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Weekend Spree, 22-24 September 2023

Ensign Cthulhu

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Finished the flakes. Grabbed Karl XIV Johan. Am impressed.

After careful study of the Leipzig, the Scarlet Thunder and their stats and on-stream/CC video performance relative to the tech tree ships they are derived from, I decided to let that one go. 

Am extremely pleased with my Anniversary haul. Better than anything I've managed in previous years:

Event Haul 

IRIAN (from Bayard exchange)
SILIWANGI (from Twitch mission, 2 x SC)

Retro Wave container x 7
Econ VI permabooster
Econ VI
Eendracht 7-seas skin
Econ VII
Econ VII
Econ VI

Event supercontainers in order:


1) 50 X November Foxtrot
2) FXP 600% x 25
3) Elite Commander XP (ECXP) 75,000 
4) 1000 doubloons (dubs)
5) 1500 research bureau points (RP)
6) 25,000 FXP
7) Ship XP 200% x 25
😎 50 x India Xray
9) SXP 200% x 25
10) 1000 dubs (2nd)
11) 50 x Sierra Mike
12) 50 x India Delta
13) Commander XP 200% x 25
14) Free XP 600% x 25
15) Ship XP 800% x 15
16) 7500 coal (1st)
17) 7 days Premium time
18) 7 days Premium time (2nd)
19) Commander XP (Cm) 200% x 25
20) 50 x India Yankee
21) 50 x Xray Papa Unaone
22) 7500 coal (2nd)
23) 50 x Victor Lima
24) FXP 600% x 25
25) 1000 dubs (3rd)
26) 7 days premium time (3rd)
27) 1000 dubs (4th)
28) 1500 x RB points (2nd)
29) Cm 200% x 25
30) 7 days premium time (4th)
31) 7 days premium time (5th)
32) 50 x Victor Lima
33) 50 x November Foxtrot
34) SXP 200% x 25
35) Credits 40% x 25
36) FXP 600% x 25
37) 1000 dubs (5th)
38) 50 x Victor Lima
39) 50 x Juliet Charlie
40) 1000 dubs (6th)
41) 50 x India Xray
42) 50 x Victor Lima
43) 50 x Xray Papa Unaone
44) 50 x Victor Lima
45) Elite Commander XP 75,000
46) Elite Commander XP 75,000
47) Credits 40% x 25
48) 50 x India Yankee
49) 25,000 FXP (2nd)
50) 50 x Victor Lima
51) 50 x Victor Lima
52) 7500 coal
53) SXP 200% x 25
54) 50 x November Echo Setteseven
55) 7 days premium time (6th)
56) 1500 Research Bureau points
57) 50 x India X-ray
(3 supercontainers from Amazon Prime)
59) 50 x November Foxtrot
60) SXP 200% x 25
61) 25,000 FXP
62) SXP 800% x 15
63) 50 x India X-ray
64) Elite Commander XP x 75,000
65) 1000 dubs (7th)
66) 25,000 FXP
67) 7 days Premium Time (7th)
68) 50 x Sierra Bravo
69) 50 x India Delta
70) 50 x India Delta
71) Credits 160% x 15
72) 25,000 FXP
(2 monthly supercontainers)
73) 50 x Victor Lima
74) Ship XP 200% x 25
75) Elite Commander XP 75,000
76) 7,500 coal
77) 50 x India X-ray

Roughly 7000 dubs, nearly 50 days premium time, a ship (Vanguard) and 375,000 ECXP are the big takeaways for me. 

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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I also had a very nice haul and I am not finished yet. Very happy with the event I dont keep track of things but I got my money's worth of free goodies.


