination of archaic, antiquity-era military terms in Classic Chinese and WoWS gameplay essences. And it's Liu Bei, traditionally related with justice, benevolence and the struggle for a noble cause that is available for every player for free. Though, his majesty's arrival makes the already difficult problem of the optimalization of Pan-Asian commanders regarding to the not so numerous favorable ships even more troubled.

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9 hours ago, Frostbow said:
14 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Three Kingdoms in the Armory: Ships Louchuan and Mengchong, Plus legendary Commanders!

Very expensive for copy and paste ships. Plus I find the camos significantly inferior in aesthetics compared to what they made for Wujing and Bajie. About the Commanders, do they have enhanced skills? 



"... Commanders Cao Cao, Sun Quan, and Liu Bei with individual voiceovers; ..."


"... Head to the Armory to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival! During the event, you can purchase random bundles that hold VIII KAGAVIII PRINZ EUGENVI DUNKERQUE, and VI WARSPITE, as well as Mid-Autumn Festival permanent camouflages for these ships. The bundles also provide Commander Chang'e with a specialization for I CHENGAN and the possibility of retraining her for a Japanese ship or another Pan-Asian ship; Commander Hou Yi with a specialization for I CHENGAN; and Commander Kaguya with a specialization for I HASHIDATE. You can also obtain loads of useful resources, signals, Free XP, Elite Commander XP, Credits, expendable economic bonuses, and expendable camouflages. ..."

There's no mention of "enhanced skills", @Frostbow🙂 


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On 9/29/2023 at 10:25 PM, Frostbow said:

Most likely, selling premiums in sequential or random bundles gives them far higher revenues compared to offering it via a direct buy option. And I've seen whales of all shapes and sizes display their latest purchases on various social media and blogs. New ship? Instant buy. New ship in 10 sequential bundles? Yes, buy. New ship in random bundles? Yes, buy instantly. New ship bundled with various 'valuable' items and priced exorbitantly? Yes, the whales will buy it, no questions asked. Wargaming has successfully created a sales and marketing model that taps into the psychology of whales.


This is exactly it. They sell the ships and commanders this way because it results in much higher revenue than they would realize if they offered a direct purchase option. They literally don't care whether you want to buy them individually or not - their only goal is maximum income.

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35 minutes ago, CaptainEleven said:

This is exactly it. They sell the ships and commanders this way because it results in much higher revenue than they would realize if they offered a direct purchase option. They literally don't care whether you want to buy them individually or not - their only goal is maximum income.

Can't say that I am suprised.

Many years ago I would have been astounded myself, but now, older and ... well .. older, I can't really say I'm genuinely suprised by any stunt WG pulls when it comes to squeezing every last dime out of the player base they can. Then again, many people have said this is SOP when it comes to gaming companies. I suppose it's a feature of the sort of monetization schemes that are part of online gaming.

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