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[2_BAD]: Bold, Aggressive, Dead. Seeking replacements.


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Clan Name:   Bold, Aggressive, Dead   
Clan Tag:      [2_BAD] 
Server:          [NA] 
Clan Commander:  I_cant_Swim_

Easy-going clan, with the usual perks. You can do your thing, or join up in divisions to learn and have fun together. Pets are allowed. Discord is used for in-game comms and clan info. You needn’t use discord, but it can be a great help in-game and makes learning a lot easier.  You are expected to have fun. You are also expected to be constructive, helpful to and respectful of your clanmates, to reply to clan messages, play fair and fairly regularly, and contribute meaningfully to the existence of the clan (oil contribution, helping other clanmates, etc). The Clan Commander reserves the right to revoke membership based on failure to meet these criteria. To join, please apply in-game. To join on discord, use this link:  https://discord.gg/bTstz49zJh

and follow the instructions in the Start Here>Apply to join section.

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