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Your attitude to historical camouflages in the game.


Would you like to use modifications that add historical camouflages to the game?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to use modifications that add historical camouflages to the game?

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Hi all!  I found out about your forum and just registered today.  In the American and European forums, I was only in the sections of graphic modifications, publishing a certain selection of mods, with the help of which I tried to make the game at least outwardly more historically accurate.  It would be cool to know your attitude to historical camouflage in the game, and your desire to manually install graphic modifications that add various historical colors, and change most of the holiday one-time colors to solid ones.  I have a topic on the official Discord channel, and there is also a separate modification channel, but I would like to know if there is any point in publishing a topic with a mod here, because I would not want to create a topic that would not be interesting to anyone.  My native language is not English and I use a translator.  I hope you understand me)


P.S For reference, links to the dead American forums and an invitation link for discord.




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For me personally the game transcends the meaning of "warships".

All the game is for me at the moment is one unit with these capabilities fighting the other units with varied capabilities and as such history lost all value therefore I use the cammo that visually appeals most to me instead.


Its just a game and not at all a simulation. When playing to win im pvp how the game or your unit looks or if it has historic significance has 0 meaning. All that has meaning is how you perform. That's the only value I personally get...

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16 minutes ago, Scharnhorst43 said:

It would be cool to know your attitude to historical camouflage in the game, and your desire to manually install graphic modifications that add various historical colors, and change most of the holiday one-time colors to solid ones

For sure!

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9 minutes ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

For sure!

I just honestly don’t want to start another topic if it’s dead.  That's why I'm interested in your opinion.  But in any case, players can join my Discord channel, although I like this forum format better than Discord..

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I like realistic looking camo ... it's the stuff that makes ships look like a cruise liner or something Jackson Pollock would do in a drunken stupor that I dislike.

But to each their own I guess.

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Some of us care about "history" and seeing real world efforts in naval camo is always welcome.  But, to what end?  If they had "real value" and cost players an "effort to achieve" versus spending plastic money, I'm all in.    Otherwise, to what end?   Very few would recognize the effort in the camo is historically accurate....

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While there are some very nice looking non-historical camos in the game, and I even make use of some of them (like in the case of Blyskawica), my overall preference is to match the ships' appearance to what they historically looked like. In some cases, there is more than one option to use, sometimes those can even be found in the premium camos WG released (in prior years when this game was still more or less headed in a promising direction, unlike now when it looks more and more like it's in the 'sale bin' category,... crapper is the next stage in case you are wondering but I digress again as often happens....). In practice, my options are no camo, premium camo, or potentially modded camo just for my private eye candy (as well as potentially for screenshots).

Uhm.... that's my unnecessarily protracted way of saying 'yes'.

Oh, BTW, @Scharnhorst43 welcome aboard!

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My gripe with perma-camos at the moment is that there are too many recent perma camos that are god awfully boring, and make the ship look like she was sitting in mothballs for a couple of decades.  The Yodo and Mecklenburg's perma camos are two examples.

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1 hour ago, Scharnhorst43 said:

Hi all!  I found out about your forum and just registered today.  In the American and European forums, I was only in the sections of graphic modifications, publishing a certain selection of mods, with the help of which I tried to make the game at least outwardly more historically accurate.  It would be cool to know your attitude to historical camouflage in the game, and your desire to manually install graphic modifications that add various historical colors, and change most of the holiday one-time colors to solid ones.  I have a topic on the official Discord channel, and there is also a separate modification channel, but I would like to know if there is any point in publishing a topic with a mod here, because I would not want to create a topic that would not be interesting to anyone.  My native language is not English and I use a translator.  I hope you understand me)

Welcome.  I think you are doing a good job of being understood.

Personally, I'm a fan of the Arpeggio of Blue Steel anime' collaboration ship camouflages.
I know they don't "camouflage" much, and are eye-catching instead.  But they look awesome, in my opinion.

