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"Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!"
Enough is enough.
Down with Wargaming.

One thing that people tend to forget is that these Anniversary Events have often only mostly benefitted the Veteran playerbase, people who have played since like 2015-2016 or so, and even during the start of Closed Beta Testing, aka. people who have like up to 200-600+ ships in their port, instead of the more average and casual players who have mostly only ever played like for 2 years (like i did) and only have 50+ or so ships (like i do to this day) in their port.

I don't have to grind entire ship lines just for the tokens, snowflakes, or Tier 10's just so that i can check off individual supercontainers, and that's because i already have everything for the moment i wanted. I'm not a whale, i have only like 3 Tier 10's, 5/6-ish Tier 9's and i am already somewhat satisfied. The only ever last thing i needed to be fully, totally and completely satisfied with the game was a return of the retro-style naval combat shooter with RTS carriers, working AA, old upgrade icons, the old interface, old consumables, and old economic flags and camo's, the old economy, as well as the ability to farm signals from combat achievements, and most importantly, all the cool historical and alike ships such as Massachusetts, Jean Bart, Enterprise, Georgia, Nelson, and Ohio's British mate the legendary Thunderer, and so on.

Unfortunately before i knew it when i had first started playing this game in Early February 2021, it had all gone to crap years long ago. All the cool premiums were removed from the store, and later replaced with bland and mostly fictional tech-tree lines with free gimmicks, weird big-bore calibers such as 16.5-inch, 17-inch, and even the famed 18-inch guns which only the two deleted premiums: Georgia and Thunderer were alloved to have (but then it was expanded to the whole brand new British battlecruiser branch), while considerably making the long-range meta worse, and if i thought that this couldn't get any worse, it didn't take much longer before i was already seeing submarines in live matches while they were in testing, ships that did NOT fit any of the game's mechanics, and i couldn't take any of it where i got chatbanned almost most of the time just because i was venting at this game's problems. Had they listened to me, this would've been so much easier, sadly Wargaming's a much bigger corporation, they are more veteran than Gaijin, have more manpower and resources on their hands, but they will still be taught a lesson, and none of their corporate factors will be an obstacle to impede any of us, no matter whether the average, the veteran and the casual player alike. We will all contribute to the effort against Wargaming. Yes we can.
A whole another while later, they added in the idiot-proof Superships, aka. ships with thick armor, even more gimmicks, and powerful guns, which soon became a whole another troll on it's own besides the occasional submarine that kept stalking and torping you as a single target until you died instead of that sub paying attention to anyone else. Such terrible ships such as the Patrie, Satsuma, Conde, and the worst of all, the Yamagiri which could just no-brain dump-fill the entire map with torpedoes and then escaping shortly afterwards while not looking the other way, and the player of that torpedo ship nightmare didn't care whether they even hit anything at all or if you were the only one who happened to just be in the way of their brainless torpedo storms and just accidentally ran into a few of their stray torpedoes while attempting to kite away from enemy battleships and cruisers, and ended up getting chunked for big damage. A really awful situation if you ask me.
Whenever i tried to grind full combat missions, luck wasn't on my side either. Most of the time whenever playing Co-op, i had people who stole my full-health kills, Yolo-torped the target i myself was aiming at, and the worst of all, i did not even have the suitable ship to help me grind these combat missions easier, but thankfully Wargaming temporarily introduced a mode known as Asymmetric Battles and i had so much fun in it, and then it was so much easier to grind many hard combat missions in it, however they of course had to completely entirely nerf the credit rewards and then shortly afterwards proceeded to wipe the entire actual mode from the game next update and replacing it with a totally useless, un-fun and annoying battle type known as "Concaled Maneuvers". A very dumb move on part of Wargaming.
But now onto Randoms, i CANNOT fully count the amount of times that i've gone into battle with often one-sided matches, where nearly 5-10 times in a row, the entire enemy team steamrolled me and my own team which was visibly all noobs on one side, and all pro-players on the enemy side. There was also situations where only just 1 flank collapsed, and the entire enemy team steamrolled through it. There have also been numerous instances of individual or often several ships lemminging away to only one side instead of going to their assigned flank that they spawned on. That's right, i'm talking about the matchmaking that's stayed botched for some years, and i won't elaborate any more further on that. Hopes for a solid matchmaker were lost long ago alongside with hope that Wargaming will eventually listen to it's playerbase and the silent majority, only for it to listen to a part of the demands just with more hidden scams added in and divide said playerbase.
