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Ship Balancing Discussion

Go to solution Solved by I_cant_Swim_,

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To mods/site owner, once again I appreciate you taking the time and putting in the hard work to create this method of free and open communication.

My question is: which subsection would be the appropriate place for discussion about what ships to buff/nerf?


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@NMA101Excellent question.  Under ideal situations, I would say place it in the "Ship Review" section.  However, the way it is currently set up may not really get noticed, or questions you ask/comments get addressed.  I'll get with our Administrator about expanding that area of the forums.  We discussed that area of the forums briefly today with some ideas/thoughts.  Outside of the dedicated LWM reviews in that section, perhaps have a general warships section broken down into reviews, ships by type/nation where individual ships can be discussed, and a general warship area, whereas, in your case, it would probably be the correct landing spot since it would/could cover multiple ships or lines.  If it is a topic you can't currently hold back on, I'd go with general for the time being.  If you can hold off a day or two, I'm sure we can find a logical home for your topic.

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I’d agree with @HogHammer. Place it in the general section for now. Our forum structure is fairly simple, and may need to be reorganized in the future. Moving a post to a new home is then just a click. You’ll get more views for now, that way.

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Thank you both for replying. I think I am going to hold off on posting ship balancing discussion for at least the next few days, as I predict with the new update + Twitch stream there are going to be quite the fireworks around here...

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