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Did you get what you bid for ? :)


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I've bet on coal. Got the coal.

Left short on 'em because l've got the non smoker Mino, without the coupon.


And......Smolensk seems .....enticing A48E2DD6-327E-4E69-B995-CD0955AA6217.gif.....


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I didn't bid; there wasn't anything in this one that I particularly wanted (plus, I don't like paying over the odds for WG stuff, at least not more than usual...).

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Bid for nothing and got nothing.

The prices in these auctions are insane and nothing is really worth it. I have bid a few times but pretty small amounts (credits) not expecting to ever win (and kind of glad when I don't).

The one thing I have bid high on and won was the Ohio flag. That was for Premium time. I had like 2K days of PT at the time (and this was pre SC nerf that used to give PT out like candy) and spending PT was no loss for that flag for one of my fav ships. It really was a stupid thing to do though tbh.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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I bid a handful of tokens for the cat patch and the epoch skin. Failed both, but haven't seen the winning numbers yet.

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17 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I bid a handful of tokens for the cat patch and the epoch skin. Failed both, but haven't seen the winning numbers yet.

Remind me, where are we supposed to see them and how soon after the auction?

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Tossed my remaing tokens after the flag --- and got it. Now just gonna wait until the final days in this patch-cyclus and then use the remaining tokens on signals or eco bonuses.

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I received a refund yesterday......sigh.  I guess my 3 token bid wasn't high enough.  That was all I had left and they are just sitting there doing nothing.....I'm so disappointed.

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I bid for coal and I got it.

Frankly, I wish the auction had been for 100k: I could've simply reset a line to get more credits quickly.

While we're at it, I'll say that I'd like to be able to bid FXP or RB points on mid-tier premiums, even some that I wouldn't otherwise buy. At least it would count towards draining the pool for future crates. As a no-lifer with all RB ships (and a fair bit of Legendary Modules), these resources are pretty much just piling up right now...

Edited by tocqueville8
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On 9/25/2023 at 6:57 PM, Andrewbassg said:

Did you get what you bid for ? 🙂
I've bet on coal. Got the coal.

Left short on 'em because l've got the non smoker Mino, without the coupon.


And......Smolensk seems .....enticing A48E2DD6-327E-4E69-B995-CD0955AA6217.gif.....

I placed two bids, on some low-cost items.  I didn't have the doubloons or other resources needed for the high-priced items.
Of the two bids I placed, one of them did win.  🙂

I was able to get the Five Epochs of the Navy camouflage for 201 festive tokens.
My bid for the "Cat the Cap" patch was not a winner.  I bid 201 tokens and the winning bid was 590 tokens.

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1 hour ago, Andrewbassg said:
8 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

the winning bid was 590 tokens.


I'm not going to lose sleep over it.  🙂

I already have all the patches that can be dropped from a daily XP container. 
Nowadays, when I get a patch as part of a container drop, I get 15,000 credits if the container provides a patch that I already have.
So, this way, I can look forward to a container eventually providing me a Cat the Cap patch as a randomly chosen result.
Sure, it could remain exclusive for a while.
But the Vintage Pin-Up style patches were sold for doubloons, originally.  (I remember, because I bought some for doubloons.)
But now they're included in the list of patches that could drop from a container.

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