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Starting My Reviews Again: VMF Molotov


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I started doing some reviews of both Tech tree ships and premium. I'm no expert on the technical side just my views on ships for new players really if they have these same ships.

WG in there Cough Cough wisdom Cough Cough shut the forum down and so I got 2 reviews in only, however with a new lease of life through DEVSTRIKE  ( 3 cheers for the team here ) I can put my perspective on ships.

Anyway enough of my waffling on

Again if you want a real deep dive into this ship see @LittleWhiteMouse or any current or former CC or anyone that can play the game.

My potato review for 2023 

VMF Molotov 



I got this ship in another life played it quite a bit when it came out because it was a sparkly new toy.

As time went by it got put on the shelf for new toys

Got it out to play some time back this year and went into random for 4 games had 2 shockers and we got curb stomped, had 2 half decent games we could have won and in the end got curb stomped.

So 4 depressing games and I thought cant reviews this if I cant win however what is the point of review a ship if you only show the good side !

The ships dated it needs some love however there is catch WG new policy is that no ships past a point X date can be be NERFED however Prem ships from Y date can be.

So lets go back to X date ships which WG cant touch! however they can buff an old premium if its an across the board BUFF for an entire tech tree Tier so Molotov could benefit if Tier 6 cruisers get a general Buff.

The big questions are " IF " and 'When " that will ever happen, not likely.


So before new players go running to hills screaming the ships garbage, its not I have not played it in random for well over 2 years and as we all now WG policy ( current  ) is to simply up the anti of new premiums and or Tech lines, so this ship could struggle whether they BUFF it or not.

Back to the ship though


Its got tier 9 guns on tier 6 ship in the hands of a good player you can burn BBs to water line, give cruisers a horror time and be a nightmare for DDs, its AP deadly ( still ) though, don't go out in open waters to long or your scrap iron, I was out playing " strait " several years ago and a friendly DD sail past me and i swear its wake gave 4 citadel hits against me and that was a friendly.

Glass cannon does not even come close,still its fun taking her out, those guns, after being soundly beaten in the first 4 randoms I played a game in operations and it was a blast, I then decided one more try in randoms and had another really good game.


This is not about telling to buy it but more if you get it through a container or you might possibly have it, take her out for drive you could get blown out of the water in the first 30 seconds or be a king maker for your team.

Here is some of my games when I played her 






















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One of the original glass cannons in the game, I believe. Good to know it's fun taking her out, that makes two people happy every battle.

Seriously speaking, though, this might be good for operations.. hmm.

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3 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Seriously speaking, though, this might be good for operations.. hmm.

She was pretty strong in Operations, when those were limited to Tier VI ships, now that she plays with Tier VIII ships, i don't think she is a good choice anymore.

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1 hour ago, UnrepentantSinner said:

She was pretty strong in Operations, when those were limited to Tier VI ships, now that she plays with Tier VIII ships, i don't think she is a good choice anymore.

Well.. not for me anyway, maybe a better player can do better. I was second to get sunk... by a single torpedo.. and finished last in Newport.


EEEE... 2nd attempt in Killer Whale was a complete, unmitigated disaster. Total loss, I mean the whole operation. I can't make this ship to work, maybe it's more fun in coop/randoms, but I don't really play those.


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1 hour ago, UnrepentantSinner said:

She was pretty strong in Operations, when those were limited to Tier VI ships, now that she plays with Tier VIII ships, i don't think she is a good choice anymore.

Molotov was one of my earliest premium ship purchases, and she was an absolute monster in the old tier VI operations. In the current iteration of the game mode bringing a tier VI ship is generally a bad idea, especially one as squishy as Molotov.

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23 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Molotov was one of my earliest premium ship purchases, and she was an absolute monster in the old tier VI operations. In the current iteration of the game mode bringing a tier VI ship is generally a bad idea, especially one as squishy as Molotov.

Can't argue with that, the hps seem to start melting the second the reds see you. For me, as far as operations go, it's niet Molotov.

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3 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Can't argue with that, the hps seem to start melting the second the reds see you. For me, as far as operations go, it's niet Molotov.

Irian might work these days but to be honest you're better off bringing something German -  and even then, only if you're a hardcore cruiser fan. There is just too much DPM and focus fire in Ops for most cruisers, these days.

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11 hours ago, invicta2012 said:

Irian might work these days but to be honest you're better off bringing something German -  and even then, only if you're a hardcore cruiser fan. There is just too much DPM and focus fire in Ops for most cruisers, these days.

Makarov might be just the thing. I know the tier spread is 6 to 8 and the logical choice is to always pick a tier 8 because that makes things go considerably smoother but... I don't want to limit myself to playing just one tier... I don't even like not being able to use other tiers, lower and higher, for operations because the three tier spread just leaves so many good ships out of the equation.

