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Difference Between 2022 & 2023 Anniversary Supercontainer Rewards

Colonel Potter

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Here is the difference between the 7th Anniversary (2022) and the 8th Anniversary (2023). Had 16 less T10 ships last year. Opened 60 Supercontainers in 2022, and here are the rewards from the 76 2023 "Super"containers.






Edited by Colonel Potter
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30 minutes ago, Colonel Potter said:

Here is the difference between the 7th Anniversary (2022) and the 8th Anniversary (2023). Had 16 less T10 ships last year. Opened 60 Supercontainers in 2022, and here are the rewards from the 76 2023 "Super"containers.






You have analyzed the anniversary rewards. Thank you.

WG, on the other hand, has analized them.

Although your coal haul was up.

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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Well ... that's not very inspirational.

It makes me wonder if the Russians have nerfed 'Super' containers to the same extent.

It also makes me wonder why WG think ticking off their veteran players is going to be a good plan. That's assuming that anyone in WG management is doing anything that really counts as thinking. They have to realise that people are going to notice the nerf and react to it.

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5 minutes ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

It also makes me wonder why WG think ticking off their veteran players is going to be a good plan. That's assuming that anyone in WG management is doing anything that really counts as thinking. They have to realise that people are going to notice the nerf and react to it.

Because they arte thinking in the lines of the veteran players beeing rtard addicted dip*its that will do anything for their fix and take any amount of abuse and BS in the process and I am sorry to say their line of thinking is not without merrit, just look at how they treat the playerbase and what kind of money theya re raking in with couple of mobile games, couple of ports of their PC stuff to consoles and WOT/WOWS/WOWP and its all clear

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They let the game economy get out of hand for years and now they are reigning it in. Too late because now it's going to make players angry(er). 

I'm just happy I have all the ships for the admirals coupon and can get the 3000 steel. 

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Last year I have got 52 from Tier 10s. This year I am planning to get all 110 SCs, Bayard maybe either a 50% off coupon for Vanguard or blue econ bonus (because I don't want to spend too much grinding).

So far I have opened 20 and got Hyuga, some premium and no dub yet.

However I only see a slight increase of predicted payout from SCs, while I am still a 30-40% less in premium and dubs.


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1 hour ago, Scrubby_McScrub said:

They let the game economy get out of hand for years and now they are reigning it in. Too late because now it's going to make players angry(er). 

I'm just happy I have all the ships for the admirals coupon and can get the 3000 steel. 

And they make no secret of it.  Doubloons especially "felleth as the gentle rain", something they're putting the brakes on.  So it's a nerf.  A nerf to free stuff.  Think of it that way.

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2 hours ago, Colonel Potter said:

Here is the difference between the 7th Anniversary (2022) and the 8th Anniversary (2023). Had 16 less T10 ships last year. Opened 60 Supercontainers in 2022, and here are the rewards from the 76 2023 "Super"containers.






I would say that you were somewhat lucky shipwise last year, now you had come a bit closer to pity draw, but you were unlucky ofc. 

I have one ship only the RU sub so I will at least buy SCs to get there as I should be close enough with 110 SCs. But I will wait until I have landed some tokens.

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There is a plus to supercontainers being made comparatively poor: I no longer feel the desire to finish up every last 'snowflake' on my lower tiers, as the whole FOMO thing has dropped off dramatically. Who cares if I miss a few SCs? All I'll likely get from them is some more random dross.

(Full disclosure: I have all the premium ships on the drop list, and so - given the pitiful compensation rules these days - my average SC value, over enough of the things, is probably less than if you don't have all the possible premium ship drops yet.)

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I got over FOMO a long time ago when I realized with WG I wasn't missing out on anything of value. The game doesn't cater to my play style and they offer absolutely nothing that improves or enhances my gaming experience. 

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Let's be honest here: 3 ships out of 60 old Supercontainers was very lucky. Pity drop aside, you had 40% odds of getting zero, 37% of getting one, 17% of getting two, and only 5% of getting three (and 1% of four).

