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News - 25 years of Wargaming

Tpaktop2_1 NA

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I found something in the news posted by Venture Beat on Big Boss man Victor Kislyi talking about the past 25 years with Wargaming. I don't know if its me, or if Big Boss man has matured in my eyes. In this interview he sounds like a good CEO when compared to CEO's from Ubisoft or Blizzard /Activision.

He states the trials and tribulations of Wargaming of the past 25 years and what is happening now.  Mr. Kislyi stated he is choosing what was the right side of history, which seems consistent to Wargaming's past press releases. Mr. Kislyi states that Wargaming took a $250 million hit when events in Ukraine happened. In addition, WG lost about 2,000+ employees in the move to the west.

To me I get this sense of sincerity in Mr. Kislyi's wording from the interview. This doesn't sound like a doctored press release. Take of it what you may. 

Now if Wargaming was really looking to the future, maybe clean up the products that he currently has on the market, that is unless this is the end of the software cycle. Wargaming has some good core ideas. It just the execution into marketing is where it gets flubbed up.

All I can say is imagine if R&D money was pumped into redoing WoT or WoWS in making it better. Go beyond cash grab events. Imagine new servers, new game engine, new software optimization, eliminate employee deadwood, etc. Go at it like a kickstarter software company would do. I know it will cost cash, but the rewards would be like replacing a roof. You know you will need it, it will be costly, however the rewards when completed will be tenfold.

Our clan loves how WoWS gets us together like a weekend golf outing.  How much more will people like me, my family, my friends will pay for a better product? I know I have spent in the past about as much as a cheap used car on WoWS. However the past three years I have spent $0.

If things improved by changing the WoWS developer's mindset in doing a real CV rework with workable AA, workable commander skills, put subs in their own battle mode, give players the decision in what battle modes they want to play, make the matchmaker a true matchmaker, and a dream of having WoWS developer play their own game, it would bring dollars back to Wargaming. Otherwise keep going the way WG is going, and Wargaming will not last another 25 years.

Source:  https://venturebeat.com/games/how-wargaming-survived-25-years-and-dealt-with-the-ukraine-war-victor-kislyi-interview/

Edited by Tpaktop2_1 NA
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5 hours ago, Tpaktop2_1 NA said:

Otherwise keep going the way WG is going, and War gaming will not last another 25 years

It's funny thing about small niche game histories.   The Last game before I moved into WoWs was MWO....  So, I haven't played MWO but a dozen matches since I have been in WoWs (2017).   That's 6 years and I went back into their Forum and guess what........the same 15 or so forum regulars are still there.  Saying the same things.

So, 10 years from now, this forum will have the same 15 forum regulars here (if they are still with us...)  

Very few games last 25 years....

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34 minutes ago, Asym said:

It's funny thing about small niche game histories.   The Last game before I moved into WoWs was MWO....  So, I haven't played MWO but a dozen matches since I have been in WoWs (2017).   That's 6 years and I went back into their Forum and guess what........the same 15 or so forum regulars are still there.  Saying the same things.

So, 10 years from now, this forum will have the same 15 forum regulars here (if they are still with us...)  

Very few games last 25 years....

Technically speaking, it's 25 years of Wargaming, not 25 years WoWS, or even WoT.

Yoo-hoo! I'm a lean mean posting machine!


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2 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Technically speaking, it's 25 years of Wargaming, not 25 years WoWS, or even WoT.

Yoo-hoo! I'm a lean mean posting machine!



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Food for thought...

The increased monetization squeeze is directly a result of that write off from the move to the West.

The low quality releases are directly a result of losing thousands of employees and having to train new ones...

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48 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Food for thought...

The increased monetization squeeze is directly a result of that write off from the move to the West.

The low quality releases are directly a result of losing thousands of employees and having to train new ones...




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3 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Food for thought...

The increased monetization squeeze is directly a result of that write off from the move to the West.

The low quality releases are directly a result of losing thousands of employees and having to train new ones...

So... how's WG's 'New Player Training Program' doing?

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