The worst of all is the scummy monetization and lootboxing tactics of Wargaming which have only ever ramped up through the coming years after the CV and AA reworks, and after they've passed those, they somehow thought that the playerbase was not going to object to any other crappy and un-asked for changes that Wargaming was going to make from that point onwards. The CV rework made the aircraft carriers go from an RTS class with a competent playerbase that paid attention to the back then powerful AA, to a ship of farmers that only just contributes to destroying eachother's teams faster while sipping tea from the back of the map, and then the AA rework totally nerfed down Anti-Air from being a useful tool that especially under the Americans did exactly as it was designed for in WW2 IRL, to Wargaming simply watering it down to just being a scoreboard numbers printing tool. Succeeding that we've got more issues. The Puerto Rico Dockyard marathon which was a total chore and impossible to do for any other regular player, the introduction of submarines and superships, the massive CC walkout following Wargaming's butchering of what was supposed to be a community ship made by one person to be added into the game, which in itself was a solid screwup by Wargaming that shows what happens if a game company decides on changing staff members every single month that resulted in many of the previous BS problems and changes that i've already mentioned, and last but not least, the total nerfing-down of Supercontainer rewards instead of improving them and their drop chances, then came the big shutdown of the traditional forums and moving all discussion to a single cesspit that the power-tripping staff at Wargaming can easier "moderate", and the most coming to attention of all recently: The 8th. Anniversary Rewards s***show.
In their previous devblog stated 3 months ago, they said that they were NOT going to nerf the supercontainers for the upcoming anniversary event, HOWEVER, 3 months later from Wargaming came the famous words we all know that will always remain in our memory:
"As a result, in order not to change the system of Anniversary rewards, we have changed the composition of the Supercontainer."
Wargaming, has TOTALLY, freaking nerfed down the supercontainer rewards, even if the base supercontainers were already nerfed into the ground, Wargaming decided to play even crappier and make the rewards even worse for the players. Even for the veteran players who own over 200+ ships they lost a lot in terms of the rewards that you are supposed to get for the amount of "tokens" from each ship to spend for getting the rewards depending on it's tier. Steel, Coal and Doubloons were all more than slashed in terms of the amount that you are going to get, and not to mention that most players won't even have the necessary amount of tokens checked off from all their ships to even get the brand new reward premium Bayard OR even buy most if not all of the supercontainers... supercontainers that have already been so drastically altered specifically for this event so much that their contents are now unrecognizable, and they rightfully deserve their own nickname: Sh***ycontainers.
I swear. After looking at the devblog chat on the Discord server on this event and a spreadsheet one of the critics have made (said spreadsheet which isn't mine, and the credit goes to the person who made it, so thank you), my first thought analyzing the situation was: "What is Wargaming even trying to pull here? How exactly did they manage to shove so much unwanted stuff down the silent majority's throats before all this time for so long?"
However, this is not everything that i have to say about the current matter, for i have an important tale to tell you all.
Do you remember this one other retro-styled naval combat action game with destroyers, cruisers, battleships and aircraft carriers? The World of Warships before World of Warships? A game that was nostalgic to many of us who were growing up? And i mean... End of the Millenia nostalgic!
It was called NavyField, and back in the day it was truly something i would've loved to play even today. Sadly, history had it's course, and the South Korean company known as SDEnterNET, the one that had made NavyField in the first place, decided to weirdly similarly to Wargaming go the route of technical and balancing changes often unnecessary to the game, bad monetization, lootbox gambling and the same scummy practices, but that's not all, because there is a lot more to this story than that. After a while, i was scrolling through some old forum post after searching up on what happened to this game, and the following is what i pieced together based on the information that i found.
Back then, Navyfield had almost the same issues. Submarines that didn't fit in-game mechanics, almost constant bugs and crashes that the devs never bothered to fix, the sometimes painful grind, and then of course the real problems. Bad lootboxing and monetization, support staff that were scamming and useless, moderators with power-tripping issues who banned anyone who tried to criticize the game, and so on.
