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Low Tier Randoms BOT Unbalance


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Playing low tiers where there are many bots, it's impossible not to notice how in most games one team's BOTS will completely dominate the other teams BOTs with kill ratios of 8 to 1 or 7 to 0. One team gets bots that WASD, avoid torps and hit what they shoot at while the other gets bots that sail in a straight line to death while shooting at the open ocean. My theory is that in randoms they are putting BOTs with the asymmetrical program on one side and normal dumb bots on the other. Even sent a ticket with replay on one bot Emerald that WASD like a pro, never missed a shot, used islands as cover etc. This was no ordinary bot. He finished #1 in the game. The response was the typical "we're sorry that the game did not live up to your expectations"

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Yes, you do see the occasional SUB - Super Unicum Bot - at lower tiers, whether in randoms or Co-op.

Even more strange is the transformation of one or more DOBs - Dumb Ordinary Bots - into SUBs at some point in the game.

On other occasions, as in the above post, your team consists of sad DOBS which are slaughtered by the enemy red SUBS.

Such is life.

PS. How can I div with one or two of these SUBs?

Edited by Bumblegoose
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It's annoying because, as in a game last night, our humans beat their humans 10 to 7 but their bots gave them the win, going 5 to 1 vs ours. So any agency you have in the game is taken away by MM deciding which team gets which bots. You battle the humans down and beat them and you have almost no HP left when here comes their magic bot with 2 kills and full health and he only needs one lucky shot for the win. He has 2 kills and full health because he's been battling our teams dumb bots who score zero hits while he kills them.

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1 hour ago, Kalishnikat said:

It's annoying because, as in a game last night, our humans beat their humans 10 to 7 but their bots gave them the win, going 5 to 1 vs ours. So any agency you have in the game is taken away by MM deciding which team gets which bots. You battle the humans down and beat them and you have almost no HP left when here comes their magic bot with 2 kills and full health and he only needs one lucky shot for the win. He has 2 kills and full health because he's been battling our teams dumb bots who score zero hits while he kills them.

Welcome to World of Warships.

This is absolutely not a fair or equitable game, and what you are seeing from the bots will be replicated and magnified when you face human players in:

Premiums that have been removed from sale for being over powered, with...

Special captains that have all 21 points assigned plus special perks that cost thousands of coal, with...

All the combat flags,...

In a triple division with his unicum friends against your team of just joined the game new players.

If the above prospect doesn't sound fun to you, this isnt the game for you. Keep looking elsewhere.

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