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Sound off, lets see how many CV and Sub games you got!


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Randoms - 3959

CV: 1437

Subs: 2


Ranked - 134

CV: 97

Subs: 0


Co-op - 169

CV: 8

Subs: 0


I also have lots of PVE ops games not tracked so easily.

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9 minutes ago, Folded_1000_Times said:

0 Cv, 0 Sub here.



gods work.jpg

That is not something to be proud of, IMO...


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2 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

That is not something to be proud of, IMO...






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4 minutes ago, Folded_1000_Times said:
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You are right, Ugarte...I am more 'impressed' with you...


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Just now, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

You are right, Ugarte...I am more 'impressed' with you...

I added you on my friends list! 

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Just now, Folded_1000_Times said:

I added you on my friends list! 

Let me know when you want spotting or air defense.


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0 CV 0 Subs except in traing room. It's not for any reason other then I dont have any interest in playing them. If the time comes where I feel the urge to play them I will until then I wont. kudos to the people who enjoy playing them and are good at it you should be able to play what ever makes you happy.

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6 minutes ago, clammboy said:

0 CV 0 Subs except in traing room. It's not for any reason other then I dont have any interest in playing them. If the time comes where I feel the urge to play them I will until then I wont. kudos to the people who enjoy playing them and are good at it you should be able to play what ever makes you happy.


I have tried 2 sub games...and I was like, "Ill get back to this later...maybe...when I'm not having fun with the other classes I like."

The key point is to have fun.

Play what gives you joy. That is, after all, the point of gaming.

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12 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:


I have tried 2 sub games...and I was like, "Ill get back to this later...maybe...when I'm not having fun with the other classes I like."

The key point is to have fun.

Play what gives you joy. That is, after all, the point of gaming.

I haven't tried either i don't find it fun to easily win games in them. I found them very easy (RTS more so) on my brothers account before i made my own. 

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Sound off, lets see how many CV and Sub games you got!


Random battles
Random battles
Aircraft Carrier    1 738
Submarine    1 075

All Battles  image_2023-09-12_205941642.thumb.png.41cad65a06dfb9e906eec87d0739306d.png  

All Battles  
Aircraft Carrier    1 934
Submarine           1 185

Edited to add:  
The stats on "Wows Numbers" seem to be off, or under-reporting my totals.

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Zero actual games for both.

I tried them out in the training room ... but neither of them contributes to my dakka addiction! cap_rambo_small.gif.40d97fddb4ad492b2fee48afb9b82c63.gif


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21 in CV's.  in co-op for snow flakes most likely. 

zero Subs. 

if I wanted to fly planes there are plenty of other games for that and in my Navy there were no subs, so artillery and anti-sub & anti-air missiles were all we had and all that I like to play.

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 🙂 Well.....

EU: Randoms 5000

      Ranked     5400

      Ops          As we know, its not listed, but the  achievements should give a rough estimate

                        1500 Assistant, 2200 Sea Stars

               Old forum lists overall 26k with all the special modes,  ops and coop 


NA Randoms 1500

        Ranked     5000

        Ops           1500 Asistant, 1800 Sea Stars

Overall I would say over 12K

Exaclty ZERO Cv or sub PvP games,  across both realms  46721D76-957C-425A-9701-8D106F1B2173.gif

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0 CVs since rework and 0 Subs..i refuse to be a part of the problem.

Probably have about 300 pre rework CV games. Bogue was so much fun.

Edited by Kalishnikat
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16 hours ago, Jakeshuffle said:

I want to try both but I don't want to get poopoo-ed on because I'm weak. lol

Don't worry.

Play the tier 4 CVs and practice there. Grind a 9 point captain BEFORE going to tier 6.

In the same way, play the tier 6 subs for a long time while learning.

That will keep you away from most of the try hard rude people.

Stay positive...don't let jerks define you, and seek out help and do some studying to get better.

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