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In-Game Chat.


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When my clan has clan battles, sometimes we need to pick up a merc, from time to time. It seems odd to me when they ask if we use Discord chat, and we don't. We have a Discord Server but use it more like a forum for members. So, when we tell the merc that we use "In-Game Chat" I can almost see them roll their eyes. They usually come up with questions like "Why do you use this in-game chat?" I always respond with "Why not?" And a lot of the time we'll get a merc that says something like "I've been playing this game for 5 years and have never used in-game chat. Is there something I'm missing? The functionality is the same. They both work fine. They both have a push to talk. They both have programmable buttons to use the "Push to talk" button. (The keyboard V for us.) And we don't allow "Open (Hot) Microphones" We don't care to hear you breathe, eat, talk to yourself, or hear your TV in the background. There are the ones who don't have microphones, and we tell them that if they just enable "Voice Chat" in settings, they would be able to hear us, but we couldn't hear them and they could type what they wanted to say. But they refuse to do it. Like they don't trust us, and think we are up to something nefarious. I just don't get it. 🤷‍♂️

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People always assume the worst, 
The human race is not known to be trust worthy so this is normal behavior for people in general. 

not many options available. 
1. Spend time trying to convince them everything is above board
2. cut them loose at the first sign of trouble and roll the dice on a new merc. 

Those are your options, 
Most people have the philosophy 'trust is earnt and not just given' 
The older I have gotten the harder I cling to that, because honestly, people in general are not truth worthy and it goes both ways, 
You might be willing to trust, but you cannot force someone to trust you. 


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@Malum0ne Thanks for this. I've been in several divs over the years where I've asked about the in-game chat voice option. Each time I've been told it doesn't work. Me being me, I would then often hit the V button anyway and say something especially silly, assuming no-one would hear me. Now I know why they didn't respond.

Edited by I_cant_Swim_
I should change my name to I_cant_Spell_
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Clan Battles inherently is a highly competitive space for some while others just want the steel. However players who feel free enough to offer their services to merc usually go out of their way to want to play. Most times because their dedicated and like-minded team might be unable to field players due to being busy. So some of these players want to help out elsewhere.

I personally have been in the spot of such a situation before. The one mode where voice communication is actually key to relay vital information dynamically and on the spot without interrupting your game-play. If I had to use in-game chat or quick commands I would be less effective and within the chaos of amount of information that gets exchanged per minute my command, ping and message might get lost within the chaos of all others sending their own.


So if you and your team don't take CBs to serious that's one thing though the majority of players dedicated enough to organize themselves as mercs do expect a basic will to dip into the competitive aspect in such a way for you to use the best tools available for you and your team to succeed.


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2 hours ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

@Malum0ne Thanks for this. I've been in several divs over the years where I've asked about the in-game chat voice option. Each time I've been told it doesn't work. Me being me, I would then often hit the V button anyway and stay something especially silly, assuming no-one would hear me. Now I know why they didn't respond.

For me, coming from WoT and the behaviour over there(considering many people also migrated from their like myself), I never once have used the in game voice chat. I've heard some absolute Vitriol playing online games in the past and that made me never want to get into voice chat with randoms ever again.

Edited by MBT808
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As I've effectively never heard someone use it, I cannot comment. I don't know if, for instance, in-game chat was single or multichannel. Whichever, for the matches I've played, discord chat has been awesome. Adds a whole new dimension to the game. Strategy, historical info, comradery. When it's good, makes me feel like I'm dropping into a theater performance. I soak it all in, love it. All you need is a constructive team.


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EXEC_HYMNE_Ar_tonelico: If I had to use in-game chat or quick commands I would be less effective and within the chaos of amount of information that gets exchanged per minute my command, ping, and message might get lost within the chaos of all others sending their own.
Are you saying you don’t use voice chat for Clan Battles?  I wouldn’t want to go without it.
Or, if you are referring to the “No Hot Mic’s” rule, most if not all of our clan members can push V to talk without looking down to find it, or missing a beat. We don’t use “Quick Commands” other than maybe a “Wilco!” or, “Well Done!” command. And the mercs we use might have a hot mic, but we will let it slide as long as the noise is not a problem. It’s just that we’ve had a few that were (in my mind) completely disrespectful with the chewing, lip-smacking, coughing, breathing... and so on, to the point of us asking them several times to keep the noise down. And after a few times of asking we will just find another merc.

MBT808: “I've heard some absolute Vitriol playing online games in the past and that made me never want to get into voice chat with Randoms ever again.” 
We have an unwritten rule: “No toxic behavior.” It should go without saying, but... “Some men, you just can’t reach.” We did have a member (member A) go off on another member (Member B) about a move that Member B made and got Member B killed. Yes, it was a strange move but we all (almost all) figured there were probably other circumstances that we were unaware of, and let it go. It’s not like he’s always making this move and costing us a player every time. So, nothing was said, other than member A, going full toxic. We stopped him in his tracks and we told him to either shut up about it or leave... -your- choice. He shut up but did it again to another member the very next round. Member A became Member -X- right after the match. We just do not tolerate any hateful speech or actions.

I_cant_Swim_“I don't know if, for instance, the in-game chat was single or multichannel. I've played, discord chat has been awesome. Adds a whole new dimension to the game. Strategy, historical info, comradery. When it's good, makes me feel like I'm dropping into a theater performance. I soak it all in and love it. All you need is a constructive team.


