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Ohio - First Research Bureau Ship if I don't usually play BBs?


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I know the topic of the Ohio has been beat like a dead horse, but I don't normally play Battleships so I'm not sure how to compare or if I'd be any good with it. I'm assuming it's still the go-to suggestion for ships from the RB? I don't have anything against BBs, I just haven't played them as much. I'm at 59k points.

Edited by Jakeshuffle
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If you don't like BBs that much, don't take Ohio, it's that simple.  Vampire II is a great DD, Colbert is a cruiser that can be a lot of fun, then there is Illinois, which is technically a BB, but has Cruiser guns. What ship classes do you like?

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OHIO is a bad ship for secondaries and its main battery is lack luster aswell, I much prefer thunderer even Montana over Ohio for main battery performance. 

Get Colbert its a great ship, the dakka dakka is something 

Edited by ___V_E_N_O_M___
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Ohio is a rather Overrated ship. She's not bad, but if you go into her with expectations set by these forums and OG WoWs forum, you will be disappointed. Vampire II is a good choice and so is Siegfried. Slava is another choice with busted guns at the expense of armor. Everything else, it isn't worth spending research points on them.

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Pretty much what UnrepentantSinner said.

In general, Ohio is the RB recommendation if you’re only going to get one ship, because of its strengths and potential game impact. But if you’re not a BB player, it may be a “wasted” ship for you. I like her, but she’s not my go-to Tier X BB (that’s generally either Bourgogne or Schlieffen lately).

I’d definitely agree that Vampire II is the way to go for a DD player, since it’s another high impact ship with its cap contesting potential. It’s not as “unique” as Druid or Yolo Emilio, but it’s consistent and reliable.

For a cruiser player, as much as I love Colbert and hate facing a competent one on the enemy team, it’s not a ship for everyone. You really need to like that high risk/high reward super light cruiser play style, or it won’t be a comfortable fit. Kind of like Mino, it teeters on the edge of “I’m spitting out a solid line of shells” and “oh I just exploded.” If you like ships like Bourgogne and Jean Bart, or large cruisers like Alaska, then either Siegfried or Illinois might be more enjoyable, depending on the level of tankiness and main battery punch you want. 

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For me Colbert is by far the most addictive of all RB ships. Ohio is solid, but I find myself playing more with the Slava, as she's more unique.

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11 hours ago, UnrepentantSinner said:

If you don't like BBs that much, don't take Ohio, it's that simple.  Vampire II is a great DD, Colbert is a cruiser that can be a lot of fun, then there is Illinois, which is technically a BB, but has Cruiser guns. What ship classes do you like?

I play destroyers and cruisers mostly. Vampire II has been on my eye as well.


I decided on the Colbert since I have the Black for now.



Edited by Jakeshuffle
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10 hours ago, Jakeshuffle said:

I know the topic of the Ohio has been beat like a dead horse, but I don't normally play Battleships so I'm not sure how to compare or if I'd be any good with it. I'm assuming it's still the go-to suggestion for ships from the RB? I don't have anything against BBs, I just haven't played them as much. I'm at 59k points.

I followed a lot of recommendations and got Ohio as my first. Its a great ship but haven't played it much because when I feel like playing a BB there is so much more fun BBs to play than Ohio.

I should have taken Vampire 2 and then Colbert since im mainly a DD guy and secondary a cruiser player and both of them is really strong if you know how to play those classes.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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IMHO the Ohio was only good for brute forcing a flank due to the sec fires, large cal main guns (cruiser deck overmatch) and fast recycle heal, nowadays with subs floating around thats a dubious proposition in any ship esp a BB so I wouldnt waste my time with her unless one is a BB main or at least half-main

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16 hours ago, ___V_E_N_O_M___ said:

OHIO is a bad ship for secondaries and its main battery is lack luster aswell

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11 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Wow. 😮

Think why is Georgia not available anymore even though it has 75% of the main guns hat Ohio has???

As a secondaries main Ohio sucks and from a main battery / maneuverability perspective it's just as bad.

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4 hours ago, ___V_E_N_O_M___ said:

Think why is Georgia not available anymore even though it has 75% of the main guns hat Ohio has???

As a secondaries main Ohio sucks and from a main battery / maneuverability perspective it's just as bad.

You and I disagee on this and I am trying hard to drop it. Wish you would do the same.

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What i found is that ships on the RB don't explicitly replace someships, they are sidegrades and arguably better options.

Buy some quirky ships and have fun with them. I like my Gibraltar and druid 

If you want to buy strictly for winning: Vampire II, Ohio, Borg in any order

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