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Thoughts on Incomparable?


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As per title - what are your thoughts on this ship?

Obviously mainly looking for replies from those that have experience with it (but all thoughts welcome).

I find myself with plenty of steel (lord knows how) and am thinking of a new ship to liven up my daily grind.

As a COOP main Shiki is just too slow for my blood, Mecklenburg would be another possibility, or maybe Plymouth? (I play both BB's and cruisers).

I have Bourgogne and nothing else catches my eye.

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For coop it'd be an ok fast BB, though the bots will punish it if you let BBs fire on it a lot. It will also be hard to avoid torpedoes cause it turns like a whale and is super long.

For pvp, I don't recommend it unless you're good, cause the skill floor is pretty high. It's very easy to be caught out and make mistakes in, people will punish you hard in pvp. It also suffers a lot in matches where there's lots of things to spot you, because it relies on concealment to get the juicy positions.

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I love mine but tastes may vary & I don't have the obvious competitor for her niche (Bourgogne). In PvP she doesn't perform well under focus fire, but is a great hammer if you have another BB to play the anvil for you.

I find the guns to be hilarious fun.

For ruthlessly pushing missions in co-op, the combination of speed boost, high alpha, and torpedoes is what made getting the Somme possible for me. Can't say for more casual co-op play, since I rarely do that.

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I've got her and she does well in PVE modes, simply owing to the one-two punch of:

  1. Overmatching main calibre guns.
  2. Torpeedus.

You can put the hurt on enemy battleships with AP shells right from the word go.  No need to play the fire game with HE which, while okay in Co-op, it suffers a little from bots being quick on Damage Control Party use and the smaller number of targets making you compete with your team mates for fewer fire-setting slots.  Her AP can crash the damage numbers in quickly on French, British and American battleships.  So that's nice.

The real winner for PVE are her torpedo tubes.  They deal 16,667 damage per fish.  She launches four per side and you can single fire them.  With their 10km range and very comfortable firing arcs (30º off the bow, 31º off her stern), it's easy to deploy them.  These are great for clinching a joust.

The usual PVE tactics work well here.  Step on the gas.  Activate your Engine Boost consumable to close with the enemy quickly.  Punish whatever lights up with your enormous guns and finish off side on-passes with your fish.  You're guaranteed to come out the other side with at least one kill and more if you can bob and weave the inevitable torpedo reprisals (use your Hydroacoustic Search to make this easier!).

Brainless Co-Op fun.  Would recommend.

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Pretty much what mouse said, excellent coop battleship. 

In modes without subs/CV she had a niche in Clan Battles at release, not sure if she still gets picked for that. 

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