The historic camouflages do have an appeal for some players.  I can enjoy some aspects of them, too.
For example, I like that the Italian ships utilize the "barber pole" or "candy-cane" stripes which were historic and intended to avoid mis-identification by aircraft.

There are some mods which provide a lot of information and negate some of the intended advantages of real historic camouflages, though.
The mods provivde a ship's course and speed and distance, and perhaps other details. 
Essentially, the mods make it very easy to identify and target an opponent's ship.
Yet, historically, camouflages were meant to make such tasks more difficult. 

So, in-game, camouflages become artworks that appeal to the eye of the beholder.

Several camouflages are wonderful as decorations, yet they would be hindrances to a ship's fuel efficiency if they were created & used in real-life.

There are some cost considerations for players, because camouflages often cost doubloons.
After the camouflage re-work and the separation of economic bonuses, a number of players re-considered the value and utility of both permanent and single-use camouflages.

So, would I be interested in a mod to manually install historic camouflages?  No.
But, to be fair, I don't use mods. 
So my decision to avoid mods (and the hassles with mods that happen every time the game updates) has more to do with my decision than whether or not I enjoy looking at paint-schemes made of pixels which still have rust-stains depicted on a hull.  🙂 

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1 hour ago, Asym said:

Some of us care about "history" and seeing real world efforts in naval camo is always welcome.  But, to what end?  If they had "real value" and cost players an "effort to achieve" versus spending plastic money, I'm all in.    Otherwise, to what end?   Very few would recognize the effort in the camo is historically accurate....

Well....satisfying a personal need? Visuals play a big part of the appeal of this game, heck, of any game. 

If you take a look  at his thread, he developed quite a number of mods: japanese markings on IJN ships,


stripes and tactical numbers on EU dd's  


and not at least separating plane camo's from cv camo's



2 hours ago, EXEC_HYMNE_Ar_tonelico said:

All the game is for me at the moment is one unit with these capabilities fighting the other units with varied capabilities and as such history lost all value therefore I use the cammo that visually appeals most to me instead.


 And here is a reason for you to use this mod: all ships will appear almost across all matches the same way 🙂

No more godawfully coloured Yammies 6FE6656A-2569-4D5C-A445-EB63E019A1B5.gif ( edit no offense Wolfie,  I've read your comment only after I posted it) or pure gold, silver or bronze coloured Shimas.


But I admit, I'm biased, I like warships to look like proper warships and as such I'm a user of his mod(s).








Nevsky in silver camo.


Des Moines, ditto.







Edited by Andrewbassg
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If you are interested, check out the mod by downloading it from the link. This is its main part, without the Japanese hieroglyphs and the Swedish neutrality stripes, but if you find it interesting, you can download it and other additions in the discord.


By the way, I managed to make a small mistake, so for the sake of Dresden it’s worth downloading a small add-on.


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I'm strongly against using mods of any sort (others can do what they like), and I'm not going to clutch pearls over minute details of historical accuracy in a game whose internal history was significantly divergent from IRL from the very beginning. 

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Er... if my memory serves me right, I've seen some pictures of the Japanese camos, and there was a mistake with the kana on one of them. Can't recall which one, though, been a while.

Edited by Admiral_Karasu
There is no spelling error. What we see is historically correct.
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3 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Er... if my memory serves me right, I've seen some pictures of the Japanese camos, and there was a mistake with the kana on one of them. Can't recall which one, though, been a while.

By all means tell him, he likes to improve his work .





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31 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

and not at least separating plane camo's from cv camo's

This change, and the incredibly dismissive responses from the CM’s to complaints regarding it, still rubs me the wrong way. I’d really like to see an in-game option to revert planes to their old appearance regardless of the camo used on the ship.

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On 9/19/2023 at 5:36 PM, Andrewbassg said:

By all means tell him, he likes to improve his work .





I'm trying!

The best I can remember it's confusing between these two katakana

フ 'fu'


ウ 'u'

Can't remember which ship, though, nor which way it was.

EDIT Information was incorrect, or rather the assumption was.

