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I wondered for a second "What's he being salty about with a score like that?" then I realized it was a victorious Tiger roar, not a complaint! 🐯

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Maybe I need to start posting replays of my Genova games...

The playerbase skill variance is so high now that you can do good things in 'bad ships' fairly often these days.

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12 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Maybe I need to start posting replays of my Genova games...

The playerbase skill variance is so high now that you can do good things in 'bad ships' fairly often these days.

Althougn I do believe you can do good things in bad ships, the opinion Tiger 59 is bad, while prevalent, is not one I endorse.

Tiger 59 is different.  Understanding its strength's and weaknesses is important.  It plays different than other cruisres.  Figure out where if fits, and it's a very good T8 cruiser, that uptiers very well.  I never feel like I"m botton tier when I go into a T10 match.  While other cruisers fidget around, staying back or looking for rocks to hide behind, Tiger can often push up and make things happen.  Not always, but more often than not.

The option it is a poor ship actually helps in this endeavor because the reds just don't expect it and you can pull off lots of surprises.


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7 hours ago, SoshiSone said:

Althougn I do believe you can do good things in bad ships, the opinion Tiger 59 is bad, while prevalent, is not one I endorse.

Tiger 59 is different.  Understanding its strength's and weaknesses is important.  It plays different than other cruisres.  Figure out where if fits, and it's a very good T8 cruiser, that uptiers very well.  I never feel like I"m botton tier when I go into a T10 match.  While other cruisers fidget around, staying back or looking for rocks to hide behind, Tiger can often push up and make things happen.  Not always, but more often than not.

The option it is a poor ship actually helps in this endeavor because the reds just don't expect it and you can pull off lots of surprises.


'Bad ships' as in the community things they are bad because they are so different.

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11 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

'Bad ships' as in the community things they are bad because they are so different.

I mean...the '59 is pretty bad.

She's slow, has poor energy retention, no way of rushing BBs that push her smoke, hardly any DPM against angled enemies...

Also, the guns fire so often and so accurately that I need to focus a lot to do any damage, absent HE shells.

I don't regret buying mine, as she makes for exciting games around the caps, but I really need to be "in the mood" to play her.

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Is the playstyle for Tiger '59 similar to Plymouth?  They seem to be the same ship except Tiger doesn't have hydro.

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6 minutes ago, tocqueville8 said:

I don't regret buying mine, as she makes for exciting games around the caps, but I really need to be "in the mood" to play her.

Reminds me of Implacable...when I wanted a challenge, I'd play her.

But now that I've got Audacious...I'm looking for another challenge boat.

Genova seems to be fitting the bill for me. It's a torpedo cruiser...with 8 inch guns. Fully built out, you can get your torpedo reload down to <35 seconds. Plus, you have four torpedoes on each side...so you can go back and forth ripple firing every 20 seconds or so.

Perfect for kiting situations...and for torpedoing destroyers who think smoke is a safe place.

Sure, no hydro...no fast reloading guns...no armor.

Still a different type of ship.

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18 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

Is the playstyle for Tiger '59 similar to Plymouth?  They seem to be the same ship except Tiger doesn't have hydro.

Sort of, but there's a huge difference: Plymouth has a fairly slow reload (5.5-6 seconds), but also a huge, 16-gun broadside, with standard accuracy. That means you can take your time to aim each salvo properly, and even if you're not perfect the dispersion will guarantee some hits.

Meanwhile, Tiger '59 has to keep shooting (reload ~3 seconds) with perfect aim, or that accuracy is going to make every shell miss. That requires a much stronger focus, at the expense of looking at the minimap and your surroundings.

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On 9/8/2023 at 8:31 AM, Justin_Simpleton said:

Is the playstyle for Tiger '59 similar to Plymouth?  They seem to be the same ship except Tiger doesn't have hydro.

I've tried Plymouth and I like Tiger much more.  In fact, I explicitly bought Plymouth with the expectation of using it like Tiger.  Nope.  Doesn't work.  Four things about Tiger that are critical for the play style are its brakes, armor, and super fast turrets, and better-than-you-reallize AA.

Brakes are very important because it significantly reduces the visible vulnerability period when pushing to contact using smoke and radar. Try that with Plymouth and...well...it doesn't work.

Tiger has much better bow armor than Plymouth so it can get thin and tank during the vulnerability period, as well as tank more random shots while in smoke. By the way, many folks are not aware of this feature of Tiger.  The expectation of weak bow armor on UK cruisers doesn't fit with Tiger.  The fact the T8 has better armor than the T10 UK cruisers is somewhat of a shock to many players.  Tiger can bow tank 14 inchers.  Granted, in T10 there are much bigger bruisers...but it's an option vs lower tier BBs or high tiier cruisers.  More a delay option than a win option. But sometimes winning only requires the enemy to wastes shots on you.

You can get gets guns on anything immediately, and rapdily change targets.  DPM is crap, so that's a price.

It's AA is nothing to laugh at.  Throw some skills/equipment at air spec, and when you combine focus fire and Defensive Air and 6km range...it's pretty damn good.  And in T10 when other options are limited in T10, you can play picket cruiser in the early game.

There is often situations in T10 games where I can push to cap early on caps that have little or no terrain.  No other cruiser is going to go there and any DD that shows gets radar'd and focused.  If I have shooters with me on a normal cap push, we often eliminate any DD that shows up.  Works even better at T10...which is why Tiger up tiers so well.  

Tiger does have some weak spots that you gotta know about.  It's slow (for a cruiser).  It's DPM is poor.  It is glass broadside.  No hydro.  Can't get yourself in situations where those weaknesses get you caught out. It's a team ship.  Most situations require freindlies to take full advantage.

Oh, and don't forget.  Every ship has one torpoedo.  Some situations, when your back is against the wall, Tiger's torp comes in handy.😊

I know there were several other issues with Plymouth but can't remember them at moment...haven't played Plymouth in over a year.

Don't get me wrong.  Plymouth is a very potent ship in the right hands.  You just can't play it like Tiger.  It's style is more in line with a traditional T10 cruiser. Find a good rock and wreck what you can hit.  Use smoke and radar as the situation presents.

Edit:  Oh, and a cool factoid.  With the Capt skill for Def air, cool down is reduced on all expendables by 20% when AA guns are active.  If there are constant air targets for Tiger, then the cooldown period is LESS than the smoke pump and duration.  Perpetual smoke for 8 minutes.  That is just a mathematical note.  But keep in mind that lots of  players like to launch air strikes just to initiate enemy AA.  In Tiger, if I need to keep silent, I just turn off AA in such instances.  But if my smoke is on cool down and I need it, your air strikes are helping me...thank you very much. 

Edited by SoshiSone
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