Eventually, because of those issues, the South Korean SDEnterNET lost profits and players very fast, and decided to sell off the game to a Chinese company named Kupaisky, who then proceeded to turn it into Chinese crapware.
But besides the devs screwing with things. Regarding moderation, the GM's and moderators of the game even enforced this "One account per IP" rule. Older players of Navyfield usually had 1-2 accounts. The rule wasn't enforced for 9 years and suddenly the moderators start perma-banning players left and right for having more than 1 account. Yes, that's right. Perma-banning. If a family member played with you, both your and their accounts got banned. If you played at an internet cafe, your account got banned. If you had two legitimate accounts that you spent money on, your accounts got banned. All Permanently banned.
If you spoke bad of any of the moderators, GM's, or even the game general on the forums, your account would be banned and the post deleted. The power-tripping moderation in NF got so bad in fact, that they even managed to IP Ban all of Poland. Hard to believe, right? This was either done by accident, or because Poland was being used as a refuge for accounts against this madness. Either way, it's hard to tell what exactly went on. But it was ugly.
Now. I've told you this story to warn you all, to ensure that those same exact mistakes which SDEnterNET committed that are reminiscent of Wargaming's current day practices and vice-versa, will not happen anymore ever again, and because we CANNOT let World of Warships end up the same fate as NavyField. Gaijin was brought to it's knees by the playerbase's collective action, and so far as i see it, Wargaming is next.
No corporation running a single hit game can be impervious to criticism and one unionized effort by the playerbase, no matter how power-tripping the moderation may be, no matter how hard a corporation will act tone-deaf and make token changes only to divide the playerbase and make the whole case go quietly as they have done before, and no matter how hard Wargaming is going to try to silence us simply just for stating our opinions and facts about the way this game has been going and it's quality of content and updates have been steadily drastically decreasing and worsening over the years.
If you guys want me to be honest, here's a nice and fun analogy. Wargaming's current deterioration in terms of content, decision-making and quality on part of it's management is similar to that of Nazi Germany's military situation from 1943-1945, take that as you will, but those propaganda posters accurate to the WW2 time period posted and edited during War Thunder's revolution serve Wargaming really well if you ask me.
Fellow World of Warships players, Subreddit users/forum refugees and YouTube watchers of my favorite channels like Flamu or Sea Lord Mountbatten, i urge you all to spread the message loud and clear across the entirety of the game's playerbase. To everyone in Europe, North America and Asia, i want all of you to hear this. It's time to band together and make our single point perfectly clear to Wargaming: We will not stop until Wargaming fully and unconditionally starts listening to our demands for change to at least try and save this dying game, because we are the ones who support it, who provide criticism and propose solutions to make the game better for everybody, perhaps even pay a little something because we see potential in this game and want to see it grow which also gives you guys revenue, and we will definitely not give any money to a company that's only willing to just continually more and more scam us. If we stop paying Wargaming, their reputation is going to significantly decrease, and if that happens, their profits will come to a grinding halt.
Every spread of the word and every bomb counts, every player not buying anything or not paying in the game really helps. If we really want Wargaming to listen to us this time, we must really make an impact so that they do. I want them to be fully transparent with every single change they want to implement into the game, i want them to improve on how to communicate with us and fully instead of just the half-truth or out-right lying to us, and i also want the playerbase to be able to vote on the changes that Wargaming wishes to implement whether they would be popular with the players as well as if they should be added into the game or not, and whether the impact they would bring would be good or bad, because i think that this sort of communication and allowance of players to vote in community polls would be a really useful thing.
Even if this post's deleted, every player should save it and share it on every platform, make all of our voices be heard, and make Wargaming itself pay instead of us paying to it.
And now. Let me conclude this statement with a fragment of General Dwight David Eisenhower's historically-appropriate Order of The Day on June 6th. 1944 shortly before the Normandy landings during Operation Overlord:
"You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking."





