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Are these people for real have just given up on designing other ships with originality or are just going to go through there catalogue and just redesign every single one and just ad a year date on them.

WG are clueless they have come to a creative end and are just recycling now.

God Lord this game is doomed  

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The Sharnhorst 43 does nothing for me.

More of a sidegrade than a refit.

Higher rate of fire on secondaries but less accurate ?.

Less range on the main battery ?

Sacrificing the spotting aircraft for a better heal ?.

In randoms facing a better t8/9 brawler with longer range secondaries longer range main battery....hmm.

If top tier in the match fair enough....bottom tier ,oh dear.

Be ok for co-op,for pvp not some much.

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The new USN line will have something like Bearn fighters?


I don't see numbers on the air callable fighters yet (# per squadron or # of consumables)...something to watch in the future.

A bit disappointing to see the secondary range on these new USN CVs to be so low still compared to other lines...but it's a minor issue.

I'm not sure how I feel about having the USN rocket and dive bombers be single wave attackers like the Russians are...that's going to be spicy to try to balance.

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I have been thinking about the Scharnhorst 43, because it is a move that really doesn't make sense, but I think I have figured it out. It is deliberately weaker than regular Scharnhorst. That is because they aren't selling it. They are giving it away. It is a reward ship, probably for a new North Cape event. Sure, they will probably offer it for sale as well, but only because there will be a small group of foolish people dumb enough to spend money on it. Primarily, it will be a freemium, maybe even a coal ship. That is my guess.

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It's interesting that it seems they have abandoned the idea of CV-dropped mines, and given Yorktown and Essex smoke deployment instead.  I'm guessing the air-deployed mines were too powerful in the right hands.  I'm going to be waiting to see if there is a reason for me to grind to Essex instead of just using Midway.





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2 hours ago, _KlRlTO_ said:

I have been thinking about the Scharnhorst 43, because it is a move that really doesn't make sense, but I think I have figured it out. It is deliberately weaker than regular Scharnhorst. That is because they aren't selling it. They are giving it away. It is a reward ship, probably for a new North Cape event. Sure, they will probably offer it for sale as well, but only because there will be a small group of foolish people dumb enough to spend money on it. Primarily, it will be a freemium, maybe even a coal ship. That is my guess.

Considering Stord 43 is there too, makes your assumption of a North Cape event very reasonable. 

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8 hours ago, tm63au said:

Are these people for real have just given up on designing other ships with originality or are just going to go through there catalogue and just redesign every single one and just ad a year date on them.

WG are clueless they have come to a creative end and are just recycling now.

God Lord this game is doomed  

Well, actually, do we even know if any of the developers stayed with our version of the game following the split last year? Maybe we only got the community management and monetization department....

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25 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Well, actually, do we even know if any of the developers stayed with our version of the game following the split last year? Maybe we only got the community management and monetization department....

Rather only the community mismanagement. They are looking for a monetization employee for Belgrade...

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4 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

It's interesting that it seems they have abandoned the idea of CV-dropped mines, and given Yorktown and Essex smoke deployment instead.  I'm guessing the air-deployed mines were too powerful in the right hands.  I'm going to be waiting to see if there is a reason for me to grind to Essex instead of just using Midway.





That's a bold assumption. They haven't revealed the alt-Japanese line yet, and the mines could very easily appear there.

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12 hours ago, _KlRlTO_ said:

That's a bold assumption. They haven't revealed the alt-Japanese line yet, and the mines could very easily appear there.


Not really.  We have the Tier X Japanese CV as Taiho, and the Tier VIII was based on  Shokaku but will almost certainly be Hiryu.  Both were equipped with the smoke generator planes in testing.  The USN Tier X Essex and Tier VIII Yorktown were the CVs using deployable minefields, so there would be no reason to switch the two from this pattern unless the testing revealed a fault in the minefield mechanics.  While I agree this is still testing and the Shokaku and Hiryu could be released with a changed form of mine dispersion, the time they will have to complete testing will be short in order to be able to provide the Japanese alternate CV line in an appropriate amount of time from the release of the USN line.  I do think that this kind of switch, without testing any new form of mine deployment, indicates the dev team is currently leaning towards abandonment as opposed to adjustment, as they would have kept the testing in place with the modifications they had in mind were they intending for this to be still a test situation for the mechanic.

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5 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:


Not really.  We have the Tier X Japanese CV as Taiho, and the Tier VIII was based on  Shokaku but will almost certainly be Hiryu.  Both were equipped with the smoke generator planes in testing.  The USN Tier X Essex and Tier VIII Yorktown were the CVs using deployable minefields, so there would be no reason to switch the two from this pattern unless the testing revealed a fault in the minefield mechanics.  While I agree this is still testing and the Shokaku and Hiryu could be released with a changed form of mine dispersion, the time they will have to complete testing will be short in order to be able to provide the Japanese alternate CV line in an appropriate amount of time from the release of the USN line.  I do think that this kind of switch, without testing any new form of mine deployment, indicates the dev team is currently leaning towards abandonment as opposed to adjustment, as they would have kept the testing in place with the modifications they had in mind were they intending for this to be still a test situation for the mechanic.

I see what you are saying, but at the same time they could just be waiting to test the mines further. There is also a third possibility, that the smokescreen was always intended for the tech tree US alternate line, but the minefield could still appear on a premium ship, like say, USS Bogue? I think it would be really appropriate for Bogue to drop mines. 

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On 9/9/2023 at 7:24 AM, tm63au said:

Are these people for real have just given up on designing other ships with originality or are just going to go through there catalogue and just redesign every single one and just ad a year date on them.

