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Consumables mod (slot5) on anything?


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Anyone ever run this? I was starting to think if this wouldn't be cool on something. USBB heal/dcp immunity max? Lighthouse cruiser, perhaps conde, maximized radar on something... I've only ever tested it on Immelmann cv sniping build and quickly switched out of it. 

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Yorktown running an interceptor heavy build is the place I've seriously used a slot 5 consumables mod myself. An extra smoke on both tactical squadrons and several extra charges of interceptors across all squadrons. Plus a bonus heal on the torpedo bombers.

Generally though concealment is just too valuable to consider the consumables slot on most standard ships. But it can be a funny meme on the likes of St. Vincent in CBs when you can get a extra few thousand health per heal because of it.

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2 minutes ago, Kynami said:

Yorktown running an interceptor heavy build is the place I've seriously used a slot 5 consumables mod myself. An extra smoke on both tactical squadrons and several extra charges of interceptors across all squadrons. Plus a bonus heal on the torpedo bombers.

Generally though concealment is just too valuable to consider the consumables slot on most standard ships. But it can be a funny meme on the likes of St. Vincent in CBs when you can get a extra few thousand health per heal because of it.

In other words, it's an option if you decide to forego the concealment boost? The lighthouse build then is a potential build for doing that, but are there any other situations where you might not want to have that concealment?

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8 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

but are there any other situations where you might not want to have that concealment

There are a few ships that have their unique upgrades in that fifth slot. But this pretty much precludes using either concealment or the consumables mod if you have any desire to use the unique.

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1 hour ago, Itwastuesday said:

Anyone ever run this? I was starting to think if this wouldn't be cool on something. USBB heal/dcp immunity max? Lighthouse cruiser, perhaps conde, maximized radar on something... I've only ever tested it on Immelmann cv sniping build and quickly switched out of it. 


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27 minutes ago, Yedwy said:


Maybe yeah, loses the least by not taking the plane capacity mod or whatever it is. 

Thinking about it, 10% just isn't a lot for most consumables or is rather unnecessary for the longer duration ones. Going from 15s to 16.5 on reload booster probably doesn't do anything. 

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2 hours ago, Kynami said:

Yorktown running an interceptor heavy build is the place I've seriously used a slot 5 consumables mod myself. An extra smoke on both tactical squadrons and several extra charges of interceptors across all squadrons. Plus a bonus heal on the torpedo bombers.

Generally though concealment is just too valuable to consider the consumables slot on most standard ships. But it can be a funny meme on the likes of St. Vincent in CBs when you can get a extra few thousand health per heal because of it.

This is where I run consumables as well.

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Interesting topic.  🙂 

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If your not taking concealment in slot 5, the extra rudder shift is a much better option especially if you’re running a lighthouse build. 

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I might consider having a lighthouse build on the Yamato. My favorite playstyle seems to be, meaning when I have the most fun, when I go back and forth behind the cap zone like the ducks go in the fairground.

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10% is just to little compared how much concelment is good and how much its important.

Maybe use it on Bungo? so its spotter plane last longer?

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5 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

Anyone ever run this? I was starting to think if this wouldn't be cool on something. USBB heal/dcp immunity max? 

A funny one to do it on is Missouri. Along with the DCP mod in slot one and radar and DCP and repair skills, you can have something like 31 second repair, 31 second dcp and like 54 second radar. Have I had it be useful with the radar? No. It's just a meme.

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Posted (edited)

I use it on Henri IV which has a Lighthouse build.  I also use it on Minotaur for a longer smoke duration.  

Edited by Captain_Rawhide
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11 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

10% is just to little compared how much concelment is good and how much its important.

Maybe use it on Bungo? so its spotter plane last longer?

How many extra salvos do you actually get with it? 

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I'd say the only ship I've not run concealment mod on is Khabarovsk(the rudder is bad enough to make the trade off worth it). Otherwise, no never. Concealment mod is so crazy good that the benefits of the other two really don't compare. Even on ships with bad concealment(like Kleber), having that dispersion penalty for incoming fire does matter and can save you occasionally.

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Posted (edited)

concealment is a must have on nearly every ship not using a light house build and those would usually go for rudder module.


i rather blame WG for making concealment a broken mechanic pretty much everything sucks in comparison

Edited by pepe_trueno
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1 hour ago, Unlooky said:

How many extra salvos do you actually get with it? 

none,    you just get 3 off without it.   Sure it might give you a little more time to fool around with those 3 though.

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19 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

Maybe use it on Bungo? so its spotter plane last longer?

Use the spotter mod in slot 1 for this.

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12 hours ago, pepe_trueno said:

I rather blame WG for making concealment a broken mechanic pretty much everything sucks in comparison

The game desperately needs a concealment rework at the moment...

Doing so would also solve some of the problems with plane and sub implementation as well...

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