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If Our Captains Could Talk... again.

Ensign Cthulhu

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TO: All Fleet Units

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Communications.

Be advised that lines of communication have now been re-established and will continue on this channel henceforth.



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2 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

It's good to be doing this again. 

Isn't it just? Come the end of Sunday, I can make my first "Weekend Spree" post in this forum and then it will really start to feel like home!

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To: Fleet Admiral Lawrence Lawford, Chief of Operations: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent, Commander: USS Pensacola.

From: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.

Admiral Lawford, it is with great pleasure I inform you that proper communications channels have been reestablished, I wish for a report from each section commander as to the status of the vessels under their commands as soon as possible.

Thank You Admiral.

Signed: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.



To: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.

From: Fleet Admiral Lawrence Lawford, Chief of Operations: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent, Commander: USS Pensacola.

Commander, it is a great pleasure to know that proper communications have been established, now on to the reports.

Fleet Admiral Yoshida of the IJN section, as well as destroyer Akizuki reports all ships ready for action, recent recruits, namely Legendary Commander Yamamoto, have all found suitable assignments.

Fleet Admiral Chandler of the USN section reports his recent transfer to the USS West Virginia '44 went well, although Legendary Commander Halsey was quite displeased for being passed over for command of the USN section.

Legendary Commander Kuznetsov reports the the Soviet sections is doing well from his flagship, the Vladivostok, with exception of Commander Chapayev, who when you have been brought up, uses curses that haven't been heard since Admiral Rozhestvensky had to deal with the Kamchatka, something about you telling her she wouldn't be swaying at anchor so much any more,

Fleet Admiral Eugen of the Kreigsmarine Section says all her ships are ready for action, so long as you don't need a functioning torpedo launchers, and that you don't mind some dents, hasty patches, and scorch marks, apparently Legendary Commander Lutjens likes to take after Admiral Nelson and get right along side the enemy, and speaking of Nelson...

Fleet Admiral Nelson of the Royal Navy and Commonwealth section reports all is well and that Legendary Commander Cunningham is shaping up well in command of the HMS St. Vincent

Fleet Admiral Honore of the Marine National, reports from his flagship, Jean Bart, all wine cellars are fully stocked and the bakeries are producing baguettes, for armor, ammo, and rations,  at full capacity

Legendary Commander Sansonetti of the Regia Marina, reports continued gunnery drills on all RM ships, letting his gun crews on his flagship, the Cesare, lead exercises, unfortunately, RM fleet gunnery is still in need of improvement,

Admiral Classen, commander of the European (including the Netherlands and Spain), Asian, and South American section reports, from his flagship Haarlem, that all ships ready and awaiting orders,

With that final report, all sections are accounted for, we await further orders

Signed: Fleet Admiral Lawrence Lawford, Chief of Operations: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent, Commander: USS Pensacola.


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@FltCaptAlan Nicely done, especially those subtle and not-so-subtle touches of humour. This is exactly the sort of thing we're looking for here!

I was scratching my head over Nelson because we don't actually have Horatio in game yet (Was I missing something?) and then I realized you meant the Azur Lane version, and I'd got confused 🤡 because you'd just finished talking about the real dude.



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TO: All national contingent commanders.

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Missions.

It has come to our attention that several national contingent commanders have examined the requirements for the LUSHUN campaign and are taking a rather over-eager attitude towards becoming involved.

Please note that full engagement in this campaign has NOT been approved at the... ah... deepest level.

A re-examination of this intention MAY be made during the Anniversary campaign, given the high level of activity necessitated by its demands. However, from the end of the Somme campaign to the beginning of the Anniversary was intended to be a period of relative inactivity, with only the completion of research into CATALUNA being of any real priority. 

Long-term goals for the Anniversary campaign are currently in flux, as those planning the event have declared an intention to make changes. If the basic structure as it stands does not change too drastically, the intention is to acquire one of the ships that can be obtained in lieu of BAYARD and then take stock of what is still achievable at that point.



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13 hours ago, FltCaptAlan said:



Now, all you need is a Date-Tiime-Group and a classification   (i.e. 171330ZAUG23 UNCLAS/FNA)  and it would almost be believable.

Edited by Asym
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1 hour ago, Asym said:

Now, all you need is a Date-Tiime-Group and a classification   (i.e. 171330ZAUG23 UNCLAS/FNA)  and it would almost be believable.

