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I was reported.. Again.... ; ) Updated with Answer


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This one was a mystery and frankly a surprise.   I was going for spotting and spotting damage ( got over 200K )

I didn't know why until I watched the replay.

Let's make it a little fun.  I'll tell you why after a few guesses. NOT what you would think though. 😁

My being fugly and smelling funny is NOT a valid guess.... This time.😉


It was a BB yoloing behind me into a Cap screaming at everyone for not " Supporting" and he was mad I didn't give a Smokescreen apparently.

He was WAYYYYYY Inside his Smoke firing detection range.  BLASTING away. Even Passed me by a mile. He never could have stopped in the smoke anyway. Smoke would have done nothing.

He got focused down in 30 seconds, They never saw me.




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Why would we care what some random captain thought?

It's not worth your time worry about, Col.

Spare yourself the angst. Your value is far higher than any random on the internet believes.

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Just now, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Why would we care what some random captain thought?

It's not worth your time worry about, Col.

Spare yourself the angst. Your value is far higher than any random on the internet believes.

Hey  I'm having some fun... We must not have met.  My name is Col " Couldn't care less " Nasty

Just having a bit of fun here.  It will make you lol when I tell you. it's sort of Classic : )

Like the time I was reported for not giving a smokescreen .... IN MY HALLAND🤣

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14 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

My being fugly and smelling funny is NOT a valid guess.... This time.

You mean it was on a previous occasion? I can only imagine the look on the face of the CS employee who dealt with that ticket. 😈

So you topped the team in a Benham. So what? Only one kill that the opposition can see, not much in the way of damage, just one cap...

Oh wait, you didn't nail them on a solo base cap, did you? *Looks at figures in detailed report.* No, you didn't get all the capture points, so that's not possible either.

I've got to admit - there ARE times I look at someone's incredibly high base XP with few if any kills scored or planes shot down and wonder (out of curiosity) how they earned it, but my usual response is to give them a +1 for well played or worthy adversary and move on. 

11 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

Like the time I was reported for not giving a smokescreen .... IN MY HALLAND

Oh for ****'s sake... 🤡

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I play CV a fair bit.

I get reported because someone wants to 'send a message' to WG about CV balance...so they 'punish' me.

Karma is literally worthless.

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10 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

@Daniel_Allan_Clark, you want to watch Karma disappear.  Create a division of 3 (2 Gato's and a good destroyer).  


Yeah , when mine gets too high I just go play the Kami Triplets  and POOF all gone😎

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5 minutes ago, Estimated_Prophet said:

Hey Col. Just saying 'Hi,' on the new forum.

COOL!! Good to see you!! 😎

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1 hour ago, HogHammer said:

you want to watch Karma disappear.  Create a division of 3 (2 Gato's and a good destroyer).  

Oh yes I always report any submarine player I come across, got to discourage them somehow.

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1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:

You guys are clearly doing it all wrong as far as Karma goes...





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5 minutes ago, AdmiralMcintosh said:

Oh yes I always report any submarine player I come across, got to discourage them somehow.

Congratulations! You're in breach of TOS/EULA for misusing the report system!

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Just now, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Congratulations! You're in breach of TOS/EULA for misusing the report system!

So is most of the player base, for whichever reason.

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12 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Congratulations! You're in breach of TOS/EULA for misusing the report system!

Luckily this isnt an official forum so he can say it as much as he wants... 🙃

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2 hours ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

@AdmiralThunder First I thought..3,000+ karma! How!  But then I saw it: It's because of the toddler pic, isn't it. +1 for that.

I got a lot of my in-game Karma for my activity on WOWS NA forums truth be told. I was well known in the game (NA server) as an outspoken advocate for PVE/Co-op specifically but also for players in general and I posted a lot of info to help players with mission links, bonus codes, tips, etc...

It isn't all for my game play. I have got a surprising amount for that as well though considering I am pretty bad at the game. I get +1 in Randoms a lot and it always shocks me LOL.

I use the baby.gif when I post something I expect to catch a lot of flak for. 1st time I saw that I laughed so hard I almost wet myself.

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Congratulations! You're in breach of TOS/EULA for misusing the report system!

You are in a CL heading straight for a cap. You hear a horn just before the BB, that is as fast or faster than you, slams into your port side. A clear violation of your ship's right of way. You finish the battle and upon your return to port find that you have been reported. Breach of TOS/EULA?

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8 minutes ago, Gillhunter said:

You are in a CL heading straight for a cap. You hear a horn just before the BB, that is as fast or faster than you, slams into your port side. A clear violation of your ship's right of way. You finish the battle and upon your return to port find that you have been reported. Breach of TOS/EULA?

No. But reporting a sub driver just for driving a sub definitely is.

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7 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

No. But reporting a sub driver just for driving a sub definitely is.


Why not? I had the right of way and was reported for no reason other than the person was either ignorant or arrogant.

Which rule in the TOS/EULA are you referring to in regards to reporting a sub captain? I just read it and missed it.

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2 hours ago, AdmiralMcintosh said:

Oh yes I always report any submarine player I come across, got to discourage them somehow.

Doing the Lord's Work there...


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1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:

II use the baby.gif when I post something I expect to catch a lot of flak for. 1st time I saw that I laughed so hard I almost wet myself.

 I used that gif to make one of my collection of DD Life Gifs 


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