Edited by AlexGuy
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Thank you for your thorough analysis of the state of the game. In other words, things have gotten pretty bad, but they can always get even worse. If that's likely or unlikely I'm not qualified to say.

The problem is that WG pretty much knows that at least part of their player base does not welcome the changes they keep making, whether they apply to game meta or the economic aspect of the game, and they are pretty much ignoring this. There's been some talk of the 'silent majority'. It's unclear to me how much and what kind of feedback they are providing WG with. If they keep their wallets open, that, in my understanding, is all that WG requires these days to stay happy. Since many of us in the 'vocal minority' have either significantly reduced our financial commitment or possibly closed our wallets entirely, that makes WG entirely dependent on the revenue provided by what I'm thinking is a particularly volatile market segment. It's clear that WG favors short term profits over long term prospects and that is not a good thing from our point of view.

We can do what we can do, spread the word, provide critical feedback here on this forum, other platforms including the WoWS Discord server.

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Thank you for your thorough analysis of the state of the game. In other words, things have gotten pretty bad, but they can always get even worse. If that's likely or unlikely I'm not qualified to say.

The problem is that WG pretty much knows that at least part of their player base does not welcome the changes they keep making, whether they apply to game meta or the economic aspect of the game, and they are pretty much ignoring this. There's been some talk of the 'silent majority'. It's unclear to me how much and what kind of feedback they are providing WG with. If they keep their wallets open, that, in my understanding, is all that WG requires these days to stay happy. Since many of us in the 'vocal minority' have either significantly reduced our financial commitment or possibly closed our wallets entirely, that makes WG entirely dependent on the revenue provided by what I'm thinking is a particularly volatile market segment. It's clear that WG favors short term profits over long term prospects and that is not a good thing from our point of view.

We can do what we can do, spread the word, provide critical feedback here on this forum, other platforms including the WoWS Discord server.

Ah, some of us are taking action outside of the game...

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Thank you for your thorough analysis of the state of the game. In other words, things have gotten pretty bad, but they can always get even worse. If that's likely or unlikely I'm not qualified to say.

The problem is that WG pretty much knows that at least part of their player base does not welcome the changes they keep making, whether they apply to game meta or the economic aspect of the game, and they are pretty much ignoring this. There's been some talk of the 'silent majority'. It's unclear to me how much and what kind of feedback they are providing WG with. If they keep their wallets open, that, in my understanding, is all that WG requires these days to stay happy. Since many of us in the 'vocal minority' have either significantly reduced our financial commitment or possibly closed our wallets entirely, that makes WG entirely dependent on the revenue provided by what I'm thinking is a particularly volatile market segment. It's clear that WG favors short term profits over long term prospects and that is not a good thing from our point of view.

We can do what we can do, spread the word, provide critical feedback here on this forum, other platforms including the WoWS Discord server.

Thanks for acknowledging the message. I will await further developments.

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Let me avail you of an alternative viewpoint.

When I joined this game, the major end-of-year even was an all-PVP thing where newbs trying hard to succeed were food. The only free premium content available on an ongoing basis was Missouri and Nelson, and the amount of FXP needed to get them was nowhere near as easy to earn as it is these days. Nowadays we have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to coal ships at low, mid and high tiers, and getting them is a measure of inevitability rather than luck or money. Major events that don't have a PVE pathway are few and far between, and one of them that didn't - the Yamamoto permanent campaign - has been modified to allow this. 

Steel and RB ships and guaranteed-premium ships from Community Tokens containers only add to this, and although both are more difficult to earn, it can be done without spending any IRL money. Yes, the dockyards are pay-to-complete, but they're still much cheaper than armory ships at the same tier, and from time to time WG puts something up (such as the current Somme collection) that makes it possible to win a premium ship outright for free. 

I can't remember if I joined before or after Elite Commander XP and 19 pointers earning it was a thing, but before that, the 19th point cost 10 million CXP and it all had to be ground out on that commander (despite which a few people actually did it, then got tons and tons of ECXP when the new system came in). There was no retraining with ECXP; you either reground the captain without skills or paid money (either to retrain him or to buy a premium ship to do it). Yes, the hike to get to a max- point commander now is twice what it used to be - but it isn't five or six times, and the commander's utility when rotating around various premium ships of completely different types is now much greater. 

Back then, early-release ships came in RNG containers and by no other way, and there was no mercy rule - you could literally spend yourself into the ground trying to get the ones on offer. Now Tiers 5 to 7 are basically guaranteed, along with permanent economic bonuses for the T8 when she's released, again free of charge.

Back then, consumables came in flavours of standard or premium, and premium consumables gave you the edge and cost you doubloons. Then they started costing either doubloons or credits. I can't remember if they became credits-only before WG finally made all consumables premium and for free.

So as you wallow through your laundry-list of how terrible WG is and how terrible they've made this game over the years, have a look at the above and think about it.



If you want to lock the game into a point that it was at in the past, what's that point going to be and why are you choosing it? Once you've waved your magic wand, what are you going to say to all the people who enjoyed the content that was introduced to the game after that point, which you've just magically made go away? If WG did that, you know there would be hell to pay. If you presume to want the clock turned back, are you prepared to own all the opprobium that would descend upon you for the turning? Or would it somehow be different if you did it?

Maybe the golden age wasn't so golden.