Can you point us to a list of official classification-level abbreviations and their meanings? Would be happy to start adding this in.

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Can you point us to a list of official classification-level abbreviations and their meanings? Would be happy to start adding this in.

I'd just use a DTG and call it a day.  If you want more information, Google what you want to know.

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6 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Nicely done, @FltCaptAlan.
Also, "What?  No Australian contingent?"  😉

They, and the Canadians, got grouped in with the rest of the RN

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8 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

@FltCaptAlan Nicely done, especially those subtle and not-so-subtle touches of humour. This is exactly the sort of thing we're looking for here!

I was scratching my head over Nelson because we don't actually have Horatio in game yet (Was I missing something?) and then I realized you meant the Azur Lane version, and I'd got confused 🤡 because you'd just finished talking about the real dude.



Well I was doing the sections in the order that they appear in port, and AL Nelson is my highest ranking RN commander, and given the nature of KM ships to brawl, and IRL Nelson's own statement, the Segway kinda wrote itself

Anyways, glad you got a few chuckles out of it

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1 hour ago, FltCaptAlan said:

They, and the Canadians, got grouped in with the rest of the RN

Thanks for clarifying.  🙂

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From:  Vice Admiral William F. Halsey Jr., Captain of the good ship Nebraska

To:  Adjutant of the Port, Gensui Kaigun Taishō Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)

Subject:  Research Notification


The research teams aboard the Nebraska have compiled enough data to finalize the designs of "Project Delaware". 

The "Blue" quality economic boosters issued to the Nebraska hastened the progress and actually caused an over-abundance of data.
The results of an internal audit of this process are enclosed as "Attachment A".
An independent inquiry is, of course, an option the Nebraska's crew will fully cooperate with, at your convenience.

In service of the Port!

William F. Halsey Jr.


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[Narrator]  The scene is the Alpha of the Port's Office.  Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.) has entered through the open doorway.

[Shirakami]  ::: walking towards the Alpha's desk and saying :::  "Alpha, here is the "short list" of candidates for assignment to the Delaware, that you asked Gunzo Chihaya and I to come-up with."

[Wolfswetpaws]  ::: rising from his desk and accepting the list :::  "Thank you."   
[Wolfswetpaws]  ::: after glancing at the list of names :::  "Ahem.  For a 'short list', there are quite a few names on it, Adjutant."

[Shirakami]  "Hai, Alpha.  Having a fleet with large pools of personnel to draw from sometimes produces this sort of conundrum."
[Shirakami]  "One of the considerations is the cost of re-training Halsey.  Also, we're at a crossroads for our long-term decisions about Captain Assignments."
[Shirakami]  "We did leave the Aircraft Carrier Captains off this list, for similar reasons of expense."
[Shirakami]  "And, it was felt that it would be the least disruptive if most Cruiser and Destroyer candidates were to continue in their current assignment paths."
[Shirakami]  "Assigning Halsey to the Delaware, or having him wait in reserve until the Louisiana is welcomed, affects how many personnel are moved around."
[Shirakami]  "As you know, the temporary 'borrow-your-bote' situation aboard the Constellation is currently and happily hosted by Commander A.L. Enterprise."
[Shirakami]  "But, eventually, the question of who is permanently assigned to the Constelllation will need to be settled.  Each change begets other changes."

[Wolfswetpaws]  "As you say, we're at a crossroads."

[Shirakami]  "Uhmn."

[Wolfswetpaws]  "All right.  As the old saying goes, *the buck stops here*.  I'll give this some thought and let you know my solution to our puzzle."

[Shirakami]  "Which reminds me, the Port currently has 40 pieces out of the 60 pieces needed for the Battle of the Somme collection puzzle."

[Wolfswetpaws]  "With less than four days remaining until the deadline on that mission-set, our progress is going to be interesting."

[Shirakami]  "The betting-pools and bookies are likely to be found very busy, if we had a spare a moment to officially notice them."

[Wolfswetpaws]  "If we were to officially notice.  But, frankly, we have more important matters."

[Shirakami]  "Will there be anything else?"

[Wolfswetpaws]  "No.  It's late.  Let's call it a night and start fresh in the morning."

[Shirakami]  "Aye-aye, Alpha.  See you in the morning."

[Wolfswetpaws]  "Goodnight, Adjutant."

