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Then They Wonder Why People Just Spam HE


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43 minutes ago, Kalishnikat said:

Photos 9_22_2023 10_06_38 PM.png

AP could really use a rework to its mechanics, In a game where accuracy is inconsistent at best having an ammunition that can go from doing little damage to outright deleting a ship all because it landed 1 meter away is nuts.

i will happily trade overmatch in exchange of  removing citadels overpens. or buff accuracy in exchange of reduced shell speed.



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Things with AP started to go massively wrong at some point, but I can't remember exactly when and which update was it that screwed it up.

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18 hours ago, pepe_trueno said:

AP could really use a rework to its mechanics, In a game where accuracy is inconsistent at best having an ammunition that can go from doing little damage to outright deleting a ship all because it landed 1 meter away is nuts.

i will happily trade overmatch in exchange of  removing citadels overpens. or buff accuracy in exchange of reduced shell speed.



The problem is AP overmatch is taken away cruisers become stupidly overpowered. Citadel overpens need to go bye bye though.  Maybe increase hps across the board (edit 1 beside subs,   Edit 2 and cv's , edit 3 and DD's) by 35%.

Edited by WES_HoundDog
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On 9/23/2023 at 12:07 AM, pepe_trueno said:

AP could really use a rework to its mechanics, In a game where accuracy is inconsistent at best having an ammunition that can go from doing little damage to outright deleting a ship all because it landed 1 meter away is nuts.

i will happily trade overmatch in exchange of  removing citadels overpens. or buff accuracy in exchange of reduced shell speed.


Ooh, they could bring spalling back.

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On 9/22/2023 at 11:07 PM, pepe_trueno said:

AP could really use a rework to its mechanics, In a game where accuracy is inconsistent at best having an ammunition that can go from doing little damage to outright deleting a ship all because it landed 1 meter away is nuts.

i will happily trade overmatch in exchange of  removing citadels overpens. or buff accuracy in exchange of reduced shell speed.


40 minutes ago, LittleWhiteMouse said:

Ooh, they could bring spalling back.

Good to see you on the site Mouse.

I simply find that all of the effects discussion simply are not germane.   Think about it, this is a game.  And, a game that sells gimmicks to the meta to make money...  Yes, it would nice if our host had some sense of consistency.  But, the boogyman under the bed is that this is simply a game vis-a'-vis a SIM with 1:1 physics....  Gosh, we all suffer from "something" that simply doesn't make sense...  AA or ASW or how a DD can simply stroll up to a BB on the off since at less than 5K and not get killed........ Or........

The entire game is a game.  So, as LWM has done to chronicle the battlespace mechanic's physics, we as players simply need to have fun..........even if the enemy seems to have weapons performance from Alien Space Bat physics.  Otherwise, we'd all throw up our hands, scream till the GoD's hear us or quit.....  Cause, it's "just a game...."

Abandon all joy.............this is the way.

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