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Is This Bayard Worth Getting


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Slowly getting to the festive figure to buy this ship just wondering is it worth it,I have looked at the half price voucher and the ships you can but with it and I cannot see one ship there of interest.

As it stands my options are Bayard and or several watered down super containers that may get me the very same ships that the half price voucher gives me.

I'm certain I will get roasted but this has to be so far the most lame anniversary so far.

But I/m certain WG will go one better in the following years to come.

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Bayard is worth getting.

13 minutes ago, tm63au said:

the most lame anniversary so far.

Why would that be? This is the first time WG has catered with supercontainers to players who don't yet have any Tier 10 ships, and has offered a guaranteed high tier premium (T8 or higher) if your fleet's large enough.

So far, I've picked up 6K dubs and over a month of premium time from those "watered down supercontainers" and I've still got quite a few left to get, so I don't see what you're whining about. 

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3 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Bayard is worth getting.

Why would that be? This is the first time WG has catered with supercontainers to players who don't yet have any Tier 10 ships, and has offered a guaranteed high tier premium (T8 or higher) if your fleet's large enough.

So far, I've picked up 6K dubs and over a month of premium time from those "watered down supercontainers" and I've still got quite a few left to get, so I don't see what you're whining about. 

Well if your happy with it cool


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29 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Bayard is worth getting.

Why would that be? This is the first time WG has catered with supercontainers to players who don't yet have any Tier 10 ships, and has offered a guaranteed high tier premium (T8 or higher) if your fleet's large enough.

So far, I've picked up 6K dubs and over a month of premium time from those "watered down supercontainers" and I've still got quite a few left to get, so I don't see what you're whining about. 

By the way  I may have said they were " watered down " but the original point of view about these super containers was from a streamer I just echoed what he felt about them.

it was posted on one of my threads here just recently.




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46 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Why would that be? This is the first time WG has catered with supercontainers to players who don't yet have any Tier 10 ships, and has offered a guaranteed high tier premium (T8 or higher) if your fleet's large enough.

While yes, rewards from this anniversary is more flexible and comes with some guaranteed prizes (Bayard or its substitute and a 50%-off coupon) for veterans, it should be noted that WG has intentionally nerfed supercontainers beforehand quoting snowflake events (that is WG has intentionally make this anniversary event less profitable for players). Not to say some players are/were still largely dissatisfied with the currently online compromise.

For the topic question, do you favor random supercontainer contents (that would possibly end up as dozens of green-tier bonii) or a guaranteed T8 premium ship that is... at least interesting enough and can be get by "collecting snowflakes"? How much do you value certainty, here in contrast with the much debated and often ridiculed randomness?

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

So far, I've picked up 6K dubs and over a month of premium time from those "watered down supercontainers" and I've still got quite a few left to get, so I don't see what you're whining about. 

You are not the only one who received doubloons from these watered down supercontainers. Some even got more. 

But telling us how much you received from your supercontainers is utterly impertinent, and more importantly, is not the proper perspective to the issue at hand.


1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

so I don't see what you're whining about. 

You do not see it because either you conveniently omit, or fail to mention, the fact that if not for Wargaming nerfing the content of these anniversary supercontainers, you would have received a lot more items. 


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If you like playing ops Bayard is one of my favorites to go farm 1 million silver/25k capt xp with blue boosters per match. 


Lots of guns, reload booster, torps. It's just squishy, you don't want to take sustained fire from anything and want to use islands/smoke to either stay hidden or limit exposure. 

She really shines in the ops with lots of dds/low tier cruisers and a heal area. 

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2 hours ago, tm63au said:

Is This Bayard Worth Getting
Slowly getting to the festive figure to buy this ship just wondering is it worth it,I have looked at the half price voucher and the ships you can but with it and I cannot see one ship there of interest.

As it stands my options are Bayard and or several watered down super containers that may get me the very same ships that the half price voucher gives me.

I'm certain I will get roasted but this has to be so far the most lame anniversary so far.

But I/m certain WG will go one better in the following years to come.

I'm satisfied with the Bayard.  She's a decent 'bote, and I don't mind that I exchanged 6,250 8th. anniversary event tokens to welcome her to my Port.

Now, I'm continuing the play the ships in my Fleet to earn more event tokens for other items being offered in the Armory.
I'm using @Ensign Cthulhu's approach of accruing event tokens until I can accrue no more. 
Then I'll see what I can afford with the total.

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1 hour ago, Project45_Opytny said:

or a guaranteed T8 premium ship that is... at least interesting enough and can be get by "collecting snowflakes"? How much do you value certainty, here in contrast with the much debated and often ridiculed randomness?