[Narrator]  The scene zooms-in on the list of names held in the Alpha's grip, and then fades.



William F. Halsey Jr. (15 skill points), Nebraska

Daniel Oakley (13 skill points), Massachusetts

Popeye (12 skill points), Reserve Barracks

Azur Lane Colorado (10 skill points), Reserve Barracks

Azur Lane New Jersey (10 skill points), Reserve Barracks

Brian Alderson (10 skill points), Colorado

Richard McDougall (12 skill points), Iowa

David Lane (12 skill points), North Carolina

Harold Dickinson (10 skill points), North Carolina CLR

Hololive Watson Amelia (10 skill points), Reserve Barracks

Holden Kirby Bennett (10 skill points), Reserve Barracks

Theodore E. Chandler (10 skill points), Reserve Barracks

Andrew Bailey (10 skill points), Reserve Barracks

Katrina Hush Gareth (10 skill points), New Orleans

Arleigh Burke (12 skill points), West Virginia '44

Patrick Hall (11 skill points), Anchorage

Niel Chesters (12 skill points), Halford


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Personal Log      August 20th., 2023    

I'm shaking things up in the USN Captain assignments.  
Some of this has been deferred for a while and some of this is long-term planning.

~  William F. Halsey Jr., to be transferred from the Nebraska to a temporary assignment as Captain of the rented Aircraft Carrier Essex, for use in the Concealed Maneuvers temporary game mode.
Once that temporary game mode is ended, he'll be assigned to the Reserve Barracks and give lectures at the Academy to share the lessons learned from his experiences.
I'm borrowing a concept, used during WW-II, wherein Pilots and air-crews would be rotated back 'stateside' after completing 25 combat missions.  
While specific details vary, I believe the principle applies.
In the future Halsey can be assigned to the Louisiana after she's welcomed to the Port.

~ A.L. Enterprise is to resume full-time command of the Saipan, pending the future (someday) welcome of the ship Enterprise. 
   "Job well-done", with regards to her time as temporary Captain of both the Saipan and the Constellation.  She gets to keep the extra hat as a souvenir.

~ Daniel Oakley to be transferred from the Massachusetts to the Delaware.

~ Popeye to be assigned to the Massachusetts

~ Brian Alderson to be transferred from the Colorado to the Nebraska

~ Azur Lane Colorado to be assigned to the ship Colorado

~ Azur Lane Iowa will take-over the temporary assignment as Captain of the Constellation and the role of Hostess in the "borrow your bote" program that provides training opportunities for Commanders to sortie in command of the Constellation.

~ Richard McDougall will remain as Captain of the Iowa, for now.
My plan is to assign him to the Montanna, someday.
When that happens, assigning Azur Lane Iowa to the ship Iowa is anticipated.

As I write this, Adjutant Shirikami and Administrator Chihaya's staff are preparing the official orders for my signatures.

Alpha of the Port

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To: Fleet Admiral Edward Oakley, Commander: USS Des Moines

From: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.

Admiral Oakley, after discussion with Admirals Chandler and Lawford I grant you the title of Navy Elite, I invested a substantial amount of time and resources to ensure you earned this title, put them to good use in the upcoming battles,

Congratulations Admiral.

Signed: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.



To: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.

From: Fleet Admiral Edward Oakley, Commander: USS Des Moines

Commander, it is with great humility I accept this new title and responsibility, and I thank you for the faith you have shown in me, I will follow Admiral Lawford's fine example and command Des Moines accordingly, I await further orders.

Signed: Fleet Admiral Edward Oakley, Commander: USS Des Moines


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TO: All Commanders

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Recent Campaigns.

Our commanders are to be congratulated on their efforts to complete the recent tasks with regard to the Azur Lane and (especially) Somme campaigns. Both were successful in terms of obtaining the desired prizes, and we have decided to devolve to a low level of activity prior to the pending Anniversary event. We note the lack of upgrade modules fitted to USS GEARING and SMS JAGER (and possibly others) and we would encourage research in the Public Test environment while keeping our primary activities to a minimum.

All that we ask for the remainder of this campaign cycle is that CATALUNA is ready to obtain at the first opportunity and that the Tier 7 economic bonus which is the prize for the campaign cycle is obtained. 