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Guest Capt_of_Satisfaction
4 hours ago, AlexGuy said:
Fellow World of Warships players, Subreddit users/forum refugees and YouTube watchers of my favorite channels like Flamu or Sea Lord Mountbatten, i urge you all to spread the message loud and clear across the entirety of the game's playerbase. To everyone in Europe, North America and Asia, i want all of you to hear this. It's time to band together and make our single point perfectly clear to Wargaming: We will not stop until Wargaming fully and unconditionally starts listening to our demands for change to at least try and save this dying game, because we are the ones who support it, who provide criticism and propose solutions to make the game better for everybody, perhaps even pay a little something because we see potential in this game and want to see it grow which also gives you guys revenue, and we will definitely not give any money to a company that's only willing to just continually more and more scam us. If we stop paying Wargaming, their reputation is going to significantly decrease, and if that happens, their profits will come to a grinding halt.
Every spread of the word and every bomb counts, every player not buying anything or not paying in the game really helps. If we really want Wargaming to listen to us this time, we must really make an impact so that they do. I want them to be fully transparent with every single change they want to implement into the game, i want them to improve on how to communicate with us and fully instead of just the half-truth or out-right lying to us, and i also want the playerbase to be able to vote on the changes that Wargaming wishes to implement whether they would be popular with the players as well as if they should be added into the game or not, and whether the impact they would bring would be good or bad, because i think that this sort of communication and allowance of players to vote in community polls would be a really useful thing.
Even if this post's deleted, every player should save it and share it on every platform, make all of our voices be heard, and make Wargaming itself pay instead of us paying to it.
And now. Let me conclude this statement with a fragment of General Dwight David Eisenhower's historically-appropriate Order of The Day on June 6th. 1944 shortly before the Normandy landings during Operation Overlord:
"You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking."

Wow, and I thought brevity was my weak spot :-)  That was quite a diatribe :-)

You might present it as a crusade, but most ppl gonna do what most ppl do.  If you're still around and playing, Timmy or Tammy might+ want something bad enough to buy it.  They're probably not considering WGs politics.

Personally, I think what you're asking for is already happening.  There's clearly a downtick in people, at least it appears that way to me.  WG i probably losing $$$ which would also explain the elimination of the forum.  It makes sense if they're cutting costs, andd had the two-fold benefit of shaking off the complaints.  Surveys will do is the rationale IMO. 

I have closed my wallet and I was a whale.  But I can't say for sure I'll never spend again.  There's just still too many fun things to play.  I play less, for sure, but I still play.

No doubt WG has moved way too fast IMO.  Had had the pace been slower, more patient with an emphasis on fixing bugs and forming new game play, as well as bot improvement, I think it's different ballgame.  They have flooded the game with currencies and gimmicks.  It's a lot like they started to see that fall-off and they jammed the throttle down and now it's stuck, like a mid-80's Audi 5000. 

Also, be careful what you wish for.  If WG loses enough money, no more WoWS at all.  It's the whales keeping the game up.  If you still play, there must be something you like, unless you're just a masochist :-)

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Expecting to gain positive response from WG by taking negative action to 'punish' them is counterproductive.

WG already has a problem with taking criticism personally.

I've found the most healthy response to all of these problems is to treat the game as a silly joke. A place to blow off steam and have some fun in the utterly broken madness that is randoms. Expecting more is going to leave you disappointed.

Eventually, we will tire of the joke game and leave it behind.

Many already have.

But it's a waste of our good time to try to 'talk sense' into WG. If thinking about this is making your blood pressure rise? They have already ruined your day enough. Give your time to other things.

Enjoy the game for what it is.

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6 hours ago, AlexGuy said:

they added in the idiot-proof Superships, aka. ships with thick armor, even more gimmicks, and powerful guns, which soon became a whole another troll on it's own besides the occasional submarine that kept stalking and torping you as a single target until you died instead of that sub paying attention to anyone else

This is exactly why I don't play randoms anymore, submarines either stalk you or sneak up and shotgun you to death especially in a slow ship, and while you can play tier nine to lessen this then you get superships to ruin your day too.