WG are clueless they have come to a creative end and are just recycling now.

God Lord this game is doomed  

For real, we didn't need ANOTHER Scharnhorst. We COULD'VE gotten Nevada '42 (complete refit from Oklahoma), we could've gotten the Royal Sovereign/Arkhangelsk (Revenge-class BB isn't even ingame yet), we even could've gotten Washington (premium NorCal because we don't actually have that yet, somehow)....but instead, we get literally Scharnhorst AGAIN (there's already two of her, and you can't really go too far with this ship class, there's only two of 'em), with slightly different stats that can't even justify her existence.

I mean it's not even like it's AL Scharnhorst or something, I could understand that at least, it'd be a collab ship....but it's not. Even Belfast '43 is different-looking from Belfast....Even Gneisenau with the red turret tops would've been more welcome!!!!


Look at that! UNIQUE. Not exactly the bloody same as Scharnie!!!

....Meanwhile we can't even get a FRACTION of the amazing balancing changes WoWs RU is getting. But no, who needs BALANS amirite? /s



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On 9/9/2023 at 8:08 AM, Chysagon said:

The Sharnhorst 43 does nothing for me.

More of a sidegrade than a refit.

Higher rate of fire on secondaries but less accurate ?.

Less range on the main battery ?

Sacrificing the spotting aircraft for a better heal ?.

In randoms facing a better t8/9 brawler with longer range secondaries longer range main battery....hmm.

If top tier in the match fair enough....bottom tier ,oh dear.

Be ok for co-op,for pvp not some much.

It's barely even a sidegrade. Like, the secondary battery is faster firing, but its range is still not great at 9.5km (affects ALL Tier VII secondary brawlers at this tier sadly) and they didn't say she has Mass accuracy (the logical step upwards from German accuracy). At least THOSE kinds of changes would justify her worse main battery performance, her lower sigma, her worse reload time, her worse range. 

What does Scharnie '43 even get? Really. Heck, she doesn't even LOOK different from Scharnie. Like...at all. Not even a different camo FFS.


And APPARENTLY....*THIS* is her 1943 configuartion and paint scheme.

Lazy Wargaming being lazy. 😤

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50 minutes ago, Sailor_Moon said:

For real, we didn't need ANOTHER Scharnhorst. We COULD'VE gotten Nevada '42 (complete refit from Oklahoma), we could've gotten the Royal Sovereign/Arkhangelsk (Revenge-class BB isn't even ingame yet), we even could've gotten Washington (premium NorCal because we don't actually have that yet, somehow)....but instead, we get literally Scharnhorst AGAIN (there's already two of her, and you can't really go too far with this ship class, there's only two of 'em), with slightly different stats that can't even justify her existence.

As mentioned earlier in this thread, this is probably going to be an event ship. Dec 26, 2023 is the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the North Cape, and the bizarre inclusion of Stord’43 (which was also present at the battle) lends some more credit to the theory. Last year we got a repeat of the Dido/Canarias choice as the “regular” non-dockyard free reward premium. It would not shock me if WG intends to do something similar with these two ships for this year, while also hyping Belfast’43 and Duke of York at the same time.

Edited by Nevermore135
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2 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

As mentioned earlier in this thread, this is probably going to be an event ship. Dec 26, 2023 is the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the North Cape, and the bizarre inclusion of Stord’43 (which was also present at the battle) lends some more credit to the theory. Last year we got a repeat of the Dido/Canarias choice as the “regular” non-dockyard free reward premium. It would not shock me if WG intends to do something similar with these two ships for this year, while also hyping Belfast’43 and Duke of York at the same time.

Ok sure, great...but then where's her actual '43 camo? Maybe they just haven't made it yet? Are we looking at a placeholder here? If that's the case, then it'll make SLIGHTLY more sense.

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33 minutes ago, Sailor_Moon said:

Ok sure, great...but then where's her actual '43 camo? Maybe they just haven't made it yet? Are we looking at a placeholder here? If that's the case, then it'll make SLIGHTLY more sense.

Because it’s still a lazy copy pasta. I was simply offering an explanation for why we are seeing this ship. It’s still completely superfluous - there is no good reason WG couldn’t just feature Scharnhorst and her icy camo if they want to highlight the 80th anniversary. This is just making content for the sake of making content.

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54 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Because it’s still a lazy copy pasta. I was simply offering an explanation for why we are seeing this ship. It’s still completely superfluous - there is no good reason WG couldn’t just feature Scharnhorst and her icy camo if they want to highlight the 80th anniversary. This is just making content for the sake of making content.

lols, that's why I said it'd make only SLIGHTLY more sense, not actually make sense. You're not wrong, it's straight up LAZY copypasta 🤣

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Yorktown and essex were originaly in the game before the very first rework and didnt come back  the american and japanese lines both used to have Cv's from T4 up to T10 

after the first rework only 4 of each line  came back  with totaly different  game play  . originaly you used to play the Cv's from the "M" key  ie navigation map and you were able to launch the 3 different types of aircraft  on different ships at the same time 

puzzled what is different to this new stord ship when the one in the techtree was built in 1943 also 




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On 9/9/2023 at 6:24 AM, tm63au said:

Are these people for real have just given up on designing other ships with originality or are just going to go through there catalogue and just redesign every single one and just ad a year date on them.

WG are clueless they have come to a creative end and are just recycling now.

God Lord this game is doomed  

They are not creative AND they continue to ignore many historical ships while pumping out poorly thought out pretend ships. Higher tiers are 90% science fiction now.

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