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TO: Graham Oakley, O/C US Fleet, Port of R'lyeh

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh



We have had enough of a two-bit robot with only three command points taking this ship into battle. You are directed to post Commodore Hank Bailey to this ship as a permanent command and begin his retraining at once.

Lt. JG Bumblebee can take the helm temporarily in the event that the GEARING is absolutely required before Commodore Bailey's training is complete.


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To: Fleet Admiral [AL] Nelson, Commander: HMS Nelson

From: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.

Admiral Nelson, after discussion with Admiral Lawford, I decided grant you the title of Navy Elite, I invested a substantial amount of time and resources to ensure you earned this title, put them to good use in the upcoming battles,

Congratulations Admiral.

Signed: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.




To: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.

From: Fleet Admiral [AL] Nelson, Commander: HMS Nelson

Commander, Thank you for showing such trust in me and deeming me worthy of such honor, the Royal Navy and Commonwealth section is in good hands, we await your word.

Signed: Fleet Admiral [AL], Commander: HMS Nelson


Edited by FltCaptAlan
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From: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

To: Kapitan zur See Heinrich Vogt, Commander: Schlieffen; Captain Victor F Einstein, Commander: Minotaur; Lieutenant Oliver Pratt, Commander: Wakeful; Fregattenkapitän Martin Eckolt, Commander: V-170; Kapitan zur See Kristian Laue, Commander: T-22

Please make preparations to get under way immediately and report availability.

Signed: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet



From: Kapitan zur See Kristian Laue, Commander: T-22

To: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

T-22 ready for departure at 0650Z.

Signed: Kapitan zur See Kristian Laue, Commander: T-22



From: Fregattenkapitän Martin Eckolt, Commander: V-170

To: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

V-170 can be ready to depart by 0645Z.

Signed: Fregattenkapitän Martin Eckolt, Commander: V-170



From: Captain Victor F Einstein, Commander: Minotaur

To: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

Minotaur will be ready to depart at 0730Z.

Signed: Captain Victor F Einstein, Commander: Minotaur



From: Lieutenant Oliver Pratt, Commander: Wakeful

To: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

Wakeful will have full steam available by 0700Z.

Signed: Lieutenant Oliver Pratt, Commander: Wakeful



From: Kapitan zur See Heinrich Vogt, Commander: Schlieffen

To: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

Schlieffen will be ready to get under way at 0745Z.

Signed: Kapitan zur See Heinrich Vogt, Commander: Schlieffen



From: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

To: Kapitan zur See Heinrich Vogt, Commander: Schlieffen; Captain Victor F Einstein, Commander: Minotaur; Lieutenant Oliver Pratt, Commander: Wakeful; Fregattenkapitän Martin Eckolt, Commander: V-170; Kapitan zur See Kristian Laue, Commander: T-22

Schlieffen, Minotaur, Wakeful, V-170 and T-22 are to form TF 36.4 under command of Heinrich Vogt. Your instructions are to leave port at 0800Z and make best speed to rendezvous with TF 36. Upon joining TF 36 you will operate under Kaigun Taishō Keisuke Takahashi until further notice.

Signed: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet



From: Kapitan zur See Heinrich Vogt, OIC, TF 36.4, Commander: Schlieffen

To: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

Currently under way, expect to rendezvous with TF 36 at 210830Z AUG23

Signed: Kapitan zur See Heinrich Vogt, OIC, TF 36.4, Commander: Schlieffen



From: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

To: Kaigun Taishō Keisuke Takahashi, OIC, TF 36, Commander: Musashi

Be advised that Schlieffen, Minotaur and three escorts will be joining you on or around 210830Z AUG23. Both units will operate under your command as long as you need them.

Signed: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet



From: Kaigun Taishō Keisuke Takahashi, OIC, TF 36, Commander: Musashi

To: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

Excellent news, both of them will be quite useful for next weeks missions.

Signed: Kaigun Taishō Keisuke Takahashi, OIC, TF 36, Commander: Musashi



From: Kaigun Taishō Keisuke Takahashi, OIC, TF 36, Commander: Musashi

To: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

Three objectives of SOM and DOC have been finished, as well as two of four CC tasks. Last remaining first level NB objectives have also been completed. Musashi, Gouden Leeuw, Adriatico, Lambros Katsonis, Grozovoi and Daring all report ready for action. Refueling destroyers should be completed by 0700, awaiting further orders.

