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I just completed another stage on the Battle Pass ... reached 22, and that gave me 9 More Signals Containers. I went to open them and to my surprise what was winched onto the deck was a  super container.

I cracked it open to find


I'd already finished grinding my flakes (I don't have that many ships after all) so I decided I'd just jump in and get the flake off her ... and figure out what do to with her later.

I hit the battle button, without even spending any of the 10 points on the Captain she came with.

My first thought was "OMG this thing is slow!" ... and then I noticed that she's got SO MANY GUNS! Even with the 30 second reload, she's almost the BB version of dakka!

And so my conundrum ... I really want to make something of this ship. I suck at BBs thus far, except for the GK which I use for brawling because I like that style of play. But with a max speed of 22 knots I can't see myself getting close to many ships in the feeding frenzy.

And so I turn to you, DD experts, how can I make this ship work best in COOP? I've got 10 points to spend on the Captain, and the equipment options are:

Slot 1:

  • Main Armaments Mod 1
  • Auxiliary Armaments Mod 1
  • Magazine Mod 1
  • Damage Control Party Mod 1 (Purchase from the Armory)

Slot 2:

  • Damage Control System Mod 1
  • Engine Room Protection

Slot 3:

  • Main Battery Mod 2
  • Secondary Battery Mod 1
  • Aiming Systems Mod 1

I await your informed suggestions ... and while I'm waiting I'm gonna go watch Potato Quality's 'Super Unicum Aiming Guide' again.



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It's a fantastic meme boat!

You gotta build yourself a pure 2nd-build boat. With skills and upgrades you can get her 2nd up to 7.9 km range if memory serves me well, thus even longer if you wanna splash credits/signals - now you can go punish some t5/t6. And since you write you like GK, you’re most likely gonna find yourself right at home in this ship, if you make her a 2nd-build. If not, she’s really mostly a big, ol’ nothing whopper.

A few key issues to be aware of; slow acceleration/low top speed and long reload as mentioned. Also her ASW leave something to be desired - but most important she has none (zero, nada, null etc.) AA. So when in battles with CVs you're supposed to be the clown that is smiling on the outside....but starts to cry on the inside, when the CV spots you AND acknowledges that she can target you without running into any flack. And yeah, when you run into t7 it's gonna feel like you’re being shafted by a two-by-four….

But apart from that. She's so much fun, but I could worry that she’s too slow for coop/PvE. The enemy boats could be gone once you get in reach. I dunno, not being a PvE main?

Added her with my own random-stats below. For me she's a formidable low-tier brawler for randoms. Oh, I love her(!)




Edited by ZeuSueZ1337
Typos etc.
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This is my latest video with the Agincourt

I have the following:

Slot 1:
Main Armaments Mod 1

Slot 2:
Damage Control System Mod 1

Slot 3:
Secondary Battery Mod 1

15 pt. Commander skills in order
Emergency Repair Specialist
Grease the Gears
Long Range Seconday Battery shells
Manual Secondary Bttery Aiming
Demolition Expert

Next Skills to get
Adrenalin Rush
Basics of Survivability

Have fun playing the ship

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It never ceases to amuse me that of the two ships at tier V, Agincourt is the secondary boat like Atlantico and RdJ is best built (and played like) a typical British battleship. 😆

As far as a build for Agincourt:

Mount MBM1, DCM1, and SBM1.

For Randoms/Ranked:

At level one take either Demolition Expert or Gun Feeder. I don’t recommend Emergency Repair Specialist on any ship, yet alone a ship like Agincourt that has a fast recharging heal. Both of her consumables have an 80s cooldown, and the skill drops that down to… 77.4s. Your points are better spent elsewhere.

At level two, take either PT or Brisk based on your preference. Agincourt already has excellent turret traverse (5 degrees per second) and IFHE isn’t very useful at tier V. PT is always useful and Agincourt is slow with good concealment, meaning she gets a lot of value out of Brisk.

You then want to grab LRSBS and manual secondaries for obvious reasons, as well as Concealment Expert. Agincourt is slow but has very good concealment. CE will enhance the latter and allow you to get into secondary range more consistently.

This gives you seven points remaining, and IMO the best options remaining are FPE and Adrenaline Rush. If you really want the extra heal (with 80s cooldown, it’s quite likely you’ll want a fifth charge in a lot of games) grab BoS and ERE instead.

For Coop, something like this works well. You can substitute PT for Vigilance, DE for GF, or FPE for CQC if you prefer.



Edited by Nevermore135
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G'day to @ZeuSueZ1337, @KJ82, @Tpaktop2_1 NA and @Nevermore135


Firstly ... thank you everyone for your responses. I've tagged you so that you will see this.

Secondly ... sorry for the slow response, I was caught up with RL and while I had time to have a quick look at the thread I didn't have the opportunity to respond properly.

I watched your video @Tpaktop2_1 NA ... it was good stuff. Amusingly I was in a COOP match with Thufir earlier in the week (that's not the sort of name you forget quickly). I would have given you an upvote, but it's been years since I logged into Youtube and I have no idea whatsoever what my password is facepalmsmiley.gif.dc696cfbf23e3f4aab9dce896eba2993.gif

I appreciate everyone's input and the help you provided.

I went with Main Armaments Mod 1, Damage Control System Mod 1 and Secondary Battery Mod 1 as that was clearly the consensus.

With my first 9 points I went with Demolition Expert, Brisk, Long Range Secondary Battery Shells, and finally Manual Secondary Battery Aiming.

When I see how she plays with that combination, I'll be able to make an informed decision on how to spend the rest of my points.


Once again ... thanks.


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You gotta build yourself a pure 2nd-build boat. With skills and upgrades you can get her 2nd up to 7.9 km range if memory serves me well, thus even longer if you wanna splash credits/signals - now you can go punish some t5/t6.

8.3 km with signal flag.  It's one of only two botes I've actually paid real money for - the other being the USS smith, I think it was for $1.99.   The Agincourt was like five bucks or something I thought was dirt cheap for a possible fun banger.   And it's a great bote.  No AA. but you've got punishing 2ndaries and 14 big guns.  What a hoot!

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Just had a match on Strait.

I think I'm gonna enjoy this ship!


I can see she's going to be pretty map-dependent in COOP though ... here's hoping for plenty of open water!

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On 9/23/2023 at 11:14 AM, SunkCostFallacy said:

I can see she's going to be pretty map-dependent in COOP though ... here's hoping for plenty of open water!

Keep your eyes open for Tier 5 Ranked. (or any other Tier 5 only game mode)

When you don't have to worry about higher tier ships or CVs the Agincourt (full secondary build) is a monster of a ship 🙂

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