I like earning even tokens and then deciding, with certainty, how I may spend my tokens on items of my choosing.
As you point out, by inference, it is a preferable option when compared to random chance with many items being less-than-desirable amidst the possible random outcomes.

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"Is This Bayard Worth Getting?"

***All of the below assumes PvP play***

Tl;dr - if you’re into running and gunning DDs/boats and dont mind being deleted form time to time within the first few minutes you’ll get a TGV-boat with a great set of tools and decent DPM.

There are several variables (illustration right below) we need to know before being able to answer this even remotely useful, if:



  • You are a cruiser (CL/CA) main then very yes on toast (Hat-Tip to Mouse, Lert etc.) surely add her to your fleet, but with a few big old caveats, see below(!)
  • You are a dakkadak DD-main then yes you could find pleasure in her (pun)
  • You on the other hand are a stealth DD then you’re gonna have your hands full and not in a particularly pleasant way.
  • You are a BB/Battle-cruiser main stay away. Her shiny hull will trick you into believing she can absorb damage. She cannot. Read the last part agin. She can👏not! Her ZItas can be targeted from Neptune — and no, not talking bout’ the boat here.
  • You're a sub or CV captains I don't expect you to heed my guidance….

Being a DD-main(iac) Bayard is actually a CL I like; Her DPM is more than decent, she is agile in general and for a cruiser in particular she has hydro and useful torps and her AA in the current meta is not completely useless.


Finally the caveats.

In equal t8 matches she will face stuff like:

  • Edinburgh, Mogami, Cleveland, Kagero, Benson stuff like that. Sure they can hurt her, but she can fight back ez pz.

However, in the same even spread she can face stuff like:

  • Ablemarble, Baltimore, Hipper, Cherbourg, La Fantasque, G.J. Maerker etc. Those guns are gonna hurt like hell.

And moving up the ladder those will turn into:

  • Buffalo, DM, Roon, Hindenburg, Brest, Marseilles, Mogador, Kleber, Felix Schultz, Elbing etc. And this is without mentioning Steel, Coal & RB ships. So player one: get ready for a shellacking.


So yeah, Bayard can be a fun & good ship. Is she for everyone? Absolutely not.


Edited by HogHammer
Descriptive language edit
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On 9/20/2023 at 8:28 AM, DoW_ said:

Agree with Gandalf aside from ship preference. 

Cross of Dorn/Mainz is my “fun” ship to blast some bots in ops with. 

Mainz and Bayard are 1A and 1B for me as well, Mainz is more consistent but one reload booster at the right time I can full health the 3 Omaha/Phoenix's on certain ops which is just too fun to pass up. 

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I think it's important to remember we are talking about free items here.  Worth is a relative term in that case, as you are weighing one free item you may get against other free items you could get.


Those complaining about getting free items probably need to remember none of that is owed to them, and they can elect to receive nothing at all if that would please them.



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On 9/22/2023 at 7:20 PM, Jakob Knight said:

I think it's important to remember we are talking about free items here.  Worth is a relative term in that case, as you are weighing one free item you may get against other free items you could get.

Those complaining about getting free items probably need to remember none of that is owed to them, and they can elect to receive nothing at all if that would please them.

"free" items, one of which requires you to have played the game for a year or two at minimum to get a big enough fleet, freeeeeeee, NA moment i guess

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50 minutes ago, PrintScreen said:

"free" items, one of which requires you to have played the game for a year or two at minimum to get a big enough fleet, freeeeeeee, NA moment i guess


Huh?  It takes a year or two to grind out seven Tier V ships?  That's pretty hard to believe, and gets you a Supercontainer you otherwise wouldn't have.  If not that, then a couple of economic boosts or flags.  Most can probably have a Tier 8 ship inside a year, and that means at least four qualifying ships right there, assuming they never played anything but one single national line, which I doubt any player does.


If it's a 'NA moment', I guess the NA server is blessed with a far, far larger number of players who excel than others.  I don't believe that, but that comment makes me wonder.

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2 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

Huh?  It takes a year or two to grind out seven Tier V ships?

I think he's talking about the time taken to build a big enough fleet to pick up the Bayard.

Equivalent token values:

32 Tier 10 or superships

or 84 Tier 8 or Tier 9

or 209 Tier 5 to 7

Or a combination of the above.


Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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21 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I think he's talking about the time taken to build a big enough fleet to pick up the Bayard.

Equivalent token values:

32 Tier 10 or superships

or 84 Tier 8 or Tier 9

or 209 Tier 5 to 7

Or a combination of the above.