Edited by clammboy
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Let's see.  Found a new Bourbon from Oklahoma - really good stuff Maynerd...  Played a few RO's (just got done...)  Finally got out to the range and got my 25 caliber muzzle loader in the 10 ring finally !  Now, I dare someone to say they have a smaller muzzle loader....  As far as I know, and I've been shooting M/L's for 55 years now, 25 is as small as it gets and the gun and barrel builders were "stressed" building it.....  But, I have found a ball (a #3 swagged Hornady buckshot ball (23.3mm)), patch (.0020 Pillow ticking) and powder (25 grains of Swiss 3F) and a RWS +11 cap) load it likes !  Woo-freaking-hoo !   Now, in two weeks, in the Small Bore matches, it's time to throw those lads a curve; cause,  no one have ever seen a 25 caliber before.... 

In the game, just finishing up some event stuff and an old clan friend returned for RO's....

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Still dusting off flakes, but got all of the super containers that I can.  At this point anything else is just icing on the cake.  

Put in a bid for the Seventh Sea pennant.

Also played quite a few games on the PTS.  The next iteration of the Halloween operation may be a lot easier than the previous ones.  Destroyers can get torpedo reloads down to less than 15 seconds.


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Big weekend here:

Monthly SC gave me a Groningen!

Ground out bought Petropavlovsk, Z52, Mogador & St Louis.

Now I just need to decide on how to use my 50% coupon, either the Bagration or Siliwangi.  Any suggestions?

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33 minutes ago, S7CentNickel said:

Big weekend here:


36 minutes ago, S7CentNickel said:

Now I just need to decide on how to use my 50% coupon, either the Bagration or Siliwangi. 

Do I take it from this that you already have all the other options?

I have sailed the Siliwangi exactly once in co-op, and feel no yearning in my loins for the Bagration. None. 

If you want a Pan-Asian Ognevoi with deepwater torpedoes and hydro (but without a heal or DFAA!), Siliwangi might be for you. I consider her to be on my list of "ships I would never have spent money on, but am curious to see what they are like now that fortune has placed them in my hands". 

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51 minutes ago, Community leader said:

i have debunked the best players from Wows community, and all others ,whgen they say anything about Stats.

The only one mentioning it here is you. What gives?

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Still nowhere near finishing my flakes, but making (slow) progress through them. Picked up Bayard on Friday, as well as Zieten's permacamo. Got lucky and dropped Anhalt's camo from the crate, which was the only camo on that list I was missing, so that saved me some tokens.

Powered through some dockyard missions while grinding flakes, and made up some lost progress. I didn't open last week's stage until Sunday afternoon, so I'm officially a week behind. But I've already made decent progress on those so I should be able to start this week's without losing too much of the week. Luckily CBs counted for some of the missions, so I was able to use that time for progress as well.

My "anniversary" shipment crates came in today as well. And in true mehcontainer fashion, they were truly meh:

  • 50 Juliet Charlies (to add to my collection of 3800+, since I really only use them in CBs and the occasional ranked or brawl, and they seem to go up faster than I can use them), and 
  • Another 7 days of premium (which brings me back up to 347 days of premium time that's been running since I bought one year in January 2021)

I'm going to grab the patch this evening when I get on (purely for the sake of collecting, since it looks nice but I doubt I'll ever use it), and then start converting the remaining tokens into SCs. If I get through all of my flakes, I'm looking at another 45 to 50 SCs to open by the time the event's over. I can't wait for the meh pile to increase.

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14 hours ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

The only one mentioning it here is you. What gives?

Oh my, he's here 😄 You have just met Fastmotion, a legend on deceased EU forum. You shouldn't have asked him, but you'll see what I mean if this conversation goes on 😉 

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27 minutes ago, dommo77 said:

Oh my, he's here 😄 You have just met Fastmotion, a legend on deceased EU forum. You shouldn't have asked him, but you'll see what I mean if this conversation goes on 😉 

I wouldn't worry about that

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4 hours ago, Chobittsu said:

I wouldn't worry about that

That sounds rather ominous, coming from a mod. 😈

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14 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:
19 hours ago, Chobittsu said:

I wouldn't worry about that

That sounds rather ominous, coming from a mod. 😈


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