Edited by Admiral_Karasu
Information was incorrect, or rather the assumption was.
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Crap, it has to be this one.



As far as I can see, the name on the side reads fu-ro-ge-ka (meaning kagerofu), and it should read u-ro-ge-ka (meaning kagerou).

EDIT No, it should not. I am having to correct my own mistake here. The name as shown on the images is correct.

Edited by Admiral_Karasu
No, it should not. I am having to correct my own mistake here. The name as shown on the images is correct.
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6 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Crap, it has to be this one.

As far as I can see, the name on the side reads fu-ro-ge-ka (meaning kagerofu), and it should read u-ro-ge-ka (meaning kagerou).

Are you talking about this? The problem is in the first hieroglyph, as I understand it? Will be fixed)


Edited by Scharnhorst43
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Choice of camo?  Really, "whatever floats your boat" (sorry for the pun, mates)

Personally, I'm more of a traditionalist.  I like historical-based camos.  Looked at the link to camos on the old forum - nice work/effort.  

I tip my hat to anyone that goes out of their way to do mods.

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13 minutes ago, Scharnhorst43 said:

Are you talking about this? The problem is in the first hieroglyph, as I understand it? Will be fixed)


First from the left, yes, as it is written the old way from right to left, meaning it is the last katakana in the ships name, the one which often gets omitted when people just talk about the Kagero, but the 'u' needs to be there.

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7 hours ago, HogHammer said:

Personally, I'm more of a traditionalist.  I like historical-based camos.

I usually like historical camos, but I also like camos that have a historical feeling to them, even if they're not truly historical.

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The trouble with historical in a lot of cases mean monochromatic 


and its not Jackson pollock its dazzle camo, designed as to make ships harder to hit, how effective it was can be debated.


Dazzle first came into use in WW1 fell out of favor in WW2 and has come back into prominence today, first designed to throw of scopes used in subs and range finders.


so just like with all the paper warships perhaps World of Warships is more a what if not following the letter of history but more the spirit.  Now stop acting like all warships were shades of grey with a few embellishments.  So yes dazzle was not used on all ships but nothing stood in the way of it happening its paint.

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1 hour ago, kriegerfaust said:

The trouble with historical in a lot of cases mean monochromatic 


and its not Jackson pollock its dazzle camo, designed as to make ships harder to hit, how effective it was can be debated.


Dazzle first came into use in WW1 fell out of favor in WW2 and has come back into prominence today, first designed to throw of scopes used in subs and range finders.


so just like with all the paper warships perhaps World of Warships is more a what if not following the letter of history but more the spirit.  Now stop acting like all warships were shades of grey with a few embellishments.  So yes dazzle was not used on all ships but nothing stood in the way of it happening its paint.

I assume that's directed at me, as I'm the only person who referenced Jackson Pollock.

I wasn't talking about Dazzle ... I was talking about the eye searing camos like this one:


Show me evidence that ANY pure warship deliberately went to battle with a paint scheme that lurid and I'll be surprised.

Now stop jumping to conclusions about what people are talking about when you don't know.

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33 minutes ago, kriegerfaust said:

so just like with all the paper warships perhaps World of Warships is more a what if not following the letter of history but more the spirit.  Now stop acting like all warships were shades of grey with a few embellishments. 

Are you in this way trying to justify the presence of all sorts of School buses, Women's Days with tulips and other game, by saying that the camouflages were not only gray?) Yes, there were ships with pink, yellow, green and other bright colors and I know this very well, but they had meaningful patterns, rather than a banal texture with a stupid design, multiplied dozens of times on the body. Therefore, in my camouflage collection, disposable camouflages with typical tank spotted or striped camouflages (former game camouflages type 1,2,5 and economic) are disabled, as well as other camouflages. In return, I gave some ships unique historical camouflages, while the rest received plain camouflages, so that I, like another user of the mod, would not see all sorts of *unusual* camouflages that do not in any way resemble razzle dazzle.

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