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Thank you for doing this.


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Will definitely support you guy$.  Thanks also for the DARK MODE.

These old eyes burn 😎

Col Out

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Thanks, mate. I hope to have the donate button working by the weekend.
You might also like to give the blue theme a try

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4 minutes ago, Haneto said:

Im blind. Where are the themes? 🙂

Go to Account Settings under your profile, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see 'Themes' with a drop down menu.


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Thank you to those people who came up with this forum as well. The community needs a real forum.

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41 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Go to Account Settings under your profile, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see 'Themes' with a drop down menu.


Found it. Thank you!

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52 minutes ago, Taylor3006 said:

I really like the Blue Note theme.   It is quite nice and easy on the eyeballs. 

Yes, the Blue Note theme is nice. I don't normally have any issues with light themes either, always had that on the official forum, and now even have that on Discord. (Earlier I used the dark theme there, might go back now as we have a proper forum again.) There's a plus, too, because the Blue Note theme also differentiates the posts from the darker background, and the edit, quote etc. options are now visible as well.

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6 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

because the Blue Note theme also differentiates the posts from the darker background, and the edit, quote etc. options are now visible as well

Yeah, my bad that i couldn’t get that fixed in the darkly theme. Will eventually, though.

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15 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

Col Out

Glad to see a pile of the "frequent fliers" from the old forum. Thanks for helping out a pile of Newbs figure out the game...

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3 minutes ago, SureBridge said:

Glad to see a pile of the "frequent fliers" from the old forum. Thanks for helping out a pile of Newbs figure out the game...

Welcome SureBridge! Thank you for your ongoing support of training. You were at the very beginning of testing a multi-clan training program. I hope that you can continue it and that this platform will be a place to let people know that resource is out there! Keep up the excellent work! 

  • Thanks 1
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I now notice we appear to have timestamps on the threads and posts. Was this too originally a theme related issue we just couldn't see them earlier?

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oh, I am perplexed. Did I press the wrong button at the right time?

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