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Auction ended 05:55am mountain time  : i put a bid in  25.5 million credits for the coal but didnt win  and 350  thousand coal  on the research points and didnt win that bid either . 

wonder what stupid  costs they went for  . 

Edited by Gaelic_knight
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It's over already?!?  😄 
I bid nothing.  So I regret nothing.  🙂

I was interested in the Musashi.  But, I simply couldn't afford the bidding. 
I'll bide my time and hope for another, sweeter, opportunity.

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Checking the results:

1) Musashi: Lowest winning bid 42,000 doubloons.

2) Jolly Roger flag: Lowest winning bid 10,500 steel.

3) 50k coal: Lowest winning bid 66,000,000 credits.

4) 20,000 Research Points: lowest winning bid 484,761 coal.  

5) Musashi Flag: Lowest winning bid 75,000,000 credits.

These are all from the NA server.

Edited by oldblackdog
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23 minutes ago, oldblackdog said:

Checking the results:

1) Musashi: Lowest winning bid 42,000 doubloons.

2) Jolly Roger flag: Lowest winning bid 10,500 steel.

3) 50k coal: Lowest winning bid 66,000,000 credits.

4) 20,000 Research Points: lowest winning bid 484,761 coal.  

5) Musashi Flag: Lowest winning bid 75,000,000 credits.

These are all from the NA server.

They are same across servers (I have checked and they are the same numbers as you on the EU server).

I bid only on the RB points just over 200K, to me that sum of 484761 coal is the value of 1,4 M Free XP.

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I got the coal, the only one with a reasonable price.

Musashi whales aside, I'm completely baffled the coal-for-RB-points exchange: I have all the RB ships but I'm still 6 or 7 behind on the coal list. I would gladly trade the other way around, given RB points are not time-gated.

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When I see what kind of resources people spend on auctions I start to understand why WG wants to overhaul the game economy... Crazy. Anyway did not bid anything, I have better use for my resources. 

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2 hours ago, Aragathor said:

I bid on the Musashi flag, but was outbid. 75mil is just crazy.

In fact all of the minimum bids are too high.

I bid on the Musashi flag as well.  Had a beer(s), got my courage up and bid a whopping 5.3mil.  I'm laughing at 75mil for a flag, albeit cool looking 

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Musashi and the coal were about what I expected, and fairly similar to what they’ve been in the past. The steel flag was actually lower than last time, surprisingly.

I’d say the credit flag was way overpriced (compared to previous auctions), but at the same time there are so many players with a billion plus credits that it doesn’t really surprise me.

But the RP…. Two (nearly) full price coal ships for one double reset’s worth of points?


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5 hours ago, oldblackdog said:

"(...)These are all from the NA server."

Aren't all WOWs auctions globally now? The first one or two was perhaps regional, but I'm almost certain the bid-pools are global.

That being said they really should rename them to "ingame-resource"-sink ploy.

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I bid on the RB points but fell just a bit short. I also bid on the coal and got that so was pretty happy. Rebuilding my reserves after buying the Brisbane.  I was just a bit too gun shy about the RB using coal. I bid the last time it was offered and won but then realized that whatever ship I bought with those would be one of the most expensive resource ships I have ever purchased. I bid over 400k coal but just fell short. Was ok with not winning it honestly. 

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18 hours ago, Aragathor said:

I bid on the Musashi flag, but was outbid. 75mil is just crazy.

In fact all of the minimum bids are too high.

same here , my own bid was freaking 50m credits - which i thought was both too high and yet enough. Guess I underestimated how many people on three servers combined were willing to pay 75m+ on a flag that 99% of your teammates and enemies won't notice in battle anyway.

already got Musashi, steel for a flag is IMHO stupid. I'd rather buy a ship with steel that I end up not playing at all, than spend it on cosmetic stuff. Coal exchange rates in the auction are a joke nowadays and that currency is pretty easy to get anyway. RB points is just a grind thing as a veteran, also most of the RB ships aren't really meta picks and the ones that are get banned in CB and comp a lot...


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That coal amount was STUPID for only 20k research points. That's about 2 ships worth! RP are pretty easily ground out. 

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23 hours ago, Gaelic_knight said:

Auction ended 05:55am mountain time  : i put a bid in  25.5 million credits for the coal but didnt win  and 350  thousand coal  on the research points and didnt win that bid either . 

wonder what stupid  costs they went for  . 

I'm nowhere rich enough to play in that room.

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I bid on the Musashi flag (20 Million Credits) and the RB Points (400K Coal). Neither won. Not even the Coal bid.

I didn't expect the bid on the flag to win but hey you never know. I had over 1 Million Coal and all Coal ships so figured dropping 400K on Coal to get the RB pts (enough with what I have for me to get Illinois) was worth it. I thought for sure I would be way over at 400K in all honesty but was ok if it took the full 400K. I was shocked I fell 87K+ short even with such a high bid. 

It amazes me the amount of resources and real money people will part with in these auctions.


Edited by AdmiralThunder
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4 hours ago, Scrubby_McScrub said:

That coal amount was STUPID for only 20k research points. That's about 2 ships worth! RP are pretty easily ground out. 

Tbf many of us detest regrinding lines. I find RB pts to be the worst resource to get. It is expensive in FXP to skip the regrind as well. Coal on the other hand is super easy to get. At the time of the bidding I was a bit over 1 Million on hand and I have ALL the Coal ships so I put a bid in of 400K Coal on the RB pts (and figured that was more than needed). 

While I know 400K Coal is almost enough to get 2 ships the RB pts would have been enough for me to get Illinois and I would have still had 3 Coal ships worth of Coal left and nothing to use it on. I will not willingly regrind lines and I would much rather overpay in Coal than use about 700K FXP for a 2X reset to get an equivalent amount of RB pts to the auction lot. 

So I guess it is just your individual perspective. RB is not for everyone. There are some ships gated behind it many folks would like to have but we just will not jump through the regrind hoops for WG's amusement. For us FXP is the path to the RB bureau. Since the economic rework FXP is way harder to build a reserve supply of (I was always 3 Million +/- prior to rework and now seldom break 1 Million). So the chance to get almost a X2 RB reset worth of pts for Coal, which I gather so easy and have so much of, was interesting/attractive to me.

But dang; 480K+ Coal is just insane! I was choking on my 400K bid. LOL.

I mean what else am I to do with all my Coal at this point as it keeps piling up? I have over 1 Million on hand and that is after getting Brisbane just recently...



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I bid on the coal, and got it. (And had actually increased my bid a bit Sunday evening, which I’m glad I did or I’d have missed it.) I used to do all of the coal auctions when they first started, but hadn’t done one the last couple to rebuild my credit reserve.

Already had Musashi, and wasn’t interested in the credit flag. And had absolutely no interest in either the steel flag or spending hundreds of thousands of coal on 20k RP. If I was going to spend steel on something cosmetic, I’d rather do it on the steel camos that I’d actually use rather than a flag. 

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