Yes, the WoWs chat is full duplex. Everyone can talk at the same time. Though we are respective to the topic, and take turns if we have anything to add or have questions. And you are correct about it adding a whole new dimension. I’ve had to go without it when having “Technical Difficulties”.
It is such a sterile feeling. And I am a witty smart-ass. But I am respectful about it. And there are a few of us who like to pick and tease each other. We laugh a lot, have fun, and get hours of educational entertainment from it.
And yes, we like to win. Why else would anyone play Clan Battles? But we have fun doing it. We’ve had more than one merc make the statement that they have never had more -FUN- in a Clan Battle than what they have tonight. And a lot of them make a point to make sure we have their names on our contact list and tell us to make sure to invite them any time we need a merc. We’ve actually picked up a few mercs that became members.

I didn't intend to get so long on words. I just figured I could respond to three posts with one.
Thanks for the response and "Keep the Wet-Side Wet, and the Sunny-Side Sunny. 

Peter Boat-Small.jpg

Edited by Malum0ne
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10 hours ago, Malum0ne said:

When my clan has clan battles, sometimes we need to pick up a merc, from time to time. It seems odd to me when they ask if we use Discord chat, and we don't. We have a Discord Server but use it more like a forum for members. So, when we tell the merc that we use "In-Game Chat" I can almost see them roll their eyes. They usually come up with questions like "Why do you use this in-game chat?" I always respond with "Why not?" And a lot of the time we'll get a merc that says something like "I've been playing this game for 5 years and have never used in-game chat. Is there something I'm missing? The functionality is the same. They both work fine. They both have a push to talk. They both have programmable buttons to use the "Push to talk" button. (The keyboard V for us.) And we don't allow "Open (Hot) Microphones" We don't care to hear you breathe, eat, talk to yourself, or hear your TV in the background. There are the ones who don't have microphones, and we tell them that if they just enable "Voice Chat" in settings, they would be able to hear us, but we couldn't hear them and they could type what they wanted to say. But they refuse to do it. Like they don't trust us, and think we are up to something nefarious. I just don't get it. 🤷‍♂️

I don't use discord.
If people invite me as a "merc", I try to mention that I dont use voice-comms and that I type reasonably fast.

For me, the pain-in-the-aft is that sometimes the people I'm playing with are used to working with voice-comms and don't bother to type important stuff in chat where I can read it (and they forget that and somehow expect me to be a mind-reader regarding the dialogue that I'm literally not able to hear).  🙂 

Edited to add:  I play while using a laptop computer in our living-room while my Wife is often watching television.  I don't want the two acoustic environments to distract from each other.  I wear headphones so that I'm not distracted by the television, but a microphone would hear the TV and my voice at the same time.

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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8 hours ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

@Malum0ne Thanks for this. I've been in several divs over the years where I've asked about the in-game chat voice option. Each time I've been told it doesn't work. Me being me, I would then often hit the V button anyway and say something especially silly, assuming no-one would hear me. Now I know why they didn't respond.

I've disabled voice-chat in the WOWs game settings.

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32 minutes ago, Malum0ne said:

Yes, the WoWs chat is full duplex. Everyone can talk at the same time.

That's useful to know.  Thanks.

During the 1990's, I worked as a 48-State & Canada Tractor-Trailer Driver.  I still have the 40-channel Citizens Band radio that I used.
I can remember multiple people talking at the same time and how it sounded.
Perhaps "full duplex" is better?  Less distortions and feedback noise?  🙂 

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6 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

That's useful to know.  Thanks.

During the 1990's, I worked as a 48-State & Canada Tractor-Trailer Driver.  I still have the 40-channel Citizens Band radio that I used.
I can remember multiple people talking at the same time and how it sounded.
Perhaps "full duplex" is better?  Less distortions and feedback noise?  🙂 

OH yeah. I don't think we've had any problems with people "Stepping on " each other. It's clear, but just like in a room face to face with 7 other people, everyone wouldn't be talking at the same time expecting everyone to understand what every other person is saying. 
I can remember when 40 channels were approved by the FCC. My Dad retired from AT&T but also had a CB Radio, Car Radio... any radio TV, repair shop. You know... back when it was cheaper to fix something than to throw it away and buy a new one. Back when it took two people to carry a Microwave Oven...😄
I was 12 years old and helping my dad carry those 25" color TV/Radio/8-track/record player behemoths. I think that is part of what caused some of my back problems...lol.

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Several games I play/played the in game voice com was complete garbage. It was easier to use vent/teamspeak/etc. I generally don't talk much as my accent makes it hard to understand me at times.

OT: I still have my uncles 23 channel CBs and his old base, which is a old military radio, although I don't think they work anymore, more of a thing to remember the past by. I currently dive OTR, and the amount of steering wheel holders (it's a stretch to call many of them actual divers) that don't have radios makes me smile when they are stuck in that backup while I and the others with radios could figure a way around.

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7 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Edited to add:  I play while using a laptop computer in our living-room while my Wife is often watching television.  I don't want the two acoustic environments to distract from each other.  I wear headphones so that I'm not distracted by the television, but a microphone would hear the TV and my voice at the same time.

I have a similar situation ... my wife and I often both game at the same time, but we also talk to each other while we're playing so any kind of voice chat is not an option.

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