Signed: Kaigun Taishō Keisuke Takahashi, OIC, TF 36, Commander: Musashi



From: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

To: Kaigun Taishō Keisuke Takahashi, OIC, TF 36, Commander: Musashi

Congratulations on successful completing all currently assigned missions. When refueling is complete Daring and Grozovoi are to return to port. Remainder of TF 36 will continue supporting current operations.

Signed: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet


200629Z AUG23 GENOPS

From: Kaigun Taishō Keisuke Takahashi, OIC, TF 36, Commander: Musashi

To: Kapitan 2 Ranga Ivan the Terrible, Commander: Grozovoi; Captain Skullcap, Commander: Daring

Daring and Grozovoi are to form TF 36.1 under the command of Ivan the Terrible, with instructions to return to port when refueling is complete. Thank you for your excellent service.

Signed: Kaigun Taishō Keisuke Takahashi, OIC, TF 36, Commander: Musashi



From: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

To: Fleet Admiral Stanley Brown, OIC, TF 33, Commander: Massachusetts

Please provide readiness report for TF 33 with regards to potential random operations next week.

Signed: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet


200703Z AUG23 GENOPS

From: Kapitan 2 Ranga Ivan the Terrible, OIC, TF 36.1, Commander: Grozovoi

To: Kaigun Taishō Keisuke Takahashi, OIC, TF 36, Commander: Musashi

Refueling complete, returning to port as instructed.

Signed: Kapitan 2 Ranga Ivan the Terrible, OIC, TF 36.1, Commander: Grozovoi



From: Fleet Admiral Stanley Brown, OIC, TF 33, Commander: Massachusetts

To: Fleet Admiral Amaruk, CINC, Combined Fleet

Massachusetts, North Carolina, Baltimore, Rochester, Cleveland, Wickes, Clemson, Nicholas and Hill all report available for immediate action.

Signed: Fleet Admiral Stanley Brown, OIC, TF 33, Commander: Massachusetts


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To: Vice-Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, Legendary Commander

From: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.

Admiral Yamamoto, after discussion with O/A CO, Fleet Admiral Lawford, as well as IJN Section CO, Fleet Admiral Yoshida, it has been decided to grant you command of the mighty IJN Satsuma, but please don't fret that you will be relegated to swinging at anchor, calling your ship a hotel, I still intend to give you temporary command of other, more active vessels in the IJN section.

Congratulations Admiral.

Signed: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.




To: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.

From: Vice-Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, Legendary Commander

Commander, It is a great honor that you deem me worthy of such a valuable command, I assure you I will command the ship to the best of my abilities, and I will stand ready for any temporary commands you require of me.

Signed: Vice-Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, Legendary Commander: IJN Satsuma



To: Vice-Admiral Yamamoto Isoroku, Legendary Commander: IJN Satsuma

From: Rear Admiral Chapayev, Commander: Chapayev

Admiral, firstly, congratulations on your new command, I'm sure that when you take that ship out, it will perform well in your qualified hands. Secondly, I must war you, don't listen to our Kamchatka of a commander, he told me once that now that I was in command of the ship I was destined for, I would no longer sway at anchor, and that was true for a handful of battles, it have been months since my ship has left port. I hope for your sake that he does keep his word and gives you temporary commands that he deems you useful for, and if not, surly my cruiser and your mighty battleship could sink his precious fleet of American heavy cruisers, including his beloved Pensacola.

Signed: Rear Admiral Chapayev, Commander: Chapayev


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TO: Capitan de Navio Domingo Perez, O/C EspNS ASTURIAS; Commandeur Dasha Perova, O/C HNLMS HAARLEM.

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Promotion to Fleet Admiral, First Class

The moment is looming when we will have sufficient promotion credit to make one of you a First Class Fleet Admiral, and as you probably know, it has been a bone of contention at Fleet Command as to which of you should receive this promotion.

We have decided to promote Commandeur Perova, as she is in command of a ship she is not likely to leave whereas Capitan de Navio Perez still has a way to go before he is ready for promotion. We would like to see him at least in command of the Andalucia before granting him his permanent flag command.

To wait until he is ready would delay unnecessarily our goal, which is ideally to have the both of you at Fleet Admiral Rank by the end of the year. It is better in our opinion to promote Commandeur Perova at the first opportunity and then begin the reaccumulation of more promotion credits at once. 



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