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WoWs daily missions.


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So apparently I don't read "enough" since reading is OP, but did WeeGee give a reason why the daily missions were reduced from six down to five with the last two having more required XP than previously?  Does this help CO-OP players more?  The only way I noticed at all was because my Battle Pass levels were advancing at a different rate than before and I then noticed the change to not only the daily missions, but also the increased rewards for completing the weekly missions.  Guess I'm going to have to go back to paying attention again after being desensitized to WeeGee's nonsense over the years.

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There are several different variations of the battle pass missions running during the current patch. I’m seeing two sets of weekly missions and no daily missions, for example.

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6 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

There are several different variations of the battle pass missions running during the current patch. I’m seeing two sets of weekly missions and no daily missions, for example.

I  did a cursory read of that in the notes I thinks WG trying to pick which is the cheapest value to implement, I could be wrong 

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My BP missions are the standard ones that have been running since it was introduced, so I don't know what the other trial mission variations are like ... so rather than make a statement I'm going to pose a question:

Does anyone else smell a major econ nerf approaching?

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9 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

My BP missions are the standard ones that have been running since it was introduced, so I don't know what the other trial mission variations are like ... so rather than make a statement I'm going to pose a question:

Does anyone else smell a major econ nerf approaching?

Yes.  They haven't figured out how to get rid of the Boomers yet....  They need us gone ASAP to implement their major revenue paradigm shift to eSales as a pay per play subscription process for kids....  HBS and other major business publications have/had some good videogame articles that talk about LoL's and other games methods of making billions....  It isn't with Boomers....  Even though, we have the "disposable cash" - except, we demand "quality" and kids want constant change....?????

Just a guess on my part.  And, history seems to repeat itself.......  

This is the way...  (if a little cynical and out there.....with some dark humor added in.....):classic_tongue:

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I got the 8-chain one-weekly only option.

Not a fan of it.

I can see how casual players might like it, as can no-sleep a weekend, and then not have to worry about missed opportunities of the dailies.

It doesnt work for me, who is on for a few hours a night 6 days a week, and has to deal with a lot more 'and win' BXP gates.

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13 minutes ago, Dareios said:

and has to deal with a lot more 'and win' BXP gates.

This is part of the reason why I spam co-op. 

I do like the fact that the normal system (which I drew in this patch) does allow for missing some days and still getting all the rewards, which the system it replaced did not. 

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20 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

This is part of the reason why I spam co-op. 

I do like the fact that the normal system (which I drew in this patch) does allow for missing some days and still getting all the rewards, which the system it replaced did not. 

however when the 'maybe new' weekly mission chain requires about 25K BXP, per week, how do you stand on the coop issue?

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36 minutes ago, Dareios said:

however when the 'maybe new' weekly mission chain requires about 25K BXP, per week, how do you stand on the coop issue?

3600 per day. One has to grind more than that to get through the dailies now anyway.

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Are you guys telling me that we all have different mission chains for the Battle Pass?  OMFG WeeGee!  My daily BP mission chain changed from the normal six missions down to five with the fourth and fifth mission requirements increasing to win and 1200 bxp and 1500 bxp and the rewards are spread out differently, the first, third, fifth and final rewards all give two BP points instead of the previous fourth, fifth and final giving two.  My weekly BP mission change does not look altered, although it could be since each mission reward is 12 BP points instead of the previous 10 BP points.

WeeGee pulled something like this a few years ago during the Hizen dockyard, I believe they only showed the starter packs to half of the player base to see if they would spend more on the dockyard compared to the starter packs.  The Hizen dockyard switch-a-roo was worse because it involved spending resources, including possibly cash.  From what I can tell there is no warning or other information of these changes in the 12.8 update news article or the dedicated 12.8 Battle Pass news article.  Players having to figure things out on our own, typical WeeGee.

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2 hours ago, Kaiserliche_garde said:

From what I can tell there is no warning or other information of these changes in the 12.8 update news article


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20 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

3600 per day. One has to grind more than that to get through the dailies now anyway.

ok, so now that its reset (next week) I can look again and report correctly. The full weekly chain is 45000 BXP, being successively 2K, 3K, 4K, 5K, 6K, 7K, 8K, 10K.

which gives a daily average of about 6400 BXP.


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I just point and click, also when it comes to BP. I collect the awards I can get. I might have a different attitude if I had put money towards the BP, but I've chosen not to make fiscal commitments to any of WG's coffers.

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