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This actually just happened. Glitch,exploit or BUG?


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I won't really bother posting the replay and having to edit it unless people have never seen this before. I know I haven't'

Was fighting a Sub and a CL and radar.  Running from radar , pings ( really FAST Pings ) and a absolute FLOOD of fast loading torps. Just silly new meta stuff.

Well I very successfully Dodged a set of 4 homing torps and was turning back into my smoke ( was pinged THREE more times) as I suddenly see FOUR Torps that I had dodged while ON THE OUTER BORDER Do a U turn from OFF the map and come hit me on the opposite side.

So we hit the border and we get gimped but homing torps can RE_LOCK make a U turn come BACK onto the map and Kill??

I will try to upload a vid later because words and this pic just cannot do this justice.

Not going to call HAX BUT the entire team (red and green ) noticed that when I called this out( didn't know what happened or who did it until I saw the replay afterwards ) the Player in question went Ballistic.

He hid from BOTH teams and didn't say another word the entire game.

DDs should have homing torps and rapid lock on capabilities too!

Not really , but think about how that made you feel for a second.

That's how people feel about subs having them.

Just sayin"


Screenshot 2023-09-11 121003.png

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Uhm.. yes, why not. Torps travel outside the map boundary, and they can also hit outside the map boundary if you remember the 'ghost ship' in Raptor Rescue, for one thing.

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18 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Uhm.. yes, why not. Torps travel outside the map boundary, and they can also hit outside the map boundary if you remember the 'ghost ship' in Raptor Rescue, for one thing.

I was so happy when I got that achievement. I was with a clanmate who had been trying to get it for some time and I came along and did it on my first try. I used all my luck for the year then. LOL.


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24 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Uhm.. yes, why not. Torps travel outside the map boundary, and they can also hit outside the map boundary if you remember the 'ghost ship' in Raptor Rescue, for one thing.

The point is they shouldn't be able to keep tracking much less do a full U TURN after leaving the map come back ONTO the map and kill you. 


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43 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

The point is they shouldn't be able to keep tracking much less do a full U TURN after leaving the map come back ONTO the map and kill you. 


No idea about that. What seems to be the case, though, is that torps do not recognize the map border. It seems that for them the 'playable' part of the map extends some way beyond the invisible barrier. We know that part of the map can be accessed unless they really have specific and separate rules for the operations. Ruan, for instance, clearly passes through the barrier and the exit zone is outside 'our map'. IIRC, I myself at one time in the randoms ended up sinking outside the border, because I got sunk while stuck on the barrier.

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1 hour ago, Col_NASTY said:

The point is they shouldn't be able to keep tracking much less do a full U TURN after leaving the map come back ONTO the map and kill you. 


I've never seen anything like you're describing, but just the description of it is enough to tick me off.

Torps should either derez or explode when they reach the map border. Probably derez so they can't do splash damage to a ship nearby that they missed.

If a player can't access a space, nothing should be able to access that space.

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2 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

I will try to upload a vid later because words and this pic just cannot do this justice.

Man I definitely want to see this vid. That sounds like an insane...feature? Bug? Who knows.

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2 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

as I suddenly see FOUR Torps that I had dodged while ON THE OUTER BORDER Do a U turn from OFF the map and come hit me on the opposite side.

That's what planes do when they hit the edge - they do a forced U-turn and come back into the map border. 

Put the replay in on a ticket. Sounds like a bug. 


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6 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

I won't really bother posting the replay and having to edit it unless people have never seen this before. I know I haven't'

Was fighting a Sub and a CL and radar.  Running from radar , pings ( really FAST Pings ) and a absolute FLOOD of fast loading torps. Just silly new meta stuff.

Well I very successfully Dodged a set of 4 homing torps and was turning back into my smoke ( was pinged THREE more times) as I suddenly see FOUR Torps that I had dodged while ON THE OUTER BORDER Do a U turn from OFF the map and come hit me on the opposite side.

So we hit the border and we get gimped but homing torps can RE_LOCK make a U turn come BACK onto the map and Kill??

I will try to upload a vid later because words and this pic just cannot do this justice.

Not going to call HAX BUT the entire team (red and green ) noticed that when I called this out( didn't know what happened or who did it until I saw the replay afterwards ) the Player in question went Ballistic.

He hid from BOTH teams and didn't say another word the entire game.

DDs should have homing torps and rapid lock on capabilities too!

Not really , but think about how that made you feel for a second.

That's how people feel about subs having them.

Just sayin"


Screenshot 2023-09-11 121003.png

Wat??   51C50420-743E-44FA-9C42-03E959479D6F.gif cap_fainting.gif.5e67465ec4d0e8ac8c35e19


Dear Lord........

6 hours ago, Mono_De_Mantequilla said:

That sounds terrible!  I would really like to see that replay.


I'll second that.....

And...... you should post either the replay or the video on reddit. I suspect that a gentleman with an f letter in his name would be all over it 0D35311A-99B5-474C-A05B-6D0A963C0398.gif ....

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6 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Uhm.. yes, why not. Torps travel outside the map boundary, and they can also hit outside the map boundary if you remember the 'ghost ship' in Raptor Rescue, for one thing.

100 % yes. But the problem is with homing AND torp range. The fish should had lost lock AND should had run out of steam. Period.

Still.... we really need the replay or a video.

Edited by Andrewbassg
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12 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

 Do a U turn from OFF the map


Remember when playing a CV and you were sitting ON the map border (or very close bow in to the border line) and while taking off, your planes are forced to do a very sharp turn to get back to the map? 

From what you describe, I suspect the same mechanics applied in your case.


A replay file would be interesting to review though...

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