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Bugged SC ?


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Bought a Supercontainer from that chain mission that was a few days ago. I opened it yesterday :




I read on SC description it can only give 1000 dubloon, not 1500. Bug ? Not that i mind.

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Not a bug, just WG showing you the finger.

What you've got is a ship drop, but you have all the SC listed ships, so instead you got a paltry compensation of 1500 dubs.

Had two like this already. Killed off any future desire to buy premium ships, as WG is effectively punishing me for buying their ships (even a T5 ship is valued at ~3500 dubs, so 1500 is a pittance).


PS: If WG was smart they would have compensated such drops in steel. But no, they had to be cheap.

Edited by Aragathor
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6 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

Not a bug, just WG showing you the finger.


What you've got is a ship drop, but you have all the SC listed ships, so instead you got a paltry compensation of 1500 dubs.


Had two like this already. Killed off any future desire to buy premium ships, as WG is effectively punishing me for buying their ships (even a T5 ship is valued at ~3500 dubs, so 1500 is a pittance).

Thank you, i was wondering what this was. I agree, compensation is getting more and more crap. I also stopped buying ships, i have everything i need, what i miss is not relevant. Have to admit, i went a bit whale last xmas when i realised only 8 ship needed before the " banned " ones start to drop ( i already had most coal and lower level banned ships). Modified my Bday to get the coupon at XMas, bought a bunch of mega crates from the dubs, got all i wanted.

Now i dont even look at new ships anymore, probably i get a few again at xmas from the free megas ( if we get them again ).

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It's clear that WG has 0 ideas how to cater to whales and collectors, so they do everything to drive them off.

Monetization is not their strong suit at all, as they failed to learn and learned to fail. That's why we have more and more desperate attempts at FOMO, and why they didn't update the SC ship list before the event like last year.

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What I find amazing is WG's continued insistence that the right response to falling sales is to increase prices and reduce value exchange...

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45 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

What I find amazing is WG's continued insistence that the right response to falling sales is to increase prices and reduce value exchange...

Well its the post-socialist mentality of a company thinking they have a clear monopoly in their nieche, now if they actually looked at Steam stats of  WT and some other stuff in works over there I think teir “silk underpants” might turn brown all of the sudden when they look at their own stats, but hey what do I know I am just a spitefull shmuck…

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On 9/16/2023 at 8:05 AM, Aragathor said:

Not a bug, just WG showing you the finger.

What you've got is a ship drop, but you have all the SC listed ships, so instead you got a paltry compensation of 1500 dubs.

Had two like this already. Killed off any future desire to buy premium ships, as WG is effectively punishing me for buying their ships (even a T5 ship is valued at ~3500 dubs, so 1500 is a pittance).


PS: If WG was smart they would have compensated such drops in steel. But no, they had to be cheap.

Oh what a pity, someone's RNG doubloon farm dried up. 

Cry me a river. If he already has all the ships, he's doing far better than most of us. 

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On 9/16/2023 at 9:21 AM, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

What I find amazing is WG's continued insistence that the right response to falling sales is to increase prices and reduce value exchange...


On 9/16/2023 at 10:09 AM, Yedwy said:

Well its the post-socialist mentality of a company thinking they have a clear monopoly in their nieche, now if they actually looked at Steam stats of  WT and some other stuff in works over there I think teir “silk underpants” might turn brown all of the sudden when they look at their own stats, but hey what do I know I am just a spitefull shmuck…

WG/WOWs may think they're "the only game in town". 
But I started playing Star Trek Online after I had an experience (a discussion about AA mechanics) that left a bad taste in my figurative mouth.

In short, when I felt that I needed to take a break, there was an enjoyable game ready-&-waiting for my time and money.

I still play STO and enjoy a pace that is a more relaxed & personalized 'hobby' style of  play.
There's a lot more variety of customizing ships & uniforms and creating or researching/grinding specific equipment or shiny toys.
Granted there are fewer anime/cartoon collaborations.  But, oh well.  🙂 

Having both WOWs and STO is nice, for me.
Other games on my future-list include Elite Dangerous and War Thunder.  
And I've got some old games which can be played on "abandonware" websites that are nice as nostalgic candies for my mind.

Long story short?
Players can and will find ways to entertain themselves and belong to a community.  People will find ways to meet their personal needs.

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