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Another Tiger sub-20K T10 Top Out


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Less than 20K damage and top out in T10.



I've come to the conclusion that the spotting damage points is tied to the type of spotting damage.  In this game, a lot of that damage was spotting two T10 DDs.  The true power of the Tiger in T10 matches is lighting up T10 DDs that the team focuses and kills.  And when you can deliver that early in the match, that sets the stage for a roll. 

I'm guessing that DD spotted damage, plus my bit on the sub and the DD was enough...and the team score is flat (meaning an even contribution).  Tiger 59 FTW!!!  [Really does up tier nicely].




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Regular damage is tied to the percentage of the ship, so I would assume that spotting damage is as well.

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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, Ducky_shot said:

Regular damage is tied to the percentage of the ship, so I would assume that spotting damage is as well.

I really don't think WeGe devs are smart enough to code that.

Edited by WES_HoundDog
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4 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

I really don't think WeGe devs are smart enough to code that.

That might be the point.  The same routines for damage score can be used for spotting damage score.  The only difference is a divisor in the latter.  It would be more code to do it otherwise.

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5 hours ago, SoshiSone said:

That might be the point.  The same routines for damage score can be used for spotting damage score.  The only difference is a divisor in the latter.  It would be more code to do it otherwise.

I do believe they said that all spotting damage was to be equivalent to regular damage BXPwise awhile back when they changed it so I'd assume that you would get more for higher tiers & get it quicker for DDs over BB hits.

Even though it's not listed in the wiki (as that's not actually WG...just compilations of what WG has released) I believe that when you cause potential damage (not hitting a target but getting close enough [.7km] to the target/or actually hitting but doing zero damage) you get BXP for that too...not full value of course but some...

Basically (& again...this is just assumption ["I believe"]) when you cause reds to get BXP (from potential damage...which is listed in the wiki) you get a bit too...

I came to this hypothesis farming ribbon hit missions in co-op with the Atlanta back when there was always that BB that used to beach...

I'd avoid all the other ships (save the XP for others when I just had a ribbon hit mission to finish off) & bee-line to the beached BB then load AP (didn't wanna start fires & burn it down too quickly) & aim for the torp bulge...

400-(to as much as 1200 one time & 1000 quite a few others...but usually around) 800 ribbon hits later...in the time it took the rest of the team to finish off the rest of the bots (the humans had all died on the 1200 one so kept going).

Generally...after team finished off the rest I'd torp it out so they could get to the next battle...

1 BB kill in a co-op battle gave around 400 (for 400-600 hits) to as much as 700 BXP (for 800-1000 hits...the 1200 gave 750 BXP)...could only assume both the hits themselves & the potential damage from the hits combined to give that high of a BXP total for a single co-op kill.

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