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What do you do at the end of a match?

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I'm sure we all know that you don't have to wait for a match to be over if you get sunk ... you can "Battle On".

I almost never do that. Granted I play COOP so if I do mess up and get sunk, it's not long before the match is over. Regardless of that, however, I actually enjoy the opportunity to watch other people play ... and occasionally I see someone do something with teaches me a lesson in how to play better.

Anyway, I was curious ... how many of you 'battle on' versus hanging around and watching the match out?


Depends on when in the match I go down. If I get sunk early cause I had my head up my, um, yeah, I battle on. If later I just wait since it won't be long.


Depends on when I sink, and how the battle’s going.

If it’s close to the end and a close game, I might stick around. If I mess up and die early, I’ll probably go back to port or start a new battle right away.

If I have the typical randoms team, I’ll go to a new battle just to save my sanity.

The only time I’ll always stick around is when I’m in a division and the rest of my division is still alive. If we’re all dead, we’ll typically go to the next game, unless it’s a close match that we want to watch. 


If I get sunk in the first five to seven minutes and am not in a division I'm typically just going next. Most of the time randoms where you get zero support as a destroyer or your flank gets hard rolled and your cruiser blown up that fast is just going to be a blow out. Close matches I may stick around near the end to see how it closes out.


I stay only if there are a small number of humans.  Otherwise, I bail and play the next mission in that ship....  If there are no mission, I just stay until the game ends normally.  There's no point of rushing.........

2 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

I'm sure we all know that you don't have to wait for a match to be over if you get sunk ... you can "Battle On".

I almost never do that. Granted I play COOP so if I do mess up and get sunk, it's not long before the match is over. Regardless of that, however, I actually enjoy the opportunity to watch other people play ... and occasionally I see someone do something with teaches me a lesson in how to play better.

Anyway, I was curious ... how many of you 'battle on' versus hanging around and watching the match out?

Depends upon my mood and what missions I may be working-on.

I have to admit, there are times when it is worth staying to watch how a battle ends or to support the team with positive chat or exchange banter and clever conversation in "all-chat" until the battle concludes.

Other times... I'll take advantage of the option to exit and sortie into another battle.  It can be a beneficial time-management tool.

Personally, it seems to depend more on my mood and whatever time-pressure I may be feeling than whatever battle/event mode I'm sailing in.  🙂 


Other than cry? Hit Another Match or chill in Port and think about what I did.


I usually take a long sip of soup~

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I appreciate the option to jump into a new battle, when I'm pressed for time as is usually the case in the various events. If it's not an event, I try to stick around and see why nobody else but me died.

I also enjoy floating about in "Angel mode" and breezing over the ocean maps to the tune of 2001: A space Odyssey.

Having done that, I'll refill on coffee, pat the dog, grab a biscuit and maybe make a dash for the privy (Not in that order) to be back when the game ends.

I also try to get real absorbed in the next match before the Honey-do-you-think-you-could. WR 48%.


I usually just tread water where I was sunk and watch the rest of the match on the mini-map.  I like to see if my flank prevailed from my sacrifice and watch how the end of game strategy works in case I ever get to be in that position.


It depends, if I am on the clock I'll go back to port and move onto the next ship. If the battle is close, rarely in COOP, I'll hang around. Also if I suspect a botter I'll go and check out what they're doing.


with co-op i just usually  just look at the team placement ,in randoms ( a few of them ) rank (rarely) and ops , i will look at the end of battle report including the details section


If I am close to the end of mission or 1300bxp I would alt-tab and wait for the the scoreboard so I know whether I can call it a day.

Otherwise I may just move on to the next grind, or get some water, or toilet etc.


Depends on if I'm grinding a mission, yesterday after my first 3 games I only needed 50 fires with cruisers, so I loaded up Colbert and if I died and felt confident in the team I'd battle on immediately. 

When I'm just working my normal daily routine and not chasing WG carrots I tend to want to see the results screen because I find it interesting. My base xp score, damages and spotting. 


I'm with Soup.  Watch the match and sip while crying.

And try not to forget to update ship balances in the spreadsheet.



I keep a log of ship played, mode played, tiers faced, ship XP, net credits and commander XP with every battle, so I tend to hang around toward the end unless the mission is time-sensitive and the clock is running down. 

If I'm grinding a particular ship, I'll be more inclined to push "Battle On" if the battle is nowhere near its end. 

If I'm close to finishing a particular task for a mission and the next task is something completely different, I'll wait for the end to see if I made the cut. This is especially the case if the next task is completely different. e.g. say that I'm using my Minotaur for main battery hits, but if the next mission involves starting fires then staying with the Minotaur is pointless and I need to switch as soon as I know the MB hit mission is complete. 


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Most of the time I like to see how the battle finishes out. Only when I'm pressed for time do I press battle on. I do like having that option, though.


I almost never 'battle on.' I'm usually too invested in how the battle has gone to quit out.

The triggers for quitting out are when the game is trolling me and I feel the rage building. But then I don't 'battle on', I close the game and play something else.

The other is when my team is obviously throwing...by intent or shear ignorance...and then I quit out because I don't need to stay to watch that nonsense.


Thank you everyone for your responses.

Before I semi-retired I worked in Academia for many years ... and one of my amusements was dreaming up PhD Thesis subjects from the world around me. I think there's definitely a most intriguing thesis there

Some notes on the online game World of Warships and player perceived time pressure as influenced by the publisher

Seriously though ... it is quite noteworthy that the 'Battle On' button is clearly getting a fair bit of use, which means that single innovation may have lead to a significant increase in the number of games played. Of course to quantify it we'd need WG to cough up actual data, which isn't going to happen ... but even this limited sample shows that the button is a major factor in how the game is played.

I wonder if it's resulted in a total increase in the number of games played, or if it's just made it quicker for people to play (roughly) the same number of games.


Thanks again




I go play another ship, mostly because I'm used to being unable to just play the same ship again. However, I kinda like going back to port.


never have hit the "battle on" button.  I stay and watch or duck out for a quick durry.


Usually I stay on to watch the battle and perhaps learn from how a teammate plays their ship. This also gives me time to reflect on the folly which led to my demise. Watching the rest of the battle without me is a kind of penance, occasionally even a purgatory.

If I rushed straight into another battle, perhaps I will not have learned my lesson and will tend to repeat the same kind of mistake?

PS. I sometimes do, anyway.


I will usually stay, and swap perspectives around the battle.  If I do get wrecked really early, or if my team is doing awful I may pop out and play a co-op battle, to try to change up my luck.

On 9/4/2023 at 2:55 AM, SunkCostFallacy said:

Anyway, I was curious ... how many of you 'battle on' versus hanging around and watching the match out?

Depends on the match and what I am doing... If I am "hard grinding" something (ships, missions, etc) I tend to not wait around unless its just about to end, if I am in a more casual mood then I sppectate esp if the match is a close cut affair...

20 hours ago, iDuckman said:

I'm with Soup.  Watch the match and sip while sobbing.

For the alliteration !


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