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12 on 10 : Anyone ever seen this?


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I thought it was a graphics glitch at first; failure to display full team lineup.  But it was indeed a 12 on 10 match up.



Edited by SoshiSone
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Did one of the teams have a division? I’ve seen a couple other reports of a division getting ignored by MM and ending up in a lopsided match. 

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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Finally, in September 2023, WG created their very own baryon asymmetry problem. And it was then that Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt...

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If I was on that team of 10, I would have reported it and posted on discord about it. Hey WG, how about 11 versus 11 instead?? A great way to lose players!

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Once upon a time...

One ship difference in MM was rare but I saw it probably monthly. Never saw two, though. I actually liked the fact that in the old MM you often got different numbers of ship types on the teams. 

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10 hours ago, Pugilistic said:

Once upon a time...

One ship difference in MM was rare but I saw it probably monthly. Never saw two, though. I actually liked the fact that in the old MM you often got different numbers of ship types on the teams. 

If this has been going on for a while, then is it a known "feature" of the matchmaker programming?

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