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Don't let ranked burn you out. Here are some ideas... (Destroyer_KuroshioKai)


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(Note: Copy, edited, and courtesy of a post by Destroyer_KuroshioKai)

Maybe this helps some ranked players here.  Here is a video titled "Maintaining your Sanity through Ranked and other Competitive Modes featuring a Dino Rampage."


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Kuro has a lot of good advice for destroyer players. Even if some of his videos are getting long in the tooth, the general principles are sound. 

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@Ensign CthulhuI think you hit the nail on the head.  Many, many good posts from the old forum were frankly "out of sight, out of mind."  I think in part the way the old forums lacked categories in "Game Guides and Tutorials."  Everything, every topic, was just thrown into one general heading.  For example, Ahskance's complete section on Aircraft Carriers.  After refreshing myself with his work, I got to thinking I should take out my CVs again.

Once we get the "Guides" section a little more robust in topics, as I have discussed with @I_cant_Swim_, it would be a wise move to have categories on DDs, Cruisers, Battleships, Aircraft Carriers and Submarines to assist forum members the opportunity to find what they are looking for faster.

The "Kuro" articles were somewhat buried on the old forums.  A tip from @destawaits got me there.  And after looking at his YouTube channel, there is a lot of great advice/tutorials that would benefit a lot of people here.

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11 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

And after looking at his YouTube channel, there is a lot of great advice/tutorials that would benefit a lot of people here.

Kuro's the one who taught me not to be afraid of CVs while piloting destroyers. Ahskance reinforced that, especially after he took up playing destroyers himself to show that he wasn't just talking out of his aft. 

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