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What Clan would you recommend?


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I'll try something a bit different here: What clan (that you are NOT currently a member of) would you recommend, and why? Obviously you think that the clan you are IN is awesome, but what clans have you been in / played with (or against) and would recommend?

Please add on to this thread so that folks looking for clans can have a "third party" review (and possibly contacts within the clan to talk to). All of the clans you recommend should be clans that you personally have joined, would have considered joining or you know are a great fit for some folks even if that is "not you". 

I'll put a few out here, mostly in the "competitive" space since I've gone from PvE to PvP in the last year, including a couple of King of the Seas tournaments. Many of my recommendations will be based on the folks that I interact with (often in tournaments) that have made me think "these folks are good to play with (and against)"

Smaller Clans: 

[TORP] (Team of rebel Players) - have a focus on getting better, and are hitting the clan battles hard this season. they also have a cake toss on their discord server. Fun people who aren't afraid of being silly, and one of the clans that is helping put together a "training 101" system for newer players. Ping @yss_turtleship if you want to talk about his clan, he's on this forum ALL THE TIME

[PASN] (Pirate Assassins) Another of the clans that is helping with the "training 101" program. @HogHammer has a recruitment post up in this forum, and is also here all the time.

[PVE] A self-explanatory name, this clan is focused on PvE vs PVP, @AdmiralThunder has a post below. Always fun to play co-p or Operations with the PVE folks, and a clan that isn't going to push competitive if that isn't your thing.

[RCNW] Royal Canadian Navy Winnipeg. Lots of PvE, not much PvP. I would have stayed in RCNW but I wanted to get better at competitive, and joined a clan with a training program. Nice folks, and you'll almost always get lots of Div Stars. 

[RMN] (Royal Manticoran Navy) A bunch of folks that are really into the Honorverse (David Weber) Sci-fi universe. I've played against them in king of the Seas, and they're pretty darn friendly - I need to ping their command staff and le them know that this forum is now live 🙂

Larger clans

[NGA] Navy Gaming America This was the first clan that I was a member of that was serious about training, and has both in-season and off season training programs. About 3/4 first responders, active and retired duty: if you are a member of the armed forces (of whatever nation) it may be worth dropping them a line

[HOPAS] (Honoring our People at Sea) HOPAS has a number of sub-clans, and I always expect a tough fight when they are on the other side. I also have never seen anything but polite reactions from HOPAS in chat, and will generally ping them in Randoms to try and set a strategy. Good to scrim against (for BC or KotS training)

[JEDI] Another group of clans that have solid training (based on folks I have played with - never been a member). They seem to have been somewhat less active in the last year or so

[-K-] [YOLOK] (and others) The Kraken Community, these folks have several clans from "training" and "Casual" to hard-core "we will win" tournament clans. 

Wolf Clans

[*WOLF*] These clans are for folks who want the benefits of a clan structure without worrying about playing with folks in their clan. Not my cup of tea, but worth mentioning because they are definitely an option for you lone wolves out there. 

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[CO-OP] We are primarily COOP and Ops clan although we do have members who dabble in PVP of various flavours. We're in it mostly for the bonuses and the opportunity to make humorous comments to each other. Our only requirement is to play once in 30 days. Fulfil that and you can do pretty much what you like, without pissing off other clans or their members.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/2/2023 at 3:56 PM, SureBridge said:

[RMN] (Royal Manticoran Navy) A bunch of folks that are really into the Honorverse (David Weber) Sci-fi universe. I've played against them in king of the Seas, and they're pretty darn friendly - I need to ping their command staff and let them know that this forum is now live 🙂

Never knew about this clan.  I find it quite interesting that there's a clan centered around Dave Weber's Honorverse novels.

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On 9/18/2023 at 1:58 PM, iDuckman said:

Doesn't EU have clans?  Asia?


I bet that they do - I just don't know of any since I'm on the NA server. 

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On 9/19/2023 at 8:58 AM, Crucis said:

I find it quite interesting that there's a clan centered around Dave Weber's Honorverse novels.

There are all sorts of clans in WOWS. Pretty sure there's at least one for My Little Pony fans. Yes, you read that right.

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