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7 hours ago, AlexGuy said:

Fellow World of Warships players, Subreddit users/forum refugees and YouTube watchers of my favorite channels like Flamu or Sea Lord Mountbatten, i urge you all to spread the message loud and clear across the entirety of the game's player base. To everyone in Europe, North America and Asia, i want all of you to hear this. It's time to band together and make our single point perfectly clear to Wargaming: We will not stop until Wargaming fully and unconditionally starts listening to our demands for change to at least try and save this dying game, because we are the ones who support it, who provide criticism and propose solutions to make the game better for everybody, perhaps even pay a little something because we see potential in this game and want to see it grow which also gives you guys revenue, and we will definitely not give any money to a company that's only willing to just continually more and more scam us. If we stop paying Wargaming, their reputation is going to significantly decrease, and if that happens, their profits will come to a grinding halt.

I do not support this.  Driving Wargaming out of business will definitely delete this game.

I think the changes in WoWs can be interpreted differently.  There may be good reasons for adding the gimmicks, prizes, various battle modes etc. and I just assume people with information I'm not privy to are pretty darn smart.  I don't know why they do what they do and I'm really to busy/lazy to try and find out.  So, I leave it up to them and hope they don't screw it up.  Meanwhile, I just play the game my way and it's usually killing subs and DDs with slow moving BBs only in random.  I manage to complete most of the missions every version just playing BBs in random.  As far as Yamagiri, pfft, one salvo and gone just make a hard rudder just before you see the torps.


Edited by Justin_Simpleton
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7 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Enjoy the game for what it is.


It's hard to 'enjoy the game for what it is' when you've been here long enough to appreciate what the game could have been. I'm trying, though, but I am trying to stay out of randoms and coop as much as I can which is a little easier when I go extra choosy about which missions to do and which not to bother with at all. I play very selectively, basically just operations and that makes grinding new lines a little difficult and that's a problem I have not solved yet. I play some randoms for NEMU, though, so I'm better covered on ASIA for this aspect of the game. I haven't been on PTS for a while, but maybe pick that up again.

I play selectively, I pay on points of merit and currently I see none.

@Ensign Cthulhu makes the 'golden days' sound a lot more grim than what I remember them being, though. Maybe memories are golden and I'm a victim of nostalgia, but I had tons of more fun in the years leading to the infamous 'CV rework' than after it. The same applies to any of other other major or minor reworks WG has pulled off. The only change I can think of myself liking was the camo aspect of the economic rework. I can now go to battle without any camo at all.

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46 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Maybe memories are golden and I'm a victim of nostalgia, but I had tons of more fun in the years leading to the infamous 'CV rework' than after it.

I remember that back in the day there was a guy on EU called Blogis. He REALLY liked the Saipan.

You saw him on the opposite side, and it was an instant loss. Unless you had an Atlanta. 😈

Back in the day there was a reason to spec for AA. The enemy CV might delete you, but with no regen he'd be screwed because of it.


It's not really nostalgia when you go from "counterplay possible" to "LOLZ NO" .

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17 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

It's not really nostalgia when you go from "counterplay possible" to "LOLZ NO" .


That really is a wider problem in WoWS currently. Lack of effective counterplay and it occurs across the board and as at it's most visible when it comes to CV's and subs. In the old days at least you had to be careful about selecting which ship you were going to target. Now the deciding factors are skill gap + RNG. Neither of those two actually improves the gameplay experience, although RNG since it effectively translates into 'luck' in this game is the 'gentler' factor as it can cut both ways. The skill gap, on the other hand, stacks on the disparity between the attacking ship's offensive capabilities and the defending ship's countermeasures or lack thereof. There's nothing you can do about relative player skill unless you opt for a skill based MM which wouldn't be a popular solution as we know, but ship balancing is a gameplay factor that the devs could and should address. As I'm saying here, balance is not just about firepower potential, it's about the ability to employ countermeasures as well.

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9 hours ago, AdmiralMcintosh said:

Well WG has not managed to ruin coop and operations yet as far as I can tell.

They keep trying though.

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Supporting you bro. You are not alone.

Lots of people like me are doing the same things. This time I think players all over the world should unite.

Let's make unrecommends on steam and stop paying!

No doubt that we are working on it!





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12 hours ago, AdmiralMcintosh said:

Well WG has not managed to ruin coop and operations yet as far as I can tell.

Nope. WG has already decrease the reward of coop and operations.

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WG's greediness goes further in the new patch.

Schill's only avaliable via containers like Colossus, and we know that Colossus is still not avaliable in armory yet.

Not to say 1200 steel for only FIVE red bonus cards.


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Seems like someone is not agree with you and think the unrecommends on Steam are 'purposeful'



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