Besides, this year one can get SCs from Tier 5-9 ships: a lot of newbies with few (if any) Tier 10 are going to get an extra premium ship from that alone.

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2 hours ago, Gnirf said:

I have one ship only the RU sub so I will at least buy SCs to get there as I should be close enough with 110 SCs. But I will wait until I have landed some tokens.

Yuk.  I forgot all about the turds.  Now we might get those as gifted ships.

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2 minutes ago, slokill_1 said:

Yuk.  I forgot all about the turds.  Now we might get those as gifted ships.

You know it! Last Xmas, I had to get through two of the damned things before I got anything decent from the Satan Boxes...

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3 hours ago, Verblonde said:

There is a plus to supercontainers being made comparatively poor: I no longer feel the desire to finish up every last 'snowflake' on my lower tiers, as the whole FOMO thing has dropped off dramatically. Who cares if I miss a few SCs? All I'll likely get from them is some more random dross.


It’s now “FOMOW”:

“Fear Of Missing Out on What?”

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5 hours ago, Colonel Potter said:

Here is the difference between the 7th Anniversary (2022) and the 8th Anniversary (2023). Had 16 less T10 ships last year. Opened 60 Supercontainers in 2022, and here are the rewards from the 76 2023 "Super"containers.






Well since you now get 2 super containers instead of one with only 1/2 the amount in each wouldnt you have to open 120 supercontainers for comparisiom to last years 60 not 76. 

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5 hours ago, Scrubby_McScrub said:

They let the game economy get out of hand for years and now they are reigning it in. Too late because now it's going to make players angry(er). 

I'm just happy I have all the ships for the admirals coupon and can get the 3000 steel. 

...and that stinginess means that queue times are getting longer as players increasing go elsewhere for fun...

4 hours ago, iDuckman said:

And they make no secret of it.  Doubloons especially "felleth as the gentle rain", something they're putting the brakes on.  So it's a nerf.  A nerf to free stuff.  Think of it that way.

None of the anniversary rewards are free. Stop peddling that lie.

Rewards are EARNED. They are being given as COMPENSATION for the player having purchased or ground certain ships.

Almost NOTHING in this game is actually free. It is either earned as REWARD for gameplay, or purchased in some way.

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2 hours ago, clammboy said:

Well since you now get 2 super containers instead of one with only 1/2 the amount in each wouldnt you have to open 120 supercontainers for comparisiom to last years 60 not 76. 

No. Shows you get less with 76 containers now than you could from 60 compared to last year, luck aside. Got pretty lucky last year with three ship drops, but you get less overall now because of the nerf. Makes it so a person loses their ambition to play as hard to gather less rewards.

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8 hours ago, Colonel Potter said:

Here is the difference between the 7th Anniversary (2022) and the 8th Anniversary (2023). Had 16 less T10 ships last year. Opened 60 Supercontainers in 2022, and here are the rewards from the 76 2023 "Super"containers.






well you need to open 120 this year to really compare

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6 hours ago, iDuckman said:

And they make no secret of it.  Doubloons especially "felleth as the gentle rain", something they're putting the brakes on.  So it's a nerf.  A nerf to free stuff.  Think of it that way.

That puts me in mind of an old saying. It has many variants but the one I'm most familiar with is


Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part

In this case, if WG screwed up ... it's up to them to correct it without ticking off the playerbase. The free stuff they gave away wasn't done for the sake of generosity because WG have (had?) hearts of gold ... it was done to attract new players and to encourage veterans to play more. If they got carried away with it, then that's their fault, not the players.



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3 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

well you need to open 120 this year to really compare

But you don't because you got one container per tier 10 last year, just as you have this year. Comparing them where you get one per ship shows the nerf to the containers, nothing more, nothing less. Not comparing with WGs math, comparing with one container per ship, as were the rewards given last year.