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On 9/15/2023 at 7:56 PM, Nevermore135 said:

Molotov was one of my earliest premium ship purchases, and she was an absolute monster in the old tier VI operations. In the current iteration of the game mode bringing a tier VI ship is generally a bad idea, especially one as squishy as Molotov.

I remember her AP annihilating the forts on Killer Whale.

She can still work, but only in Ops where there are loads of broadside cruisers (like Aegis). Otherwise, not so much (Newport, ew). 

And since Ops are now random on top of allowing Tier 7 & 8....

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22 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Makarov might be just the thing. I know the tier spread is 6 to 8 and the logical choice is to always pick a tier 8 because that makes things go considerably smoother but... I don't want to limit myself to playing just one tier... I don't even like not being able to use other tiers, lower and higher, for operations because the three tier spread just leaves so many good ships out of the equation.

As @Sams_Baneblade said, the random element is unwelcome and makes picking a lower Tier ship high risk, especially if it's a cruiser without smoke and/or a heal. Everytime I take a punt I end up playing Hermes, which can be a painful experience. But with luck, the old favourites work - Leander, Fiji, Weimar, Atlanta, Nurnberg and I'm sure Coronel. B. would be good too. 

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2 minutes ago, invicta2012 said:

As @Sams_Baneblade said, the random element is unwelcome and makes picking a lower Tier ship high risk, especially if it's a cruiser without smoke and/or a heal. Everytime I take a punt I end up playing Hermes, which can be a painful experience. But with luck, the old favourites work - Leander, Fiji, Weimar, Atlanta, Nurnberg and I'm sure Coronel. B. would be good too. 

Yes, if picking a below T8 cruiser caution should be exercised, at least if you are planning to make an impact and farm something too. Some bets are safer than others, like Myoko and Fiji come to mind first.

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On 9/17/2023 at 10:35 AM, Admiral_Karasu said:

Yes, if picking a below T8 cruiser caution should be exercised, at least if you are planning to make an impact and farm something too. Some bets are safer than others, like Myoko and Fiji come to mind first.

Well, picking a low Tier ship reduces your impact, but you might earn more XP due to the Tier difference with your targets.

You'll however have to put your knowledge and minimap awareness to good use to optimise results:

-As a lower Tier ship, you won't be able to tank for crap, so you'll have to make sure there is always an ally with a higher detection range than you to serve as a lead magnet. The lower your concealment and remaining HP, the farther you'll have to stay from the bots. Smokes and heals are thus a nice plus, but can be worked around (PT is a must)

This is espacially true for cruisers, which tend to explode. 

Bringing a BB is generally a bad idea as you are most often too sluggish (Warspite can't reposition well) and/or too poorly concealed (Fuso damnit)

-You'll need to learn the good spots and paths to farm citadels, lob shells from behind islands or torp (Tashkent 39 is bonkers OP on Newport and Aegis if you know where to go and when. Other DDs might work nicely too) 

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1 hour ago, Sams_Baneblade said:

Well, picking a low Tier ship reduces your impact, but you might earn more XP due to the Tier difference with your targets.

You'll however have to put your knowledge and minimap awareness to good use to optimise results:

-As a lower Tier ship, you won't be able to tank for crap, so you'll have to make sure there is always an ally with a higher detection range than you to serve as a lead magnet. The lower your concealment and remaining HP, the farther you'll have to stay from the bots. Smokes and heals are thus a nice plus, but can be worked around (PT is a must)

This is espacially true for cruisers, which tend to explode. 

Bringing a BB is generally a bad idea as you are most often too sluggish (Warspite can't reposition well) and/or too poorly concealed (Fuso damnit)

-You'll need to learn the good spots and paths to farm citadels, lob shells from behind islands or torp (Tashkent 39 is bonkers OP on Newport and Aegis if you know where to go and when. Other DDs might work nicely too) 

Well now that you phrase it that way, the only sane reason for bring either a tier 6 or a tier 7 ship into the operations is if you are still grinding one. Otherwise it should be a no brainer to take only tier 8's.

That's just... awefully limiting, isn't it? What am I supposed to with those tier 6's and 7's if I can't use them really in any game mode that we have?....

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2 hours ago, Sams_Baneblade said:

Bringing a BB is generally a bad idea as you are most often too sluggish (Warspite can't reposition well) and/or too poorly concealed (Fuso damnit)

I don’t think speed is really an issue with BBs in OPs as long as you know where to go and don’t get drawn out of position (such as pushing into the inner harbor in Killer Whale).

What really discourages lower tier BB play is survivability. The balancing changes WG introduced when they opened up operations to multiple tiers have resulted in a lot of 15-16” armed bots that can put shells straight through the bows and sterns of most tier VI and VII battleships.

Edited by Nevermore135
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