Ahhh....I didn't see the 'one of which'.  So, yes, you do require some time in the game to get the 'big' prize for free.  If you haven't, you still get something if you've spent some time playing.  And, personally, I am passing on the Bayard.  Light cruisers are difficult to make work in the game, and the French line isn't one I play in game.



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On 9/20/2023 at 7:04 AM, tm63au said:

Slowly getting to the festive figure to buy this ship just wondering is it worth it,I have looked at the half price voucher and the ships you can but with it and I cannot see one ship there of interest.

As it stands my options are Bayard and or several watered down super containers that may get me the very same ships that the half price voucher gives me.

I'm certain I will get roasted but this has to be so far the most lame anniversary so far.

But I/m certain WG will go one better in the following years to come.

Bayard's a workhorse.  The biggest thing special about her is that she's a light (152mm armed) cruiser at a tier where the tech-tree French ships have all switched over to heavy cruiser (203mm+) armaments.  That's pretty much it.  You're carrying over the guns from tier VI Galissonniere, but with twelve barrels instead of nine.  You get the usual French cruiser trimmings of being squishy and fast.  She has medium-ranged torpedoes along with the Main Battery Reload Boosteer and improved French Engine Boost consumables for her gimmicks.

She's a decent ship.  If you're chasing competitive metas, then she's "okay", but nowhere close to top-tier.  Her claim to fame when she was released was that she had improved HE penetration (30mm instead of the usual 25mm for 152mm guns) which later became standard across most 152mm armed light cruisers at tier VIII+.  This was back when IFHE gave 30% improved HE penetration (25mm increased to 32.5mm, 30mm increased to 39mm).  This let the older version of Bayard put out a bit more damage than her contemporaries when she was brand spanking new, but she's lost this distinction now.

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On 9/20/2023 at 7:21 AM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Bayard is worth getting.

Why would that be? This is the first time WG has catered with supercontainers to players who don't yet have any Tier 10 ships, and has offered a guaranteed high tier premium (T8 or higher) if your fleet's large enough.

So far, I've picked up 6K dubs and over a month of premium time from those "watered down supercontainers" and I've still got quite a few left to get, so I don't see what you're whining about. 

...as if today's super containers are comparable to past years super containers...


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On 9/22/2023 at 2:20 PM, Jakob Knight said:

I think it's important to remember we are talking about free items here.  Worth is a relative term in that case, as you are weighing one free item you may get against other free items you could get.


Those complaining about getting free items probably need to remember none of that is owed to them, and they can elect to receive nothing at all if that would please them.




We are NOT talking about free items.

If they were free, why can't I get Bayard? Hmm?

The items are REWARD COMPENSATION for LOYALTY to the game.

This whole 'stop whining about free stuff' is based on a lie. Stop peddling it, please.

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32 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The items are REWARD COMPENSATION for LOYALTY to the game.

I joined the game too late to build-up enough FreeXP to welcome the Missouri and the Musashi to my port, "way back when".
Timing, eh?  🙂 
Nowadays, it's 2023 instead of 2018.  I've played enough to have a decently large fleet in my Port.

Is it such a bad thing to be provided an opportunity to welcome a ship or choose item(s) from an assorted list of goodies (as a side-effect and/or reward for playing a game)?
I'm having trouble understanding why some people object to, or are upset by, the notion of encouraging customer loyalty.

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1 hour ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I joined the game too late to build-up enough FreeXP to welcome the Missouri and the Musashi to my port, "way back when".
Timing, eh?  🙂 
Nowadays, it's 2023 instead of 2018.  I've played enough to have a decently large fleet in my Port.

Is it such a bad thing to be provided an opportunity to welcome a ship or choose item(s) from an assorted list of goodies (as a side-effect and/or reward for playing a game)?
I'm having trouble understanding why some people object to, or are upset by, the notion of encouraging customer loyalty.

I'm not upset by it...it's a good thing.

I'm irritated by the continual attempt to claim that things are free in this game that are actually rewards.

It's part of the 'obfuscate value and prices' strategy of a lot of gaming companies so their customers are misled into making poor purchasing decisions.

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2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:


We are NOT talking about free items.

If they were free, why can't I get Bayard? Hmm?

The items are REWARD COMPENSATION for LOYALTY to the game.

This whole 'stop whining about free stuff' is based on a lie. Stop peddling it, please.


My apologies if I equated playing the game and receiving something for just doing so when such items are often purchased with real money for the game 'free'.  I guess I look at receiving something for an activity I will do regardless as something free of charge, whereas others think that there is merit in complaining about what they are getting for such.


Also I would wonder how loyalty is demonstrated here.  By providing payment to the company in return for their work and services, or using those works and services without providing anything in return except criticism and scant praise.



To each their own.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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