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I had like 12 SCs worth from the leftover tokens after getting the Bayard. I didnt get shiz. lol.

Gotta remember these are just SCs not Christmas containers. So abysmal exceptions are the expected reality.

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4 hours ago, Colonel Potter said:

But you don't because you got one container per tier 10 last year, just as you have this year. Comparing them where you get one per ship shows the nerf to the containers, nothing more, nothing less. Not comparing with WGs math, comparing with one container per ship, as were the rewards given last year.

last year you didnt get for free tier 8 premium 

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9 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

In this case, if WG screwed up ... it's up to them to correct it without ticking off the playerbase. The free stuff they gave away wasn't done for the sake of generosity because WG have (had?) hearts of gold ... it was done to attract new players and to encourage veterans to play more. If they got carried away with it, then that's their fault, not the players.

Over-generosity is part of the plan. WoWs is a pay-to-progress game and freebies are a great way of allowing players to experience how paid content helps them develop their account and their gameplay (the power of Tier X ships, the economic benefits of Premium etc). Experienced players with big fleets shouldn't be fed in that way, and WG needs to be brave enough to say it. But they've got their comms muddled up: they say they want to be "transparent", but that's just doing the classic tech company thing of letting the techies announce the changes. The Dev Blog launches into a long explanation of the new rules without providing an executive summary which explains their motivations: "We think the previous Anniversary rules give experienced players with many Tier Xs too much loot, and didn't do enough for players developing their account.  So we're capping (not nerfing) the maximum number of SCs which can be gained from Tier Xs and making it easier to get them for players with lower Tier fleets."  They also let their community managers loose without asking them to fact check the statements ("Have we nerfed the number of SCs available?") and then they get caught out by the people in the community who *will* do the checks. So something which is reasonable and for the health of the game ends up being portrayed as a mean corporate nerf. 

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1 hour ago, invicta2012 said:

Over-generosity is part of the plan. WoWs is a pay-to-progress game and freebies are a great way of allowing players to experience how paid content helps them develop their account and their gameplay (the power of Tier X ships, the economic benefits of Premium etc). Experienced players with big fleets shouldn't be fed in that way, and WG needs to be brave enough to say it. But they've got their comms muddled up: they say they want to be "transparent", but that's just doing the classic tech company thing of letting the techies announce the changes. The Dev Blog launches into a long explanation of the new rules without providing an executive summary which explains their motivations: "We think the previous Anniversary rules give experienced players with many Tier Xs too much loot, and didn't do enough for players developing their account.  So we're capping (not nerfing) the maximum number of SCs which can be gained from Tier Xs and making it easier to get them for players with lower Tier fleets."  They also let their community managers loose without asking them to fact check the statements ("Have we nerfed the number of SCs available?") and then they get caught out by the people in the community who *will* do the checks. So something which is reasonable and for the health of the game ends up being portrayed as a mean corporate nerf. 

In response to the part that I highlighted in bold:

One of the reasons those experienced players HAVE big fleets is because of the flake events. They ground those lines, and took the events into account when they bought the premiums, because that's how WG had set the game up. Back on the old forums I saw numerous posts where players said "I only play [a specific ship] when I'm grinding flakes". It's entirely reasonable that people who have invested several years in the game, and often taken actions based on a very specific aspect of the game should then be resentful when that aspect is nerfed.

As for the rest of your post:

That would be fine ... except for the woeful number of times that WG have misrepresented things (frequently put down to 'poor communication'), or outright lied through their teeth.

I suspect that is one of the reasons why the forums were closed ... in the couple of years I've been playing, simply by asking questions with no malicious intent, I caused CMs to make statements which were later shown to be complete and utter bollocks. I have no doubt that many other players did so as well ... again with no malicious intent. The dreadfully inconvenient thing for WG was that those players have memories and with a little searching they could find those posts and point out the 'inaccuracies'.

I don't think WG can afford transparency ... and there are times when I think they have a corporate culture which is based on being as opaque as possible.


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