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[YESCV] YES Aircraft Carrier (EU)


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Clan Name:   YES Aircraft Carrier 
Clan Tag:      [YESCV] 
Server:          [EU] 
Clan Commander:  _MIDGARD_TARTARIA_prpr

Who are we waiting for:
Players who are interested in aircraft carrier combat;
Those who want to improve and play to win.

What we offer:
Conversation on game and life topics;
Game mechanics, replays.

What we expect from you:
Stats from 1800 PR total account, 55% wins;
Start from 1900 PR CV stats;
A minimum of two level 10 CVs;
Voice communication.

There is also one important rule:
There may be exceptions, if you are well established we may take you on.

As the clan has moved from the CIS server, a list of languages present within the clan is possible:

Note: the clan base is fully pumped.


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