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Renown vs Repulse

Tpaktop2_1 NA

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I find it ironic that WG wants to promote the Repulse for Black Friday as the better ship than the Renown.

Source: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/475

I know the Repulse had the weaker armor between the two. That is why the Japanese sunk her. One of the questions that I have is WG is intentionally trolling with the two ships on purpose? If not, then did someone on the WoWs Dev team mislabeled the two ships because of poor quality control? My bet is on the last choice knowing the history of WG's QA.

Can anyone provide information why the Repulse is better in WoWS from WG's POV from historical information?

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This is nearly one year late on the topic, that there has been quite a quarrel over why the researchable Renown is presented in her 1945 status.

From hindsight the researchable T6 British battlecruiser should just be the "15-inch armed modified Tiger" or some other equivalent premlinary of un-modified Admiral-class battlecruiser with 1920s vintage AA suite that there would be another new model.

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I’m not seeing where WG is promoting Repulse (Black or standard) as superior to Renown.

Repulse was released as a premium ship quite a bit of time prior to the British CC line release, when WG was testing battlecruiser concepts with premium ships. Repulse is depicted in her historical configuration - she never received the same reconstruction as Renown. Regarding the two Renowns, the premium tier VII version is her WWII modernization, while the tier VI tech tree version represents the condition the ship was in when she went to the breakers, with half her secondary battery missing because she was halfway through a refit.

Regarding gameplay differences, Repulse has better accuracy but the same infamously floaty shell ballistics as American 16”/45s, while Renown has better ballistics. They also have different consumables and Renown has torpedoes.

Tier VII Renown’44 was WG’s response to the community backlash of the tech tree Renown at tier VI. As a free ship (NY dockyard mid-point reward), she was likely intended to be more accessible, which would explain why she has BB plating rather than CC plating like the other two ships.

Edited by Nevermore135
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@Tpaktop2_1 NA Repulse is actually a bunch of fun since 15" shells at T6 tend to overmatch a lot of stuff - almost all T7 cruiser nose armour for example. It's rediculous fast with the speed boost, and I have deleted a DD at 20 km because while her shells are "floaty" they eventually land quite close to where they were aimed. 

The utter lack of AA is a bit of a pain, but if you like playing the long range sniper role (in randoms) this may be a good ship for that. Note that I played here *BEFORE* there were a pile of subs in the game, and that may make her somewhat less viable.

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15 hours ago, SureBridge said:

@Tpaktop2_1 NA Repulse is actually a bunch of fun since 15" shells at T6 tend to overmatch a lot of stuff - almost all T7 cruiser nose armour for example. It's rediculous fast with the speed boost, and I have deleted a DD at 20 km because while her shells are "floaty" they eventually land quite close to where they were aimed. 

The utter lack of AA is a bit of a pain, but if you like playing the long range sniper role (in randoms) this may be a good ship for that. Note that I played here *BEFORE* there were a pile of subs in the game, and that may make her somewhat less viable.

What is bad is the armor configuration is not correct. The have the Repulse stronger than the Renown when it should be the other way around. The Renown had the stronger armor plating on the deck whereas the Repulse had none.

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